So you think it's all crappy nonsense?
So you have tried my Feng Shui Test and did not see any results?
If you have read my post on feng shui, you would know that I had asked all you sceptics to do the exact opposite of what you are supposed to do in terms of good feng shui. That means, if sleeping with your head pointed to the East is bad for you, then you purposely sleep in this direction for a week or more. When you start to experience bad luck or bad events in your life, you quickly switch back to practising good feng shui to reverse the effects. Which simply means, if North is your good direction, then start sleeping with your head pointed to this direction.
Now, there may be some of you who tried the test and did not experience anything unlucky or bad. Perhaps the effects were not strong enough. And probably that's why you did not even notice anything bad happening to you.
Well, I've some good news for you.
Today, I'm going to introduce you to another test, a more powerful one which I shall call The Ultimate Feng Shui Test.
I got this idea after attending Lillian Too's Feng Shui Extravaganza on 11th January 2009 held at the KL Convention Centre.
There are currently two famous feng shui practitioners in Malaysia. Both command their own followers and legions of fans. Both are also famous feng shui authors and teach feng shui to people in Malaysia and all over the world. They are none other than Lillian Too and Joey Yap.
To be honest, I prefer Joey Yap as I find his teachings to be more focused on classical feng shui, whereas Lillian Too is more commercialised, with emphasis on new age feng shui. However, Joey Yap's Feng Shui & Astrology Seminar was held on 17th January 2009, which was a Saturday. I was not free as I was working on Saturday. So I settled for Lillian Too's whole day seminar which was held on a Sunday.

Lillian Too speaking at the KL Convention Centre
My brother went for Joey Yap's seminar so I will gather some information from him and post it on my blog here later. If you can't wait, you can read more at Eiling's blog.
As to what Lillian Too talked about in her seminar, I will be posting that in my next post.
Meantime, let's get back to my Ultimate Feng Shui Test.
In feng shui, there are 3 sectors in your home that you must be aware of. In 2009, and starting specifically on the 4th February 2009, although the effect can start earlier, take note of the following sectors in your homes.
North - The Five Yellow (Wu Wang) affliction star flies into this sector this year. In Hong Kong, people are very afraid of this star. It is said to bring misfortune, bad luck, illness and even death. If your bedroom is in the North sector of your house, then you will be badly affected. The best way to avoid this is to move out of that room! However, if you can't, make sure you do not knock, dig, renovate or make lots of noise in this room or you will activate the Five Yellow.
North East - The Grand Duke Jupiter (Tai Sui) will be residing in this sector this year. Do not sit facing North East as doing so will bring you misfortunes and bad luck. If you work in your office, make sure you are not sitting facing North East. Also, digging the ground, cutting a healthy tree and renovating at this sector will bring about the same effects. However, sitting with your back facing North East will be good as you are said to have good support from The Grand Duke Jupiter.
East - The Three Killings (Saam Saat) will be in this sector this year. Do not sit with the Three Killings behind you. Instead, confront it by facing East. Otherwise, you will suffer from loss of wealth, loss of loved ones and loss of good name.
To be sure you get the correct direction, make sure you use a good compass. Stand in the middle of your house to get the accurate direction with your compass.

How to locate the north sector (taken from
Now that you are clear about these afflictions, this is what you do to prove that feng shui works, which is to do the exact opposite of the above.
1. Make the North sector of your home your bedroom. Make as much noise as you can in this room (example: play the radio as loud as you like!) Or knock on the walls to hang some pictures! Or if you have a garden in the North part of your house, do some digging or even better, start renovating here!
(Warning: The Five Yellow can be deadly. Your life can be in danger if you choose to do this test! Consider carefully whether you are able to handle the risk! I will not be held responsible for this as the decision to do this test is entirely yours!)
2. Work and sit facing North East (Grand Duke Jupiter) everyday. Or start renovating in this sector of your house!
3. Sit facing West (Three Killings behind you) everyday, especially at work.
Obviously, if you sit facing North East (Test No.2) , you won't be facing West (Test No.3) but why not do both like sitting facing North East in your office and facing West in your house?
