Yes, a lunch appointment with my AIA agent and a dinner appointment with my Prudential agent.
Now I actually have 3 insurance agents. One from AIA and another two from Prudential. You must be thinking I buy a lot of insurance, but in reality, I don't spend more than 10% of my monthly income on insurance premiums. So why the need for 3 agents? Well, that's a long story and I'll probably talk about that another time.
Anyway, today's post is really about what I ate during those appointments! Surely this is a better topic to blog about, no?
For the lunch appointment, my agent suggested we meet up at Bayu Timor in Taman SEA, PJ. I have been there several times, but this will my first time blogging about it.
Bayu Timor is actually a furniture shop cum cafe and is owned by a lady who is Malaysia's franchise holder of the Famous Amos cookies. All the furnitures displayed are for sale, even the chairs we sat on!
The ambience here was nice and that helped me enjoy the food. Both of us ordered the same dish, that is, roast lamb with potato and vegetables.
I like the meat - it was tender and the mint sauce made it all the more nicer!
We also ordered the rojak which we shared. I used to like their rojak, but somehow this time I felt it was a little too salty.
For my dinner appointment, I did not know where to go but since my Prudential agent was in Taman Tun, I thought we should just meet up at One Kopitiam at Jalan Burhanuddin Helmi.
Not many customers at this kopitiam, which were just fine with me. Anyway, I just had this spaghetti asam laksa which was quite good.

Later that night, I was supposed to meet up with my friend at his house together with a few other friends. We agreed that each of us should bring one food for supper. Something like a potluck supper, if you will.
I could not decide what to bring, but suddenly I had this cravings for curry puffs. So I thought, why not buy some IKEA curry puffs? I simply love their curry puffs! The skin is thin and they are generous with the fillings inside which include soft curry potatoes, chicken meat and a piece of hard boiled egg. Yummy!
I bought a dozen of them. But guess what? The potluck supper was cancelled at the last minute and I was left with all these curry puffs!
OK, if you count properly, the number of curry puffs in the photo above are less than twelve. That's because I and my brother ate the rest of them! Haha!
Well, it looks like I would be having IKEA curry puffs for breakfast, lunch and dinner today.
Wow! 3 insurance agents? That's interesting. Perhaps you can share with us about it next time. It's good to be in KL huh. Can go around and makan at lots of fancy places. Ha =) curry puff...there are IKEA curry puff? That's new. I thought of IKEA n furniture only. LOL. Anyway nice sharing!
Dear foongpc, Thank you so much for the warm greeting!
I feel sorry that I can't visit your blog regularly, it's often blocked, I don't know why. I am visiting it using a special way at my friend's office now.:(
You are a person really know how to enjoy your life! That's what I read from your blog.
Keep sharing, I love your posts. And I will try my best to break through the block.
Best wishes!
Gee, send la some of those curry puffs to me. I love the darn thing ... LOL!
IKEA curry puffs really nicer ler... haha.
You buy so many insurance for wat? Haha.. Anyways, nice place!!
Ya, Bayu Timor, Been there before. Nice place, normally packed with people.
if salary = RM20K per month, what is 10% of income kan? Hehehe
I only used company's agent as my insurance agent.
Wah.. You seem to blog alot about food lately.
Heheh.. Like those IKEA curry puffs but since it is fried, don't think it's good to eat too much of it.
*ahem* we don't mind having the rest of the IKEA curry puffs... Haha.. :p
Thanks a lot for your comment on my blog, Foongpc!!
I hope you had a good Thursday too!
I like the setting of the first 2 pics... :)
The other time I was at Ikea with some frens..we got a waft of the food smell which was really good...but we went off elsewhere to eat as there were just too many ppl at Ikea. I must try the curry puffs you mentioned :)
The lady who owns it must be Dorothy right? Famous Amos is my customer too! Anyways, I've lost cravings for Ikea curry puffs. I think they're a bit too oily. Isn't it?
tekkaus, yes lots of places to eat in KL and PJ. IKEA also sell food and they are pretty good! I just love their curry puffs! You must try them if you ever visit IKEA in Mutiara Damansara : )
iWalk, that's funny. Why is it blocked? Anyway, thanks for your compliments! : )
nick phillips, haha! They are nice, aren't they?
