After a 20 minute bumpy ride on the speedboat, we reached Manukan Island. Despite the pain in my butt, I enjoyed the ride. I could see that the Korean lady who "ouched" all the way from Jesselton Point was eager to leave the boat!

Getting off the boat onto the jetty, I saw this 'No Fishing' sign.

Looking down into the waters from the jetty, I could see lots and lots of fishes!

But we were not allowed to fish! Looks like they have lots of different kinds of fishes here as they had put up this signboard for anyone who is interested.

I just love this view of the sea taken from the jetty walkway. I am not a good photographer - just a novice - so what you see here actually looks much better in reality. I instantly fell in love with the place even before I stepped onto the island!

At the entrance to Manukan Island, I had to pay RM3 entrance fee. Non Malaysians were charged RM10.

I spent the first hour walking round the island snapping photos of the beautiful beaches.

Isn't this picturesque? I could just sit here and look at the sea forever!

Lots of rocky beaches here!

These trees provided a nice shade from the sun.

I liked that the beach was not overly crowded. Maybe it would be more crowded during the weekends.

Besides, the beach was very clean!

It's no wonder! Look at this man driving a tractor. He's actually collecting rubbish from the beach. Sometimes he would get down from his tractor with a rake in his hand and removed plastic bags and other rubbish from the beach.

There were lifeguards there too in case of emergency.

There were swimmers, snorkelers and beach tanners all enjoying the beautiful nature of Manukan Island.

I just love the view of the jetty from here.

There were a few beach resorts and chalets on the island. There were also a few eateries and even a badminton court.
This is a stairway up to the Manukan Lodge.

The Manukan Lodge building is mostly for backpackers and those on shoestring budget.

As I love jungle trekking, I took the opportunity to walk the jogging trail. Along the way, I passed by this resort facing the beach.

Definitely it is the more expensive beach resort for those with more money and prefer more luxury.

Walking along the jogging trail proved to be quite interesting as I came face to face with a giant biawak or monitor lizard. It was huge, about two feet long. I tried to take a photo but it hurriedly scurried away into the bushes!
I only managed to snap this photo of a baby monitor lizard instead.

Look! This was another baby lizard that was camouflaged as its colour was almost similar to the stone it was standing on.

Besides monitor lizards, there were many butterflies flying around. I managed to capture one when it rested on the tree leaves.

Looking up the trees, I snapped these photos. I just like to look at the sun light streaming down between the trees.

The jogging trail was quite long. I think I took more than 30 minutes to reach the end. Maybe if I jogged, it would have been much faster. Anyway, the end of the trail was a dead end! It was a small area with a shelter.

In fact, this spot is known as Sunset Point. It is supposed to be the highest point on the island to see the sunset.

Well, too bad it was not sunset yet. Anyway, this is the view from here.

I thought the trees were really blocking my view of the horizon! The other side did not have much of a view!

Anyway, since this Sunset Point is a dead end, I had to turn around and walk back the way I came.
I returned to the beach and went for a swim. Actually more like wading in water cos I do not know how to swim! Then, I bought myself a nice coconut drink, found a nice spot on the beach and just sat there with a good book I bought the day before at a bookstore in Warisan Square. Oh, this is bliss!! How nice if my life is like this every day!
I think I am a simple person. All I want is just to sit down beside the sea with a good book and a nice drink, and enjoying the sea breeze and listening to the wonderful relaxing sound of the waves.

