If you have not been following my blog, do read about my previous post on Lemon Garden Cafe.
We initially wanted to try the buffet dim sum at Shang Palace as friends have commented their dim sum are nice but a call to Shang Palace confirmed that there would be no dim sum buffet available for that day.
In case you think I must be bloody rich to be dining at such expensive places twice in a week, let me assure you I am only doing so since my friend had the Shangri-La privilege card which entitled her and her guest to 50% discount on all dining in any restaurants in the hotel.
OK, back to the topic at hand. The buffet lunch at Zipangu started at 11.30am. We arrived there at 11.30am sharp. Already there were a few early birds there, and I thought we were the earliest!
We were led to our table for two which had a nice view of a fake mini Japanese garden outside.

But as the afternoon set in, we had to request for another table because the sun was shining at our table and it was getting hot!

We actually asked the waiter to lower the blinds but guess what? They were not real blinds, so they could not be lowered! So move to the next table we did!
The first thing I ate was unagi. I love unagi and I knew how expensive they were. And I could eat as much unagi here as I wanted! Wonderful!

I also had beef, fried rice with squids, fish, chicken and something that looks like a fish ball.
Next, I went for my favourite sushi and sashimi.

I did not try their oysters as they were small and did not look fresh. It was a far cry from the very juicy and delicious looking oysters I had at Lemon Garden Cafe!
My friend did not really like raw food and she joked that to kill off all those worms in the sashimi, she asked me to drink some hot soup right after eating them! I was like, yeah, as if that would work! Anyway, there were huge varieties of soups available and I chose this kimchi hotpot with codfish.

It tasted a bit sourish and the codfish was nice. But I think I still prefer Chinese soups. I do think Chinese people make better soups compared to the Japanese.
Next, we went for the tempura.

I don't really fancy fried things simply because I think they are pretty unhealthy with all those trans fat. But I thought the fried pumpkin (right side of photo) was rather nice.
After that, we went for the Japanese salad.

Do you see the Japanese soy beans or popularly known as edamame in the photo? They are my absolute favourites! I ate tons and tons of these beans! If I recall correctly, one plate of edamame in Sushi King taken from the kaiten belt cost RM4. I think the amount of edamame beans I ate that day was equivalent to more than 4 Sushi King plates!
I also like their salmon salad (middle of photo in orange colour) and the different pickles (right side of photo in purple, yellow and black)
By then , I was already too full to try the Japanese noodles. I was really quite surprised at myself. Normally, I would be able to eat some more, but somehow on that day, I felt full already. Maybe it's too much of the fibres from the edamame beans! Or maybe lunch was just too early at 11.30am.
Well, full or not, there must still be some space left for the desserts! I never ever miss desserts at any buffet. Going to a buffet and not eating the desserts is like not going to a buffet at all! Blame it on my sweet tooth!
This being a Japanese buffet, I am not going to miss the mochis!

