But after resting the whole day in bed during Valentine's Day, and taking loads of fruits and vegetables coupled with lots of immune strengtening bee pollen and spirulina, I felt much better on Sunday. Besides, I have been looking forward to this potluck party and I was determined not to let my flu stop me!
I could not decide what to bring for the potluck party but in the end, I settled for the infamous curry puffs from IKEA. Well, not a very good idea as I found out too late at my friend's house that she had a whole bucket of curry puffs laid out on the table! Well, too bad!
One of my friends picked me up from my house. Sitting in his car, this caught my attention.
It was Huan Huan, the 2008 Beijing Olympic mascot doll! Isn't he cute?
I was not surprised to see this doll hanging in my friend's car. It just caught my attention because my brother has the same doll in his car. What a coincidence! haha!
By the way, I prefer Jing Jing, the other cute mascot of the Beijing Olympics. If you notice, I've made him as my avatar for my blog.

When we reached our friend's house in Sri Petaling, it was already 7pm. My stomach was growling. Especially when I saw this!
We waited for a few more friends to arrive and then we went straight for the steamboat prepared by the host.
The ingredients were fresh and tasty. And the soup was delicious!
As this was a potluck party, there were many other food brought by my friends. There were cakes, Ayamas chickens, fruit salads, sandwiches, meehoon, ice cream and red wine. And not forgetting the IKEA curry puffs I bought and the host's bucket of curry puffs! I did not bother to take photos of those. I will just let you imagine them. Haha!
We even had ice cream bread. A new way of eating ice cream I must say! It's just ice cream taken from the ice cream tub and applied onto bread and eat like a sandwich! The thicker the ice cream, the better!
Mmmm, so yummy!! I didn't know ice cream sandwich tastes so good! Seriously, I must do this myself at home!
Apart from the food, what I really enjoyed that night were the laughters and banters we threw at each other. It was really fun!
Here's the Kickapoo joke that I would like to share with you all, though it's funnier if you understand Cantonese. I was laughing over this joke even after I reached home! You know the soft drink brand called Kickapoo? Well, here's how the conversation turned out between me, and my two friends which I shall call Friend A and Friend B. Just for your information, Friend A is not good in Cantonese but good in Mandarin. Friend B is good in Hokkien but not good in Cantonese.
Friend A : Foong, you know what Kickapoo means in Cantonese, right?
Me : Kickapoo? No. What does it mean in Cantonese?
Friend A : You really don't know?
Me : (thinking...) No, I really don't. Please tell.
Friend B : Yes, please tell us.
Friend A : Kickapoo pronounced in Cantonese sounds like kei ka poh.
Me : What is kei ka poh?
Friend B : Yeah, what's that?
Friend A : Huh? You always watch Hong Kong TVB series how come your Cantonese so cha (lousy) one?
Me : Err... I don't know. But really, what does kei ka poh means?
Friend A : It means qing fu. (lover)
Me : Oh, you mean kai ka poh! Alamak! Your pronunciation sucks!
Friend A : Oh, it's kai, not kei! I always make that mistake!
Friend B : Sorry, I didn't hear properly. What is kei ka poh?
Me : Qing fu
Friend B : What? Chui fu? (take off trousers)
Me : No! Qing fu!
(At this moment we were already laughing like mad!)
Friend B : What does qing fu mean?
Me : Lover
Friend A : It means something like mistress.
Friend B : What has liver got to do with mistress?
Me : Liver? What you talking about?
Friend B : You told me it's liver.
Me : No lah!!! It's lover!!!
Friend B : Oh!
The others who were sitting beside us all burst into non stop laughter! I laughed till I could feel pain in my stomach! It was the most hilarious conversation I've ever heard!
But if you think that's the end of it, let me tell you what happened when I returned home that night. Or was it early morning? Cos we had such a good time we only left my friend's house at around 2am! By the time I reached back home, it was close to 3am.
My mother was woken by me fumbling with the locks. Maybe too much red wine so was a little drunk. Anyway, my mom asked me in Cantonese "Zou mat yeh gong chi sin fan lei?" (Why come back so late?)
Without even thinking, I said, "Oh, ngo tong pang yao kheng kai" (Oh, I chit chat with friends)
She didn't hear properly and exclaimed, "Meh a? Kiu kai?" (What? Call prostitutes?)
Ha ha ha! I just could not stop laughing! It was really a night of laughter. And I felt so good the flu was no longer a problem! No wonder they say, laughter is the best medicine!
Again me me FC yeeha!
Sounds like u had a wonderful time and so funny la ur mom at the end of the post! ;)
Ahhhhh i told u ur new avatar was cute, at MPG! Good pick! ;)
Ice cream with bread...we've had that since god knows when! Ah Pek used to go round, stuffing the ice cream in buns and selling to people! Wah!!! So much food....*hungry liao!!!