Combining these three afflictions can be deadly. I really have no idea how deadly as I do not dare to try! But for sceptics, you are welcome to give this test a try. Let me know the results please, that is, if you are still alive!
not really believed in fengshui..but elderly, i didn't mean u, i mean my mami believes it a lot =.=
i don't even know where's da north :(
i'm no huge fan of fengshui, but i do enjoy reading the chinese zodiac's luck for the coming year. similar problem as annant, i can't even recognized where the east n west is. :p
haha now I've found someone whom is interested in Feng Shui too! Cheers!
Renovating the house is a hassle. Changing sitting direction in office is even tougher, as I am not the boss. How about using crystal, mirror or some other things to ward off bad luck?
I definitely don't believe in this, most of the feng shui are common sense, and also passed down my ancestors who have logical reasons behind it... :-)
I usually sleep with my head facing North, so I try sleeping with my head facing South. However, my spouse don't believe in Fung Shui and continue to sleep in the opposite direction, now I get to smell stinky feet all night.
Also Chinese believe only the dead sleep with their feet facing the door. So if you wake up hearing Angels singing dont worry you are already dead!!!
annant, then you must try this test! Haha! Don't know where's north? Very easy - just get a compass! : )
levian, reading the chinese zodiac or horoscope only gives a very general information. I think Joey Yap said only about 12% accuracy. You have to read your Bazi (8 characters) for a more detailed, accurate read. Don't know where's the east and west? Just look at where the sun rises and sets lah! Or better still, get a compass : )
eiling, I'm really quite surprised you are into feng shui as well. I started going into this after some personal experiences which made me into a believer of this ancient art.
Btw, thanks for answering my questions on your blog. Next year, maybe I can meet you up at Joey Yap's Seminar! : )
khengsiong, you are absolutely right. Renovating is a hassle, so I don't do it. But because CNY is coming, I took the opportunity to rearrange all my furnitures! Must stimulate the chi for the new year, you know?
I understand changing your sitting direction in the office is impossible if you are not the boss, so I guess there's nothing much you can do about it. But if you are facing a really bad direction like facing the Grand Duke Jupiter (which is the NE this year) you would have to do something drastic! Lillian Too suggest placing a Pi Yao - I don't know how effective is that, but it's worth a try : )
Lucky you Foong, you were able to attend this seminar. I'm looking forward to your posts about Feng Shui. Like I said, I believe in it. What about the different items sold to counteract bad energy or those that is supposed to bring good luck, do you think these work?
Btw, I agree with you about Lilian Too. I bought one of her books online and was disappointed. It looks more like a design book than a Feng Shui book. I'll have to look into Joey Yap. Does he have a website?
gallivanter, then you are the perfect candidate to try my Ultimate Feng Shui Test! Muahaha!
A lot of things cannot be explained by science. For example, you have not seen a ghost, does it mean they don't exist?
I can make the pendulum move with my mind - science have no answer for that!
"The Secret" as popularised by Rhonda Byrne and "The Law Of Attraction" cannot yet be fully explained by science.
People who practises Tai Chi and Chi Kung benefit healthwise just by doing proper breathing and moving their hands and feet. Science have no proper explanation for that too!
You can receive a call on your mobile phone even though you can't see the radio waves in the air connecting the caller to your phone. Just because you don't see those invisible waves, does not mean they don't exist!
Similarly, feng shui have been practised by the Chinese for centuries. If it does not work, would the Chinese people continue to practise it? Now, even non Chinese are practising it - some are even experts in this field : )
So are you going to be rich this coming Year of the Ox?
Looking forward to what you learned at Lilian Too's talk as well as Joey Yap's from your brother, Foong.
anonymous, if North is not your worst direction, you can continue to sleep with your head facing North. Do you know your spouse' good direction? Maybe you both can come to a compromise : )
Haha! Yes not good practice to sleep with your legs facing the door. Not that I'm superstitious, but just in case... : )
Hey! this is my year. I was born in Ox year. I don't understand how it will really mean actually hehe
I think sometimes I have to believe in FengShui esp when I get bad lucks hehehe (only when I get bad lucks I mean...)
babette, according to Lillian Too, those objects work. According to Joey Yap, they are useless most of the time! So, who to believe?