day-dreamer, yes very nice! : )
victor kiu, that's a story for another day : )
pete, yes nice place. If you go there in the afternoon after 2pm, not many people there.
lina, my income does not reach RM20K lah! Otherwise, no need to eat buffets at 50% discount! : )
angie tan, well it so happens I eat a lot so might as well blog about it! LOL. You are right, don't eat too much of the curry puffs - not good for health, but once in a while should be OK : )
twosuperheroes, I know you both love IKEA curry puff! Go to the photo of the curry puffs and take as much as you want from there! Haha! : )
leo, you are welcome and thanks!! : )
my bug life, IKEA seems to be enjoying good business even during down times, I think the crowd is forever there! But if you go during weekdays morning, there should be less crowd. And yes, you must try the curry puffs! They are delicious! : )
eiling, oh, Famous Amos is your customer too? Cool! I'm not sure the name of the lady owner. I just know about this from a friend who worked there last time. Yes, have to admit the curry puffs a bit oily, but i still love them - try to eat in moderation : )
Ooo.. good food~
I've never been to Bayu Timor before..I'd like to try their roast lamb with potato and vegetables :-D
Curry favourite will be Kai Joo Lane (where they make traditional Chinese coffins) in Kuching! Yummy! The IKEA ones lack the looks. LOL!! Wah! U're so heavily insured kah? Worth ur weight in gold? Hahahahahaha!!!!
"Anyway, today's post is really about what I ate during those appointments! Surely this is a better topic to blog about, no?"
No. I prefer to know why do you meet these 3 agents instead of looking at these jaw dropping food pictures ;)
The foods look delicious.
Hope that you can share about why you met these 3 agents in your next post :)
at the raqte you are going out and having food, soon youu will end up not being satisfied with hoe cooking. outside food is great as they take time preparing it. 3 insurance agents in a day? wow.
Send some curry puffs over pls. :)
keeyit, yes good food indeed : )
monica, you must go there and try the food! : )
suituapui, aiya, Kuching too far for me! IKEA is nearest and their curry puff really good! : )
Actually, I'm not heavily insured. Just happens to have 3 insurance agents : )
faisal admar, I'm not sure if I want to share about that cos my 3 agents know about my blog and I don't want them to read what I wrote! : )
bengbeng, I think home cooking is still the best, the tastiest and the healthiest. Also home cooking is cheaper and use real ingredients, unlike outside. It's just that sometimes eating outside is just good fun especially with friends.
neo, haha! I think no more liao : )
aiyoh could have given me some of the curry puffs *sobsob*
I have a better idea, send those curry puffs my way. LOL I haven't tried Malaysian food yet, is it mostly spicy? Hmm, 3 insurance agents? Do you have a lot of beneficiaries? Tiny FoongPCs running around? LOL
So much food in one day! Can get indigestion wor. hehe....
I wish our IKEA here sells curry puffs too.
You are hysterical!! I love coming here to see what you eat and my stomach lives vicariously through you. You are such a character and I just love stopping by so much!
thanks for yr comment on my blog. something happened which I cant blog abt but the worst i over, i hope :)
xin, sorry about that! : )
babette, haha! No more curry puffs left! All finished! They are so popular if you put them on the table, now you see them, the next minute, only empty plate left! LOL!
No I don't have many beneficiaries and definitely no tiny FoongPCs running around! Hehe. But have 3 insurance agents - go figure! : )
eastcoastlife, actually not much food what, it's just lunch, dinner and supper. I would say very little for a big eater like me. Haha!
Come to Malaysia next time and visit IKEA, then you try the curry puffs! : )
health nut wannabee mom, thanks for your kind comments! I just love food, but I really don't hope to turn this into a food blog. Anyway, really glad you like my blog. I love your blog too! : )
bengbeng, you are welcome. What happened that you can't blog about? Hope you can share with me : )
Eh I forgot to comment here!!
I've not been to BT in ages, although this was one of my fave hangouts during my NST days! I love the open-face sandwiches too, the seafood one to be specific. Never tried the rojak though! ;)
mariuca, oh, so Bayu Timor was one of your favourite hangouts! Maybe you should go again and see if there's any difference with food now and last time : )
imagine the customers (with dirty hands after eating their food) start to touch this and that display and then it's being sold at the same time .... yucks!