The total eclipse will last up to 6 minutes and 39 seconds, making it the longest solar eclipse this century! We will have to wait until the year 2132 to have an eclipse longer than this one!
Unfortunately (or is it fortunately?) for Malaysians, we would not be able to experience the total eclipse, although we would be able to witness a partial eclipse.
The path of the Moon's umbral shadow will begin in India and crosses through Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar and China. After leaving mainland Asia, the eclipse will cross into Japan's Ryukyu Islands and curve southeast through the Pacific Ocean.
Do you know why it will be a long eclipse? Well, this is because at this time of the year, the Sun is farthest away from Earth, thus is smallest in size. Whereas the Moon is nearest to Earth, therefore it appears bigger in size. With a big Moon blocking a small Sun, what do you get? A longer eclipse, that's what!

Diagram of solar eclipse courtesy of
So are you excited? Can't wait to catch the eclipse? But wait! Not so fast!
The reason why I said earlier that we in Malaysia are probably fortunate not to catch the total solar eclipse is because solar eclipse is never a good sign.
According to Joey Yap, Malaysia's famous feng shui expert, this solar eclipse will bring us bad luck especially if we are exposed to it. One minute exposure will attract one year of bad luck, two minutes will attract two years of bad luck, so imagine being exposed for a total of 20 minutes or longer! Read my post on what Joey Yap said.
T. Selva, the practitioner of Vasthu Sastra (also known as Indian feng shui), mentioned in The Star newspaper last week that this solar eclipse will create negative energies that would affect everyone. Read the article online.
According to him, any eclipse signals a time to be wary and this is especially true when it involves the Sun as all living beings are dependent on the Sun. The impact of the negative energies when the Sun is obscured causes a lack of courage, fatigue and low self-esteem. People are advised not to carry out their usual activities, not to travel and stay indoors.
Those who were born during the eclipse should take even more care than others. During this unfavourable period, every individual will experience some sort of disruption at work, home, business and travel. He advised everyone to offer prayers and clean their homes to remove all harmful energies after the eclipse.
For those staying in KL, the eclipse will start at 8.29am and end at 9.48am. The peak of the eclipse when the Moon covers the Sun the most (which to us, only covers 8% of the Sun disk since we are not in the totality path) will happen at 9.07am.
If you want to test out whether this eclipse really brings bad luck, go ahead, get out there and watch the eclipse. But remember, never watch with the naked eye for you can go blind! Take note that sunglasses, exposed film, X-ray film and polaroid filters cannot be counted on to protect your eyes. Only use filters and glasses that are specifically made for viewing the Sun.
For me, I think I will stay indoors as a precautionary measure. What about you?
Has anyone viewed the solar eclipse...wearing viewing glasses of course?
I did not know it would bring bad luck. I never thought about the negative energy. Very interesting. I think I will stay inside too:)
Good morning, Foong, Mei Teng!
Good post, Foong. I was going to talk about this too on my blog.
Yeah, eclipses are never a good time to do any major activity. Luckily, it's for only six minutes but that too can be a long time considering that is when almost everyone is on the road to work. Glad we are not going to be experiencing the full eclipse. We have to work around it this Wed, I guess.
I thought you're already in Guilin. ;)
Happy Monday, Foong.
You too, Mei Teng.
hmmm that would be the time i'm commuting to work, i sure will "kena" the eclipse one woh.. maybe i shall bring an umbrella to block the suey luck!! hahaha~~ :D
btw, i wonder if we could really see?? cos it's so hazy now in KL, we don't even see the sun in normal days, not to mention the eclipse day~~ :p
Rumours had been spreading that there will be another tsunami occuring on the same day. i hope it's a false alarm.
dropping Ec here and have a fabulous Monday.
did you tell our PM ar? maybe he will declare it a public holiday avoid bad luck especially for himself.....KAKAAKAKA.......
I heard many going to China to see it. The town in China where can see this become so popular now.
Ohh really? I'll stay indoor as well. But last time I usually use the special filter to watch eclipse. Didn't know about the bad luck thing back then.
wah...didnt knw it will bring bad luck i betta call my aunt not to come out on 22nd nite!
i remembered watching my first solar eclipse during primary school, everyone was so hyped, taking out sunglasses n old films. XD
I suppose the solar eclipse will bring bad luck to the whole world, not just anyone who watch it. So even if we hide inside building we probably can't escape from it.
