I had a swell time passing out 5 awards in Awards Galore!! last year, so I'm naming this post Awards Galore 2!! Some sort like a sequel. Haha!
So, let's begin!
First, will be The Best Follower Award which I received from bluedreamer. Thanks so much for this award, blue.

1. Put this logo in your blog posting or
2. Invite 10 people to take this award
3. Do not forget to link back the web blog owned
4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog
5. Share the love to those who get this award.
I will now pass this award to my current top 10 commenters. They are (drum roll, pls) ....
Mei Teng
Congrats, guys and gals! Thanks so much for visiting my blog and commenting here! : )
My second award is The Uber Amazing Blog Award which I received from Borneo Falcon and Pikeydude. Thank you guys for thinking that my blog is amazing enough to deserve such an award!
Uber (synonym to Super) Amazing Blog Award is a blog award given to sites who:
~ inspires you
~ makes you smile and laugh
~ or maybe gives amazing information
~ a great read
~ has an amazing design
~ and any other reasons you can think of that makes them uber amazing!
The rules of this award are:
* Put the logo on your blog or post.
* Nominate at least 5 blogs (can be more) that for you are Uber Amazing!
* Let them know that they have received this Uber Amazing award by commenting on their blog.
* Share the love and link to this post and to the person you received your award from.
I am passing this award to the following 5 bloggers for their amazing blogs!
Unseen Rajasthan
My third award is Spread The Love Award which I received from Cashmere and Levian. Thank you both, for spreading the love to me!

1. Copy the badge and put it on your blog.
2. Link back the person who passed you this award.
3. Spread the love to at least 10 or more bloggers.
I have so much love to share around, and I'm spreading my love to these 12 bloggers :
Tita Beng
My fourth award is The Lemonade Award from Monica. I know it's an award from last year, Monica and I realised it's collecting dust on my shelf! Thank you for the award!

The rules of this award:
* Put the logo on your blog or post.
* Nominate at least 10 blogs which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude!
* Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
* Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
* Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.
I am now passing this Lemonade Award to 10 bloggers whom I think have great attitude!
Angie Tan
Enjoy the lemonade, guys and gals!!
My fifth award is The Passionate Blogger Award, which I received from iWalk. Thanks for including me in your list of passionate bloggers!

1. Put the logo in your blog
2. Write five things you are passionate about apart from blogging
3. Tag 5 people on your lists and let them know you tagged them.
Five things I'm passionate about apart from blogging are:
1. Health
2. Music
3. Reading
4. Unexplained
5. Rain
I would like to pass this award to the following 5 passionate bloggers:
Borneo Falcon
My sixth award is Your Blog Is Fabulous Award from Heidi. Heidi shares my passion for good health and I always visit her blog for tips on good health! Thanks Heidi, for giving me this wonderful award!