In 3 hours, I would be at KK International Airport waiting for my flight home. Within the next few hours, I would be back at home in KL. And the very next day, I would be back at work as usual.
I really think I could cry.
Chop FC~~
Nice pictures, especially after using the Slide thing.
You still up at 2 am? ^^
Oh no! So fast JL!!
Foong, u should have 2 or 3 FCs sometimes like me!!! Then I got chance to win mah! Hahahhah!
I agree, the pics are fabulous! Lizard or not, they're all so clear! :)
Lol mariuca. Maybe you're right, should have more than one FC hehehe!
So how's the korean lady? Did she enjoy the place as much as you did? :)
FC3! LOL!!
Wow.. nice shots Foong! ;-)
I know how it feels...I felt like that too when it was time for me to leave Sandakan and go back to my urban jungle. I always feel like this when it's time to end the holidays and head back home.
Btw, very nice photos of Manukan Island!
Hi Foong!
I enjoyed your pictures very much.. The beach looks nice too.. Guess what? I'm trying to poison people's mind to go Sabah or Sarawak in the next few months to come.. We'll have to wait and see if it'll happen.. lol! :)
you didn't go snorkling???
I love the photos, makes me want to go to the beach. It's indeed a very nice place to relax and commune with nature. I wouldn't mind being there for couple of days.
I love that shot with the sun's rays thru the trees
omg .. crystal clear water! finally de word fits de picture so clearly! :D
damn! Jealous! I need a beach vacation!!!!!
I love your last picture. I could imagine you taking that while lying down on the beach with your book! But I still can't fully enjoy the beaches here due to the warm weather and the blazing sun! :P
dun cry dun cry *pat pat*
yalo y din go snorkeling? cant leave yr camera behind unattended?
that's really a nice island. worth to visit for the second time. I am waiting for my second time to this island.
Dude, did you flip your muscle in beach after all the hardwork in the gym ... :p
Anyway, i'm looking forward for a nice snorkeling trip soon...
wow nice!! i missed manukan!!! only went to sapi island...the lizard on sapi island is HUGE XD anyway will definitely visit manukan next time =p
Very lovely island! The beaches are so gorgeous! ooooh I wanna go there now! So I guess after all that spanking you got from the speedboat... looking at all the beautiful sceneries made you forgot your butt was aching lol.
This island would be a good place for me to take a vacation ^__^. Thankies!
Simply breathtaking
OMG such a nice place!! So sad I had to give it a miss. :(
thanks for showing the pictures.. i dont need to go ... hahaha... i didnt realize got such a place goodness.. i m really OUT!
wow! nice!
beaches here are all (well almost) breathtaking!
im going to pulau mabul next month...btw
plan to go sipadan as well but i heard that we need to buy a pass or somethign izzit?...
Hi foong,
Do you know the rate of the Manukan Lodge? I find very interesting! Is it the same lodge which is together with the coconut trees beside? That's beautiful sea view!
Anyway, thanks for sharing. :)
were you able to see all the fish they have advertised on the sign board?? hehehe...
didn't see you in your swimsuit posing ont he beach?? muaahahaha :D
u did a good walk round the island! simple life, that's nice. think most of us aim for that haha :)
How many hours did you spend on the island?
Wondering if the foreigners are unhappy over the different prices paid by Malaysians and non-Malaysians. The Western expat of Thailand Blogs often complains about 2-tier pricing in Thailand.
Better than Krabi man!
Wow!! What a breathtaking view! I love beaches and I can't help falling in love with this place you're featuring. Really, really lovely!!
Hi FoongPC!! Been forever! :)) How are you?
Wow I love beaches so I really enjoyed reading this trip story of yours! I like and prefer quiet beaches too. Just wondering of the beach you spent time at, when you swam in it was it so rocky under the shallow water?
Wow, this place is very well maintained, very clean too (maybe that's what the entrance fee is for huh? to maintain the place). I never know there is such nice place in Malaysia! The water is so so so clear! You can even see the fish! I always have the impression that the water in Malaysia is dirty (like brown- brown yellow-yellow):o)
Looking at your photo make me wish I can take a dip in that clear blue water too.
Did you have a swim there?
very nice foong. this pl is v nice. i would hv love to laze by the beach with my favorite book too. my kind of vacation too..
JL, congrats for being FC here!
Yes, no regrets for using Slide! What's the difference if I use Flickr or others?
Yes, I was still up at 3am. Not blogging, but accompanied my mom who could not sleep watch TVB dramas. Haha!!
mariuca, aiya if I have FC2 and FC3, then people will start asking for FC4 and FC5'll just go on and on! Maybe I should have LC - Last Commenter, though that's simply not possible.
But then again, everyone will try to be the last to comment which means after one has commented, he/she will try to comment again and again to end up as LC! haha!
Nah, won't work! LOL!
mariuca, you hate lizards? So no lizards in your home? haha! I don't mind lizards, it's the cockroaches that I hate!
Btw, thanks for your compliments! : )
JL, I did not meet up with that Korean lady after that. Didn't know where she disappeared to! : )