What bad thing will happen? Mutation of the H1N1 virus?
mei teng, I'm sure there are, but I myself have never properly viewed a live eclipse myself. Only see it on TV : )
heidi, now you know! Haha! Yes, stay indoors - better safe than sorry! : )
Hi Foongpc !!In India also this eclipse took place and ended for 5 mts...Thanks for the information..Unseen Rajasthan
happysurfer, you are going to blog about this too? Oh, I think you misunderstood - the total eclipse will last for about 6 minutes, but the whole duration of the eclipse for KL area lasts for a little more than an hour from 8.29am - 9.48am. So I guess it's only safe to be out only after 10am.
I'll be in Guilin next week. Luckily the eclipse is over by then. LOL! But then we'll never know the long term negative effects of the eclipse on the world at large.
Foong, I understood what you meant. I was just speaking in general terms. My apologies. I must have confused you.
So Guilin is next week. You must be looking forward to it. Eh?
SK, bringing an umbrella to block the suey luck is better than nothing, haha! Maybe the thick haze can help block for you if it's a hazy day : )
Since it's only a partial eclipse, I think with the haze around, we will have a hard time seeing it : )
life ramblings, I don't think the rumour about the tsunami is true. Why would an eclipse cause a tsunami?
Thanks for dropping EC and you have a great Monday too! : )
manglish, tell our PM? I don't know him personally, how to tell? Leave a comment on his blog? haha!
superman, yes those who are known as eclipse chasers (something like tornado chasers) are going to China to witness the total solar eclipse. To me, it's like chasing after bad luck! : )
hmmm.... I better stay @ home... don't go out on Wednesday... I need lotz of luck for my exam next week. :p
I thought the Eclipse is today... there's hardly any sun in downtown KL :p Did hazy day bring us bad luck too?
che-cheh, yes better to stay indoors. It's not worth watching the eclipse here in Malaysia as we don't get to see the total eclipse : )
annant, haha! Yes better stop your aunt from coming out, but the eclipse happens in the morning, so night time is OK : )
levian, I guess it's pretty exciting to watch one if never watched before! : )
khengsiong, I am not really sure if it'll bring bad luck to the whole world, but those countries which experience full or partial eclipse will be affected. As for individuals, I think better not get exposed - probably the effects are worse if you get exposed to this very negative energy.
Mutation of the H1N1 virus is absolutely possible, but touchwood, pls! : )
unseen rajasthan, oh yes! Certain parts of India will get to witness the total eclipse. Will you be watching it? Definitely an incredible experience, but are you worried of the negative energy that may affect you in the process?
happysurfer, oh, so you understood me. OK, no worries. Yes, very excited about my Guilin trip!! Can't wait! : )
TZ, exam next week? Then better not get yourself exposed to the eclipse. Haha!
No lah, hazy days won't bring us bad luck, but just bring us misery! LOL!
Btw, good luck on your exam!! : )
Probably it is a blessing in disguise we don't get to see the eclipse then
partial eclipse = partial suey or not? :D
I'll stay indoors just in case.
Next week is your trip izit? Have fun ya! :)
I put the date in my diary, hope I can remember to watch it. :)
Oh, I forgot you are going on another trip.
I'm expecting more photos and posts from your trip. :P
Get some souvenirs and hold a contest! :)
Foong, my post on the eclipse is up. I'm also covering something about the effects of this 6th lunar month - not a good month, I'm afraid. Double whammy, if you will - the eclipse and the inauspicious 6th month. :(
Take care..
This is the rare opportunity for us to see such natural scene.
On that day, I will be working may be I will take a look on the sky for a minute.
Good post, have the nice day.
2132! will i still be alive then?! but i have never appreciate eclipse maybe i should...
Sounds like I gonna stay indoor. Watch this on TV la, got live telecast or not? Otherwise you do live coverage on your bloggie lo.
of coz I will stay indoors as well Foong! :)
yeah i remember u told me before this eclipse really brings bad luck!
at 8.29am i cld be still enjoying my breakfast hehehe
This is going to happen tomorrow? For real? OMG! And if we missed it we have to wait another 2 millenia?
Arrgghhhh....we can't witness it? =(
Yeah! Perhaps it is not a good sign. hahaha :D If after watching it, bad luck will befall upon us...then we are doom! LOL :P
I don't think I wanna try it because I'm already very "suih" this year. Can't afford to have more bad luck. Hahaha :D
I've watche dit several times when I was brother always drags me to see it with him. I'm likely to be just at home working by that time. By the way, when is it gonna occur here in US? oh well, we hardly see the sun here! haha!
I've watche dit several times when I was brother always drags me to see it with him. I'm likely to be just at home working by that time. By the way, when is it gonna occur here in US? oh well, we hardly see the sun here! haha!