This is a fairly easy one, the rules are...
1. You need to list 5 Addictions that you have.
2. You have to pass this Tag to five (5) or more people with fabulous Blogs.
So here are my 5 addictions which I don't plan to overcome :
1. Blogging
2. Bread with kaya and butter
3. Reading/listening/watching ghost stories
4. Mariah Carey's singing and songs
5. Watching Hong Kong TVB series
I am passing this award to the following 5 fabulous bloggers:
I think 6 awards in one post is enough, don't you think? Oh, I do have lots more awards to give out but I shall reserve that for the next sequel - The Awards Galore 3!!
I guess I am the first!
And thanks for the award! Truly appreciate that!
jam, yes you are FC! Congrats! About the award, you are welcome! : )
last time when study secondary school..i oso got many awards but now no more..haiz
Oooh..I am a Foong follower! Hey, I should be receiving the top FC award too ;)
wah..u are so easy to get the award..can teach me some way?
Cool thanks for the award. Congrates to the other winners!!! :D
limpek, you have many awards in secondary school? Well, I only have many awards during primary school. Haha!
Teach you how to get awards? Well, one way is to visit other blogs frequently and comment. Bloggers who know you often visit them will remember you and may give you some awards : )
mei teng, yes, thank you for following me! You want top FC award? Maybe I'll create one such award one fine day! : )
relax, you are welcome : )
Yeah! I have 2 awards. Haha :D But there are really plenty of awards here. Congrates to those who have won the awards.
You know what I wanted to add the Top Commentors widget too but...It only works will blogspot profiles. :D
Bro, I thing you need to change the url of my blog for the "Blogs I Follow" widget. Because it's still the .blogspot.com hence it couldn't read my latest post. :D Dun forget to change it to my latest custom domain url ya. Thank you. :D
thanks a lot buddy
huh?? i'm also one of the award recipients?? *thrilled* hahaha, thank you so much.. but why am i being awarded that "spread the love award"?? :p
Cute la the panda! I love! :)
Wahhhhhh so many awards and one for me yay! Thanks so much Foong and congrats to u! :)
wow foong foong.. i din know u were this famous! got so many awards... then next time will get jui gai lam jue kok lor!
hehehe... i got Lemonade Awards... cool! thanks dude :)
Congrats on the arsenal of awards and thanks for awarding one to me. Haha.
Thanks for the "Best Follower Award". My first award!
thank you foong!!
im honoured! =D
firstly, i would like to thank my parents for loving and supporting me and my blog, kenwooi.com. Special thanks to all my beloved readers too for supporting and following my super lame blog.. lastly, i would like to express my gratitude to the host, foongpc, for nominating me and for being a great blogger! =D
i love you all! =D
Dear Foongpc !!Thank you so much for giving me the award ,i am really honored.Also thanks for comments on my Blog.I am more than happy that you found my blog amazing and informative..
You like me! You really like me!!!!! LOL
Seriously, thanks for the award. :)
Wah, so glamerlah you got so many awards. Keep up the good work.
Hey thank you for the award :)
I want to give this award back to you because you definitely deserved it.
Enjoyed all your blog posts since I started reading it... except hantu one I skip la hahaha
wow thanks!!
and you are an award collector!!
thanks for the award! here is my posting: Lemonade Award. :)
i'm uber cool! hahahah
Congrats to all!!!!
Thanks foong and congrats to all!
got own award show some more ....
so when can i get mine? :)
Morning foong!
Again I would like to say thank you for the award! Looks like you got the Award back from me. ^-^
Don't think the tagging is required anymore now lol :P.
Thanks so much!
if there is such a thing as the best award acceptance comments, I'd like to nominate kenwooi. You rock man! LOL
i have two?? wow... thanks =p i am so happy... can show off to everyone now... arigato :]
hehehhe thanks a lot, foongpc.... for transferring the dust to my shelf! hahahahaha... I really appreciate it :)
Wow, thanks for the lemonade... but it's too sour le, more sugar please! lol.
that is so thoughtful :P
Foong, thank you for the award. I love that. :):)
I clicked Malaysian Blog Award to vote for you but not successful, will return to try again. All the best.
Many thanks for giving me one of the awards
Congrats on your awards! Wahhhh! So many!
Thanks for the award.
thanx for all the LOVE foong! this is a surprise n an honour! thanx again... muaks!
Foong, thank you!
Foong! Thank you very much! You just gave me my FIRST EVER award! I'm so touched. :) hehehe...
Thank you so much! The appreciation is mutual. Keep up the good bloging and sharing! ^_^
Your frens are lucky, you r a generous guy!
so many awards.... congratz...
Foong, I've 20 awards in my draft box now!!! :-D
anyway thanks so much for the award.. Yayy!!! ;-)
Terima Kasih for the award. :-)
I will need time to blog about it. HAHAHAHA...
tekkaus, I've already updated your blog's URL. Cheers : )
bluedreamer27, you are welcome! : )
SK, cos I want to spread the love to you, so that you can spread the love to others! : )
mariuca, thanks! Yes, that is Kungfu Panda from the movie. He's cute! : )
nic, haha! I'm not some famous actor from HK lah ; )
tz, you are welcome. Hope you like the lemonade though it's not from Starbucks : )
day-dreamer, thanks and welcome : )
ladyviral, you are welcome! : )
kenwooi, haha! The music already started playing. Get off the stage! : )
unseen rajasthan, thanks and welcome! : )
lina, che-cheh & lisalicious, thanks and welcome! : )
levian, that's fast!
medie007, yes, you are uber cool : )
rozella, feel free to grab the Spread The Love award! Spreading my love to you! : )
ayie, you are welcome : )
J2Kfm, feel free to grab the Spread The Love award! : )
ladyviral, oh giving me back the award? Thanks! : )
eiling, you are welcome! : )
lina, haha! Yes kenwooi rocks! : )
fufu, enjoy yourself in China! : )
rad, what dust? I wiped the award clean before I passed to you! LOL!
neo, no problem! But I thought you should say kurang manis? What is this?! : )
faisal, thanks and welcome. Keep blogging and don't quit! : )
molly, thanks for voting for me. But I think if you tried a few times and it did not work, just forget it. I'm not sure if the award is still up for grabs!
borneo falcon, you are welcome : )
eastcoastlife, yeah so many cos all accumulated since last year. Haha!
merryn & happysurfer, you are both welcome! : )
iamthewitch, your first award? Well, I'm glad I have the honour to give you your first award! : )
anton, thanks for putting up the award on your blog! : )
mandy ling, ooh thanks! And thanks for dropping by my blog : )
keeyit, feel free to grab The Spread The Love award! I'm spreading my love! : )
monica, why am I not surprised? ; )
angie tan, take your time! No rush! : )
Thanks so much for the Lemonade Award. I sangat terharu ;)
I also want to thank my father, my mother, my next door neighbour, the guy who hold the lift for me just now, ...
Lol! ;)
Thanks again! :)
perky, haha! You are welcome! : )
Hi, foongpc!
So nice of you to include me in your list of awardees. Thanks much, my friend!
tita beng, you are welcome! : )
i just done posting this to my blog foongpc
thanks for sharing