monica, congrats for being FC3! But sorry no linky love cos I don't want to entertain requests for FC4, FC5, FC6 etc! etc!
Thanks for the compliments! : )
mei teng, thanks! Oh, you know exactly how I felt, don't you? I missed KK so much when I returned home and felt so reluctant to go back to work the next day!
In fact, the next day at work, I was in a dream-like state, my mind thinking of nothing but KK : )
cashmere, glad you enjoyed the pictures. Also glad I inspired you to 'poison' people's mind to go Sabah or Sarawak. LOL! Wish you good luck!!! : )
cibol, here's the problem. I tried snorkeling one time with a group of friends and I just could not do it. I found it to be very uncomfortable breathing through my mouth. Maybe I need some time getting used to it - I don't know!
This trip I was alone by myself, I decided not to snorkel, but just enjoy a simple swim and sit at the beach with a good book.
Besides, someone told me that Sapi Island would be a better place than Manukan for snorkeling.
ayie, thanks! Oh yes, I can spend a few days there too! But if I have a few days, I would most likely go island hopping!
Yeah! I like to look at the sunlight streaming through in between the trees : )
cbenc12, yes crystal clear waters, but probably not as clear as the ones in Maldives? Not sure but based on photos I saw : )
freedom09, you do, don't you? Go for it! Btw, thanks for dropping by! : )
iamthewitch, I love the last picture too! That picture also makes me miss Manukan Island very much!
Haha! I know you like cool weather. But it's OK to me. Maybe you can find a shaded area by the beach and with the cool breeze blowing, it won't be that hot after all! : )
nic, *sniff sniff* Missing KK so much!
Why didn't I go snorkeling? OK, let me copy and paste from my reply above. Wait...
Ok, here's why...
I tried snorkeling one time with a group of friends and I just could not do it. I found it to be very uncomfortable breathing through my mouth. Maybe I need some time getting used to it - I don't know!
This trip I was alone by myself, I decided not to snorkel, but just enjoy a simple swim and sit at the beach with a good book.
Besides, someone told me that Sapi Island would be a better place than Manukan for snorkeling.
superman, you are going a 2nd time? I'm not sure if I'll go again, cos next time I go KK, I'll probably visit the other remaining islands. But I might just drop by Manukan again. Who knows? : )
TZ, haha! I didn't pay attention to that! You are going snorkeling? Show us some nice photos yes? : )
fufu, well I will visit Sapi Island next time! To see those giand lizards you mentioned! Haha!
ladyviral, yes the beaches are gorgeous. I fell in love at first sight of this island! The moment I stepped on the island, I forgot entirely about my butt pain.
It lasted until my return journey by speedboat. Then the pain came right back : )
borneo falcon, it is indeed breathtaking! : )
day-dreamer, yeah, so sad! Never mind, you can visit KK again next time and make sure you go island hopping then! Btw, I will drop by and read your posts on your KK trip soon : )
reanaclaire, well don't be embarrassed. I didn't know there's an island called Manukan before this KK trip either.
Oh, and looking at my photos just won't do. You need to go there and experience the beautiful island! : )
annant, where is Pulau Mabul? Haven't heard of such a pulau before :p
Wow! Going Sipadan? I think that's an even better island than Manukan! Not sure about the pass thing, cos I haven't been there before! Must go there one day!
robo, err... not sure of the Manukan Lodge's rates. Maybe can check it online? It does not have a coconut tree beside it, but I remember it does face the sea, so yes you will have seaview.
However, since the islands are so near mainland KK, I think it's not necessary to stay overnight on the island. Unless of course, you want to watch the sunset and the sunrise. The last boat leaves at 5pm, I think.
SK, well I saw a lot of fishes but I do not know how to identify which fish is which!
Me posing in my swimsuit? haha! I don't even put my own picture online! : )
quachee, really? you too aim for the simple life?
Oh yes, I did a good walk round the island! Not a very large island actually. Just nice, I think : )
khengsiong, I think I spent about 4-5 hours there.
I have not heard of any foreigners complaining about the two tier pricing. But I think they should expect this. This two tier pricing is also implemented at Kinabalu Park @ KK, and places like Bird Park @ Lake Gardens, KL.
eiling, really or not? Krabi is a very famous place, you know! I have yet to go Krabi! Must go one day! : )
tita beng, yes it's easy to fall in love with this place. It's love at first sight for me! LOL!
rad, hi, welcome back! I just thought about you that day and even thought of visiting your blog but I knew there were no updates.
So how are you? Hope you have lots of stories to tell me!
As regards your question, no it's not rocky below the water. You have to find the spot where there's a nice beach without the rocks.
ai shiang, haha! Yeah, it's an eye opener yes? After being so fed up with dirty beaches like PD and Morib etc. etc, this is like a breath of fresh air!
I guess they maintain it well. You have to especially when if you are serious about it being a tourist attraction and you are competing with all those nice clean beaches with crystal clear waters all over the world! : )