I did the tag but only this time...:)
Steamboat's good when you have the flu!
In the Philippines, people eat ice cream sandwiched in burger buns. I don't know but I prefer eating ice cream on its own or on a cone..hehhe.
hahah kai kah poh! i have a joke to share too!!!
my friend, who was not in canton few years ago, pronounced chicken wings as 'kai chi pong' (directly translated from mandarin). !!! and we are still laughing at it few years later till now.
You and your friends are so hilarious! What mishearing & mispronunciation can do for comic relief. :D
Never had ice cream with bread before? Used to buy them from ice cream seller in front of school, ages and ages ago.
"Aiyoh why my son have to go kiu kai?!!!" and then drank so much of kai ka poh - would be running in your mom's head... Lol..
I thought I'm getting old and have hearing problem... looks like quite a lot of people are like that. haha....
It's been a long time since I have potluck. Your party looks fun.
Sounds like so much fun and you have very good friends. Always love your pictures of food!
I gotta learn Mandarin very soon!
You mom mistook 'keng kai' for 'kiu kai'? Looks like she was the one who got drunk...
Eh... don't understand xin's joke. I thought chicken wing is 'chi yi' in Mandarin?
mariuca, wow! First again! Congrats! Looking at the time, it's 2.20am. You are a night owl, aren't you? : )
Yes, I did have a wonderful time, and haha! my mom was indeed funny!
My avatar is cute right? Glad you agree! : )
suituapui, I've seen people eating buns with ice cream fillings, but I've never tried them until now : )
Hungry? Go and make your own steamboat! LOL!
mei teng, wow! break record! How come you agree to do the tag this time? I must go and read it! If there's a first time, there's always a second time, right? Hehe.
You are right - I do find eating the steamboat very nice for my flu condition.
I still like ice cream on its own or on a cone, but after eating with bread, I found it really nice too! I also like ice cream on my waffles. Yummy!! : )
xin, er...didn't quite get it. Actually what is Mandarin word for chicken wings? My Mandarin sucks! Cantonese is 'kai yik'. I know mandarin word for chicken is 'ji'. But wings?
lina, it was hilarious alrite! No, never had ice cream bread before until now. I think I'm going to buy a tub of ice cream and a loaf of bread right now. Haha!
The last part is funny. Keng Kai becomes Kiu Kai, haha!
eiling, haha! : )
eastcoastlife, yes a lot of young people are like that, me included! Yes, it's fun! You should have a potluck party!! : )
health nut wannabee mom aka heidi, thanks! I do enjoy being with my good friends! We can talk about anything - it's really fun : )
rad, I am poor in Mandarin and still trying to learn! : )
khengsiong, haha! Yeah, looks like my mom was more drunk than me! I also don't understand xin's joke. Must get her to explain! : )
jam, yes. So funny!! When I told this to my friends, they laughed too. One friend told me these jokes are very original and can be used for a comedy show on TV : )
Yummy, reminds me to make icecream sandwich! Delicious!
Hey, the ice cream sandwich looks nice and tasty. i want to D.I.Y it myself at home too.
HOHOHO! Mama caught you giu gai eh? :P
horizon, yeah so delicious! : )
victor, yes go DIY at home. I'm gonna do the same! : )
day-dreamer, haha! : )
Wah so song, eating the icecream sandwich and the potluck. Friend A is soooo like me, always make mistakes in Cantonese because we too used to Mandarin already haha. Lover = liver, kheng kai = kiu kai XD
i'm a fan of jingjing as well! its representation of "happiness" is what i love the most. ;) glad to know you finally feel better enough join the steamboat party. the ice-cream is luring me bad! XD
JL, you are good in Mandarin? I sucks at mandarin! Maybe you can teach me. I find Mandarin pretty tough. Always mix up the four tones!
For example, if I want to ask you a question, I say, "Wo yao wen ni", but if I say the "wen" in the 2nd intonation, it became I want to kiss you! LOL! So embarassing!
You are really humorous!..
I thought no one eats Ice Cream bread anymore as this was oldies favorite where I had them when a kid in Kampar. My favourite and it's better with Roti Benggali... Try it!
levian, high 5! Haha! JingJing is soooo cute, yes? Oh, saw the JingJing on your blog! Is it a keychain?
Oh, I love the ice cream with bread. Definitely will go buy the ice cream tub and a loaf of bread and make my own ice cream sandwich! : )
michi, I don't know ice cream bread is an oldies favourite! I've seen people eat ice cream bread before but never tried it until now. What is Roti Benggali and where to buy it?