The purple and green mochi (or is it called omochi?) is a must-eat. The other desserts were the normal cakes and local kueh. I was quite surprised they did not have Japanese green tea ice cream! I would have thought a Japanese buffet should at least include that!
Well, it was nevertheless, quite a satisfying meal. And I sort of like the nice relaxing ambience there. It was certainly a high class dining experience with tables all spread quite far apart from each other so that it felt spacious. No noisy "pasar" environment you normally find in Chinese dining restaurants.
The bill came up to about RM55 for each person after the 50% discount, which was definitely worth it. It was miles better than Shogun which cost about RM60. By the way, I will never go to eat at Shogun in 1Utama ever again - their food is horrible!
I think my next Japanese dining will be either at Rakuzen or Jogoya. Too bad Jogoya is so terribly popular they refuse to offer any promotion or discounts! Maybe we food lovers should co-operate and stop going to Jogoya for a month or two and see if they will consider reducing their price! Haha!
Great post of your dining experience..makes me abit hungry looking at your food photos..I like the sushi/sashimi platter and the soup...and at RM55 is a good deal!
I so envy you!!!
If not for the hot sun, that table is a really nice spot. :)
Hi Foong, how much is that in US Dollars? My husband and kids love Sushi, even my 4 year old! I never got to liking it, I don't know why. I first tasted it when I went to Tokyo for vacation when I was in my teens and I didn't like it even then. I love Edemame, Mochi and Tempura though. :) The Mochi in the photo looks like the ones sold in the stores. Have you tried the colorful and pretty Mochi sold in Japanese bakeshops? It's too pretty to eat!
[From : http://khaizee.com :] I found your site on Google and read a few of your other entires. Nice Stuff. I’m looking forward to reading more from you.
[ http://emoosic.blogspot.com/ ]
my bug life, thanks! It's every bit worth my money. Maybe I should seriously consider getting the Shangri-La card! : )
lina, don't envy me. You can eat there too! I agree the table is actually a perfect spot until the sun comes out! : )
babette, RM55 is about USD15. Not everyone likes sushi, I know my mom doesn't! But if you say you like edemame, mochi and tempura, then no problem going to a Japanese restaurant with your family! : )
I have yet to go Japan, someday I will! At the moment, too expensive for me! Colorful mochi? Hmm, sounds interesting! : )
listening mp3 online (khaizee), thanks for dropping by my blog! I'm glad you like it! Do visit often! : )
even iwrh a 50% discount, i think u can well afford it. good food of coz requires good money :)
omg Foong everything looks so yummy!!
Congrats! I've just nominated you for an award. Hop by my blog to check it out! Have a nice weekend!
bengbeng, I will think twice if without the 50%. Not easy to earn money you know, so have to be careful where we spend it : )
monica, yeah, I feel like going for a second round, and a third... : )
suituapui, thanks! Will check it out! : )
Heya, the environment in zipangu seems very nice le. So hungry now. Btw, i do agree with you the food at shogun really bad.. the quality just out!
As for jogoya, i found the quality is not as good as it used to be. Plus, the choices/variety seems less d.
I don't fancy Japanese food much, but looking at your pictures and reading how you describe it, makes me want to try them..lol..
Thanks for sharing.
Looks like someone here doesn't need to work and can have buffet at 11.30am! Gosh.. And for the price of Jogoya, I rather have ala carte Japanese food. Sometimes, it's a about the quality and not quantity and me going to a jap buffet will definitely be a waste cos i can't each much. I only take the sashimi. Haha...
sean, Jogoya's quality not as good as it used to be? Usually, when they are new, the quality is very good, then the quality will deteriorate - it happens to most eateries. Well, all the more they should reduce the price then : )
jena isle, not everyone likes Japanese food, but you won't know unless you try them! Btw, thanks for dropping by! : )
eiling, it so happens that it's Raya holiday week that's why I no need to work. You can't eat much? Then you are right - you should not go for buffet. Ala carte better for you.
I find that as I get older, I can't eat as much as when younger. So I guess if I don't go for the buffet now, will not be able to do so in future : )
Unless I'm lucky like you and have a 50% card, RM110 per pax is too expensive lah... :D
Actually, the card costs RM400 per year. If you eat there once a month, and let's say you save RM50 each time, you would have saved RM600 per year. Minus RM400, you actually save RM200, not counting the free/discounted hotel stays.
Great environment plus great food. How nice. Those tasty looking photos are making me salivate haha
Wah, fine dining at big hotel lorrr! Nice food there.
acura & pete, great food + nice environment + discounted price = HAPPINESS : )
Looks great!
Yeah well, Jogoya is expensive but worth the try... but when I went (for supper) the spread of Japanese isn't as wide; perhaps it's more of a fusion than entirely Japanese...
i miss unagi all of a sudden n its all because of your photos. *drools* :p
at last u tried zipangu ... am sure u enjoyed it
Wow! You are one lucky geezer ler. Can go makan all those yummy foods. Some more at sharing-la! The place where Michelle Yeoh acted (latest mummy). LOL. Next time when I go visit you, please make sur ethe card still available. ha =)
day-dreamer, I guess Jogoya is not a pure Japanese restaurant. More of a fusion, like you said. Will definitely try it! : )
levian, sorry I made you crave for unagi. I crave for it too even now! LOL
johnny ong, yes totally enjoyed it! : )
tekkaus, haha! Shangri-La is supposed to be a place where people live happily ever after. So dining there should have the same feeling ...but only with the card. Haha!
Well, next time you visit me, tell me in advance then maybe I can arrange to borrow the card : )
I like Japanese food and at RM55 for buffet, it's cheap.
For Singaporeans I think it's dirt cheap! : )
All those food look so good! I am salivating already haha... RM55 after discount is such a good deal I think. :)
You got to lend me that card the next time I drop by KL, will you?
wah another good food! u seems to be enjoying urself wif goodfood alot huh.. *envy*
neo, it's a good deal alrite! : )
jam, no problem as long as I can manage to get my hands on that card! : )
cbenc12, well better enjoy it while it lasts (or while I still have the card!) hehe
wow ... lucky you!!! :)
Eh, start a food blog lar!
maiylah, haha thanks! : )
foong, I might just consider it! : )