Well, personally I believe those objects do work IF you believe in them. And it's really not the object but your mind that makes it work. You see, some people who are Christians are uncomfortable using those Chinese God statues as feng shui objects. So they can actually substitute with a cross or maybe a statue of Mother Mary or Jesus Christ - anything that make their minds link to the objects.
You can also use any random objects eg. a bracelet, but because not many people associate your bracelet with feng shui, the power is weak. Whereas if you use the Chinese God statue, millions of Chinese already believe in it, so the collective power of the minds make it a powerful object for your feng shui cure - it's all really about the power of the mind. That's my personal opinion
: )
babette, you can still learn a lot about feng shui from Lillian Too - just don't buy too many of her products unless you like them! As for Joey Yap's website it's at : )
suituapui, no such luck! According to the analysis of my Bazi, which was done by one of Joey Yap's student, my wealth will only improve in 2010. So at the moment, will try to make use of feng shui to improve my wealth as much as the Universe allow : )
so the panjang. you come and assess my fengshui lar. lazy to read. haha
happysurfer, will post about it on my blog soon. Keep a look-out for it! : )
rad, so you are an ox? Well, generally for Ox this year will be stressful with obstructions at work and relationships. But this is not really accurate, because you will need your Bazi read by a qualified practitioner to give you the actual predicition for the year : )
medie007, haha! Am afraid I'm not qualified : )
lilian too is very over-rated ...
everything is too commercialized :(
joey yap is still ok... i think he talks more on theory based stuff :)
Hi Foong..I didn't see any angpow paper lanterns in Chinatown but I know some ppl make them. I don't know how to make those lovely lanterns though..hehhe :)
Haha cool! but at the moment I'm still looking for a job hehe
Well I don't have any clue what Bazi is hehe
This is really...interesting. Even though I'm lazy about details, but really, your feng shui posts are prompting me to read more about feng shui more. I personally think I can control my own destiny but no harm reading it I believe.
Yes as you said in a comment above the Secret aka law of attraction cannot be explained, yet it worked, for me at least :D
lisalicious, yes I agree Lillian is too commercialised, but she's damn good at marketing! Joey Yap doesn't sell any products, so I trust his words more. And he's more into classical feng shui, not new age feng shui where you need to place objects to cure feng shui problems.
my bug life, I really like those angpow lanterns - some are made very beautifully. Want to get some of those lanterns for CNY : )
rad, Bazi is the four pillars of destiny. Literally translates to 8 characters. You can google it and find loads of info on the net. Once you bring your bazi to a feng shui and bazi practitioner, he will be able to analyse and tell a lot about your character, your luck and your best choice of career among many other things! Something like a weather forecast so you are better prepared in life and also you can make better decisions in the direction you want to take in life : )
jim, yes you can control your destiny, but certain things are already fixed at birth and cannot be changed. You can however improve it using your hard work and some help from feng shui.
No harm in reading more about feng shui. It's after all about energy, and if you are interested in the Law of Attraction, you will also find feng shui pretty interesting : )
I stand in the middle... Sometimes I believe, sometimes I don't.. lol! But I know a lot who believes in it...
But wow! Look at the convention centre.. It looks packed.. The guy must be really good with his stuffs.. :)
Oh.. And I also know that Fengshui masters earns a lot! Hmmm... I should be one too.. :D
it seems that more and more people believe in feng shui techniques of channeling positive energies to enhance fortune and health. A new year means a new feng shui position.
it's so complicated :-D
Science, sometime is lagging behind in explaining things. Just like during our ancestors' time, they thought natural disasters are signs from God, or Sun is God, of Fire is a magical thing, which then must be also God. It's human nature to fill the void of unexplainable with 'something'. But now we know the story as we advanced forward.
So to say, 'some things can't be explained by science, it must be due to certain magic, mysterious, unexplained forces bla bla bla (insert any supposition to fill the void)' is not entirely right. Just NOT YET can be explained. Have faith in science, LOL!