lina, oh yes, i guess you miss that part in my post. I swam for a while, which I consider more like wading or walking with waters up to my chest, cos I don't know how to swim! : )
a common singaporean, oh, this is your kind of vacation too? Cool! I tell you, this is all I want. No need anything else! : )
I don't think it's so clear using Flickr, and it's a bit harder to post pics using Flickr because they don't give the html code. But each to his own. :)
Wah so late watching TVB? The show must be so interesting. xD
wah .. can really see fish one o!
RYC: i got what u mean. i also believe in reborn and i know whatever i can't achieve in this lifetime will be carried forward, but still as long as i live in this life, i want to try to achieve and 'taste' it.
Truly lovely~~!!
Wow! Awesome pictures, Foong. You are doing great justice to this beautiful, beautiful place. Your pictures are as good as those I see in brochures. Really. The jetty shots are no different from those on Maldives or Fiji and the fishes in the clear water is so enticing, and that board of fishes. What an amazing number of species found there. Which goes to show that Malaysia has her own gems of natural beauty. We just need to take care of them.
I think a day-trip is insufficient to soak in its beauty and tranquility. A stay in one of those high-up lodges would probably provide a great laid-back vacation. Ahh.............
Did you have the chance to check out how the inside of the lodge look like?
Chop 72-th comment. LOL.
I like the pics where the sun light streams down between the trees. Looks awesome!
even more beautiful than i remembered it. glad u had a great time
Finally.... part 2 of the Manukan Island trip. Don't say you're noob in taking photos, your photos are great! :p
ah, i remember being there just few years back. the water was what took my breath away. it was so clear n transparent! :)
Foong, whenever I access your blog, message pops up saying Internet Explorer cannot open internet connection to your blog..operation aborted. I got the same message on another PC and JL's blog also registered the same prob.
Is this just me? Anyone else has this prob too?
may i know where is manukan island? near where? looks like very nice
I'm kinda envious when I saw the pictures. Summer seaon is almost over. I wish I could fly and be on a beach in a flash.
Love the views very relaxing. :p
JL, I think I will stick with Slide. So far it's easy to use and the quality of the photos are not compromised in any way.
Haha! Just watching for fun. But TVB dramas are very addictive and I try not to watch too much! : )
renaye, oh yes the water is clear enough to see those fishes.
Great! I was hoping you would understand my comment at your blog, and I'm glad you did understand! Yeah, do the best you can to achieve what you want in this life! : )
michi yes indeed! : )
happysurfer, wow, thanks for your compliments! Yes, Malaysia does have one of the best beaches in the world - we just need to take care them.
Well, if I have a few days free, I won't mind staying in one of the lodges there. But no, I did not really go and check the lodge out : )
neo, congrats for being my 72nd Commenter! Haha!
Yeah, I like that photo too! : )
it seems to be so much fun outhere foongpc
bengbeng, thanks! Maybe you want to go there again? : )
kit kat, really? I'm going to give all the credits to my brand new Panasonic Lumix LX3 camera! Didn't regret buying it at all! I'm really a noob in photography. I'm quite sure if good photographers like Mei Teng or Neo were to use this camera, the photos would turn out to be even better! : )
levian, yes the clear water took my breath away too. I hope it will continue to be like this forever : )
mei teng, sorry to hear that, but I really don't know why that would happen. How about using a different browser eg. Firefox?
limpek, Manukan island is near Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. You can access the island via boat ride from Jesselton Point ferry terminal in KK.
go all the the way but didnt go into the water??????? what a waste.
this comments come from a island /sea lover / a scuba diver hehehe
Lovely pictures you got there! I cannot imagine myself lugging a camera along the beach like you did.
rej, come over to Malaysia. It's summer all the time over here! : )
bluedreamer27, yes it's fun alrite : )
johnny ong, I think you missed reading the last part. Pls read it again : )
CK, thanks! Well, my camera is not the big DSLR that I need to lug all around the island. So it's not a real problem to me. Besides, how could I possibly miss the chance to take photos of the beautiful beaches?
Oh, btw, thanks for dropping by! : )
The pictures are awesome :)
Have a nice weekend.
Uwaaaahhhh.... I sooooo wanna go here! Looking at the pics brings back fond memories I had in Tioman though. If you haven't been there, that's another place you should vacay :)
Hehe. If a show is addictive sure watch a lot. Too bad I need a translator beside me everytime I watch TVB if not don't understand what they say. Oops :f
Foong, just to share a small piece of happy news. My sis' photo is in today's Star weekender photo contest 5 finalist - Devil's Kitchen. She did better than me. I didn't get in under the Asean theme but she did with a point and shoot camera.