Btw, thanks for dropping by! : )
I'm just ok in Mandarin, even though I get the 4 tones but I suck big time in han yu pin yin, I always confuse things like qi with chi XD
But yeah, if you don't mind, I can teach you what I know lol. How about teaching me Cantonese then? I don't even know how many tones there are in Cantonese XD
oohhh.. the steamboat pics are making me hungry... and i was laughing out loud with the kiu kai thingy.. LOL.. maybe blurr blurr woke up from sleep....
No way! No 2nd time...just this time :)
foongpc, do you live near FRIM?
if yes maybe we should go yum cha
Hola, I have a simple birthday tag for you, come join the fun!
Mariuca’s Perfume Gallery
He he, u can save this tag for a rainy day mah! ;)
who came out with that idea to skew the food onto bamboo sticks?? that is actually quite brilliant, as things are more tidy.. :)
Roti benggali is the one which indian man sells on the motorbike, square shaped bread with puffy top.
ya...ice-cream with bread was my favourite since small, introduced by my grandmother... we even ate ice-cream with prawn fritter, and put ice-cream in "kopi-o"... now old town kopitiam selling the same thing like we had in my father's coffee shop many many many many years ago.
JL,as long as the pronunciation is close enough to the original, does not matter whether it's chi or qi. Haha!
Yes, can teach you Cantonese, but I really don't know how many tones! But you should be able to learn it easily if you have Mandarin background : )
pikey, ha ha! yeah, so funny the kiu kai thing. I think my mom just woke up so still blur. LOL!
mei teng, haha! Really? We'll see about that! : )
relax, I don't stay near FRIM, though I sometimes like to go jogging there! But we can always meet up for yum cha : )
mariuca, no!!! Not another tag!!! OK, I must find something to tag you back for revenge. Haha!!
sk, yes brilliant idea! Only thing is, the pot cannot be too big, otherwise the bamboo sticks will fall inside. Unless the sticks are very long!
michi, thanks for the answer. I think I know what roti benggali is now! I guess what was old fashioned (like ice cream in kopi-o) can turn into a new trend today!
omg Foong! it's alomst 4am now and I couldn't stop lol :-D
I also don't understand Xin's joke..
ooh, in mandarin, chicken wings we call it 'ji chi bang', so my friend just conveniently translated it into canton instead of saying 'kai yik'.
absolutely adorable! :D i'm sharing that thought of yours, about getting a box of ice-cream n a loaf of bread during this weekend. n if i gained weight just within the weekend, it is definitely your fault. XD
monica, wow! It's 4am and you're not asleep yet! I hope no one hears you laughing in the dead of the night! : )
xin, so 'ji chi bang' became 'kai chi pong' Haha!! No wonder you all laugh!!
levian, don't worry. You won't be alone in gaining weight ; )
Admit it, you went kiu kai? Next time ask me along la...
wow, u must be enjoying ur bacherlorhood. tell me, have u ever 'kiu kai'? don't b shy to admit. :)
That spread looks yummy. No wonder you stayed up to "kiu kai" until 2am in the morning. Oops! haha...
Yeah lah, ice-cream sandwich has been around for a long time. I recently stumbled upon the tastefulness of french fry sandwiches. I must say they are not bad. Try it.
LOL @ Life Ramblings and Neo! XDDD
first time i have seen ice cream eaten this way. it is a good way for me to make Benghui eat bread. :)
neo & life ramblings, shhhh! Cannot tell! Cannot tell! Who knows, next time I will get involved in politics! Don't want to end up like Eli Wong! LOL!
happysurfer, french fries sandwich? How does it taste like? But I like to dip my french fries into ice cream! Yummy!! : )
JL, : ): )
bengbeng, oh first time for you too? Well, I'm sure benghui will eat bread with ice cream! : )
yeah I hope so..or else my neighbors though I'm mad or what...lol at that hour! :-D
whew! i really like the avatar! lovin' it..lovin' it! whew!
monica, haha! : )
gagay, thanks for loving my avatar and for dropping by! : )
Ice cream sandwich really tastes good, had it since i was a kid. The potluck party you had seem to be so fun and i can tell the shabu-shabu (hot pot stuff, that's how we call it) was great!
can i have it foongpc!?!? LOL! i really love it..so cute!
gagay, MD
i haven't gain any yet. have you? :p didn't get to get any icecream last weekend. bad choice, i'm still craving for it. XD
ayie, yes the shabu shabu was great! Oh ice cream sandwich was excellent! : )
gagay, haha! You really like it don't you? : )
levian, me too. Have not buy any ice cream tub yet. But wait, this week I might go Tesco. May just buy it for this weekend. Yum yum! : )