That said I believe human mind is a very powerful thing. The rest of the 'actions' we do, just help us to focus or use the power of our mind better. I am sure many aware or read about placebo effects. And it's true, we yet to know to what extent human can do with their body and mind. Else, how to explain things like say.. for example, deva ju? :)
Good things that help you live a better, happier life, I have nothing against it. Only when it becomes an obsession, or involving ridiculous rituals (explanations not needed because 'not everything can be explained') then I am against it.
Feng shui, most of it is common sense - lighting, ventilation etc. The science part came latter to explain the 'reasons' behind those actions.
I prefer Joey Yap over Lilian Too.
ps: Sorry for the long rambling. This is to make up for the missing comments over my hiatus period in this blog haha!
Feng shui is always mysterious to me.
I have studied some simple guides of Feng Shui, But didn't obey all of them.
I know some Taoists who know Feng shui well, But I think they are too commercial already.
I think it's a helpful knowledge, mix with science and metaphysics. But too commercial is bad for it's future. :)
In the Philippines, we do believe in Feng shui - well my family atleast. There's no harm in trying to be safe.
yeah meet up at his seminar next year!
This is very interesting but I am a little confused. I want to do the Feng Shuit so I am going to read this again. Great info!
seriously, when you're living in a tight housing area, the direction of the sun rises n sets is not as obvious. but nah, save the trouble. i read only because i'm interested n nothing more. as for the accuracy, i probably forgot about it a week later. :p
Wah... so many people packed at her seminar! Now, you do sound like a feng sui guru too, where is your seminar held?
Hey Foong, dropping by here this wet Tuesday evening, have a good one! :)
Agree, Joey Yap fung shui is more practical. I like to look at Fung Shui in a scientific way! It works!
cashmere, I didn't believe in feng shui 10 years ago, but I started to learn about it with an open mind, and now I believe. I don't think all feng shui masters earn a lot, but the famous ones do, of course : )
life ramblings, yes lots of people believe in feng shui and use it to enhance their wealth and health. Since feng shui is dynamic and ever changing, we need to update every year. The good position last year may turn bad this year, hence the need for updating our feng shui.
monica, it's not really complicated if you learn about it one step at a time. In fact, it's very easy to learn and understand. The problem lies in the interpretation and analysis : )
bongkersz, wow looks like you just wrote an essay! Haha! But I love it - I love people who give lots of comments! : )
You are right - should have more faith in science. All these ghosts, unexplained phenomena and feng shui can possibly be explained by science in the future.We are probably not advanced enough yet, the aliens are probably laughing at us thinking how backward we are. That's one reason why they don't reveal themselves yet cos we'll think they are Gods!
As for the deja vu thing, maybe we are in the Matrix! LOL!
I also prefer Joey Yap - I think he talk more sense although his talk is not as entertaining as Lillian Too's.
Thanks for the long comment! Hope you'll visit more often! : )
hehe foong, i don't believe in feng shui but when buying a house this thing is most important! lol. you know why.
i am half believe in fengshui .. but i wont try :D
iWalk, yeah too commercialised does not bode well with feng shui : )
jade, no harm to learn about feng shui and apply it in life : )
eiling, yes! : )
health nut wannabee mom, there's a lot to learn but take it one step at a time : )
levian, if really serious, must get a compass : )
neo, I am no feng shui guru. But I wish I am! Then can be as rich as Lillian Too or Joey Yap! : )
mariuca, thanks. You have a good one too! : )
pete, yes it really does work, doesn't it? If people are just willing to try it out they'll be amazed! : )
faisal, you don't believe? Then you must take this Ultimate Feng Shui Test. Haha! When buying properties, definitely have to take feng shui into account even if you rent it out : )
cbenc12, if you half believe, better not try. Don't take the risk as the effect of the five yellow can be devastating. This test is more for the unbelievers and sceptics : )
huge place.
It's huge indeed : )
I believe in Feng shui! Although not a very damm staunch one...but considered a strong believer too. So I don't have to take the test lor. =)
tekkaus, haha! If you believe, you won't dare to take this, I'm sure. This test is for sceptics who thinks feng shui is nonsense, and my aim is to surprise them! : )