aiyoh... I love the clear blue water and white sandy beach! It's so humid and scorching hot in Singapore, the water's too inviting.
You should have stay another day or two at the Lodge. :)
che-cheh, thanks! You have a nice weekend too! : )
perky, is Tioman island as beautiful as Manukan?
JL, oh need a translator? Ask your mom to be your translator lah. I remember you told me your mom watches TVB series too, right? : )
mei teng, wow! Congrats to your sister!! She did it with a point and shoot camera only? Amazing! Looks like there are hopes for people who only use point and shoot cameras and not DSLR! : )
eastcoastlife, quick! Go for a trip to KK and go island hopping! : )
I didn't stay at the Lodge cos got to go back to work the next day! : (
Exactly Foong! It's not the camera but the person behind the camera..hehhe. Maybe you can try out the next theme which is China. I have never been to China so no photos to fit the theme.
She hasn't won yet. Up to voters to decide but out of the 5, I think hers is still the best...heheh I am so biased :)
mei teng, I hope your sister win! Can I see the photos online? Or do I need to get the Star paper?
You may view it at
Oh, I just googled and found it! I missed voting for the first Asian theme! Now cannot be in the running for voters' prize! : (
OK, I've seen all the 5 finalists' photos! Your sis' Devil's Kitchen looks great! I also like the Wave Rock and the giant trees photos! Tough to choose the winner, but I'm going to vote for your sister! : )
Foong, a big TQ to you! :)
I wish I can enter for the China theme, but I'm only going China in August! : (
eh Foong, wading is definitely not swimming! LOL
I'm gonna check out Mei Teng's Sis' entry and vote for her too.
i wish i could be there now. what breathtaking views.
lina, consider swimming also lah, since I managed to travel from one point to another in the water without my legs touching the ground. Heh heh.
Eh, you just bought a new camera, right? You also can enter the Star photo contest lah! : )
life ramblings, yeah it's breathtaking alrite! Go and have a holiday there! : )
haha nice pics..!
rm3 for malaysians rm10 for non-malaysians.. such a rip off..
why the discrimination.. lol =D
great place btw! =D
btw wow..100 comments.. lol
i wonder when mine will ever reach 100 for an entry.. haha.. =D
ahh you're using linkwithin now..nice..haha.. i used to use it.. but then removed it.. lol.. dont really like it.. haha..
I hope it's ok with u for me to spam unrelated comments. XD
Anyway mum doesn't watch TVB nowadays, so I'm finding it hard to follow it.
I couldn't believe you did not go snorkeling, Foong! If I were you, I will dip myself the whole day in the water. But of course I will also miss the photos you took by going around the island.
Panasonic Lumix is pretty good already :) Next time try DSLR :p
kenwooi, I guess the price difference is good for us Malaysians cos we are given special privilege as Malaysians. Not so good for the tourists, but depending on where they came from, the amount should not be too much of a problem. Unless they come from Thailand or Indonesia, where their currencies are lower than ours.
Oh, don't be envious of my 100 comments, mostly half of the comments came from myself, so effectively it's really just 50 comments. I think Blogger should really fix this. My own comments should not be counted in the total number of comments, don't you think?
I just started using Link Within. Just giving it a try. I noticed sometimes the links that appear are not so related to the particular posts. Well, I'll see how it goes. I think it's still good to let readers know about my other posts even though some may be unrelated to that particular post they are reading.
JL, oh I don't mind as long as it's related to the comments made earlier and not to promote your products or services.
Oh, your mom does not watch TVB shows anymore? That's too bad! : )
jam, better believe it! Anyway, I can't snorkel. I find it uncomfortable to breathe with my mouth - not used to it : )
kit kat, you sponsor the DSLR for me, izit? : )
how come you didn't visit the Rafflesia flower in KK? :(
The next time you come back make a trip to Semporna. The beaches and underwater life there is amazing....
I also no money to buy a DSLR. But you can try Nikon D60. It's a beginner DSLR and the price is very reasonable. RM2k with VR lens. :)
breathtaking scene in manukan island. Sipadan Island in tawau not bad too...heard that they offer the cheapest diving course.
life ramblings, not enough time to visit! : )
rozella, Ok, will take note of that. Thanks!! : )
kit kat, maybe next time. I just bought the Panasonic Lumix, no money left! Haha!
amei79, would love to go Sipadan island too! : )
i stumbled upon this site...i love it man..
I was curious about the beach near KK and wow, it looks amazing. Great blog you have here.
jake, thanks for dropping by! : )
MKL, yes the beach was amazing indeed! Thanks for dropping by! : )
It is so luck to see the article today, great article, great author. I learn something new on different post everyday. It is always refreshing to read posts of other forums and learn something from them.
Thanks for taking the time to discuss this, I feel strongly about it and love learning more on this topic. If possible, as you gain expertise, would you mind updating your blog with more information? It is extremely helpful for me.