Thanks for reminding me. I am so staying in my office! Lol..
Gosh tomorrow is the day! I must make sure that I leave home early enough to reach office before 8.30am to avoid the eclipse! :) Thanks for the useful info Foong.
borneo falcon, yes probably, but we can still see the partial eclipse, so the bad luck effect will still be there : )
lina, not sure if it works like that! Haha! Just to be sure, better stay out of the sun! Yes, next week is my trip and I will definitely have fun. Thanks!! : )
eastcoastlife, you want to go watch the eclipse? I thought you put the date in your diary to remind yourself not to get exposed! Good luck then! Haha!
Don't worry, I will post lots of photos of my Guilin trip once I'm back!
Hold contest offering souvenirs as prizes? Hmmm, maybe.. : )
happysurfer, oh no! Double whammy!! Not a very good timing for my trip yes? But it's all planned, so I'm going ahead with a positive mind! Wish me a safe and enjoyable trip! : )
coolingstar9, you want to watch the eclipse? My advice is, DON'T WATCH IT! You can always watch it on Internet or on TV : )
renaye, how do you appreciate the eclipse? I hope you don't go and watch it, yes? Definitely you won't be around in 2132 unless you can live more than 130 years old! : )
neo, live telecast? Don't know whether have on TV or not. Me won't be doing any live telecast lah. Think I so free meh? : )
monica, good thing you remember! Haha! Yeah, stay indoors the safest! And if you believe about the tsunami thing (which I don't), stay away from the beach! : )
johnny ong, enjoy your breakfast indoors and not outdoors : )
tekkaus, yeah, better not watch it unless you don't mind testing it out. Hehe.
Why you so "suih" this year? Don't worry, your luck will change. Nothing stays constant forever! : )
what about Penang?
what time?
Foong, looks like all is not lost as we can still view the eclipse via live webcast.
hi foogpc, need your help.
pls vote heart random at
I am one of the finalist.. still be behind 300 votes.
ayie, not really sure when, but since you can hardly see the sun, makes no difference then. haha!
eiling, haha! Yes, better stay put in your office till the eclipse is over! : )
yeah i figure that out foong also it will occur here around 5-6pm today. So many superstitions in the web, i read a few yesterday
iamthewitch, you are welcome! Hope you make it to the office before 8.30am! : )
indavao, thanks for dropping by : )
faisal admar, should be similar time with KL. Are you planning to watch or avoid it? : )
medie007, yes besok! Actually it's today at this time of writing. So are you watching it or hiding from it? : )
happysurfer, thanks for the link! : )
sherry, OK, will go and vote : )
ayie, yes lots of superstition, but I don't take them seriously. However, I do take the advice from feng shui masters seriously : )
you're a chinese foong, right?
I didn't see the eclipse this morning. I was still sleeping. But I had a weird weird dream. I dreamt of the eclipse. I was floating on top of the view where the moon intersected the sun and the earth. Really weird but it felt quite majestic and real.
I watched the eclipse.... on live TV! :)
ayie, yes, I am. Why?
a common singaporean, wow! A dream about the eclipse. And last time you had a horrible dream about your baby. Looks like you should record down your dreams. Maybe there are messages in them! : )
eastcoastlife, oh, that's good! At least you didn't go out there and watch it! : )
well that explains all that feng shui and superstitions stuffs =)
I dont care about Feng shui.. I would wanna catch it if I have the chance.. But too bad it was raining heavily yday! :(
wow.. its like learning science over here.. haha.. miss school days la.. but i didnt catch it... lazy to wake up la.. =P
and regarding the feng shui believes.. i dont know wanna believe anot.. haha.. =D
ayie, well not all Chinese believe in feng shui and superstitions, and some Westerners believe in them. Mostly those who believe about mind power will tend to believe in feng shui, because both are talking about energy : )
cashmere, oh! That's too bad, but it may have saved you from years of bad luck! : )
kenwooi, you are a late sleeper and late riser right? Yeah, it's like science in school, haha!
You don't have to believe in feng shui, but it works all the same. It does not depend on your beliefs : )
i encountered most chinese are really into feng shui mostly our many complications hehe
ayie, oh, I can see the problems you face in dealing with your clients! Good luck! : )
here in Phil we just got a partial solar eclipse so it wasnt that noticeable compare to other asian countries
and so sad to say that i missed out the opportunity to view this once in a lifetime event
bluedreamer27, maybe it's a blessing in disguise that you miss the solar eclipse! According to feng shui experts and astrologers, it's bad luck to view the eclipse. Just watch it online will do : )