It was Lydia Teh herself who mailed me this book, which happens to be her latest book. I had just won a contest on her blog and this book is the prize. Thanks Lydia!
And oh, she also left me a personal message in the book. Cool!

I have yet to read this book but I am sure it will come in handy especially at times like this when we need all the tips available to stretch our money!
By the way, I am a big fan of her other two books which I have finished reading some time back.

"Honk! If You're Malaysian" was thoroughly entertaining and utterly enjoyable! It was Lydia's amusing view on Malaysians' way of life.
As for "Do You Wear Suspenders?" I think it must be the best book to brush up on my English! Funny and interesting at the same time, I enjoyed reading every single page!
If you have yet to read these books, I highly recommend them! They are guaranteed to make you laugh or at the very least put a smile on your face!
hi foong!
wops im late.. =P
never heard of her...
but anyway.. congrats for winning the book! =)
that's very nice of her to send you the book! looks like an interesting read!
wee I'm fc again after long long time!
congrats! havent read her books b4. gotta read it soon.
From me to you, suejean =)
Gong Hei GOng Hei!!!
Congratz eh! I'm into reading book recently too (if im not tool ate to become ulat buku)..hehehehe!
Maybe will get hers sometime someday`
well..u read and share with us..thx..
Her books really reflect the true Malaysia and Malaysian!
I did not realize Lydia has a blog. Have not read her book but seen it around. Will try to get a copy of her latest book
Wow! You have won 2 books from her blog? Perhaps I should pay her a visit too and see if I could win anything? :p
She even left you a personal message? She is very curteous aye! :p The cover of the her books look cute and chic! :)
Honk If you are Malaysia? Gonna go grab that book! :) Let's see if I'm gonna laugh or smile.
wow congratulations foong!!
im happy for you
she of the eh poh nim fame in the Star papers?
congrats foong.
ohhhh you are so lucky....i read a few pages of her other books, next time must buy heehhe..:)
Congrats! Foong. Great job!
I'm sure the tips in this book would be helpful since it's written by a local writer in a local context. Happy reading!
ayie, congrats on being FC here today! : )
kenwooi, never heard of her? She has a best selling book "Honk! If You're Malaysian" on MPH's best seller list for some time. Get that book and you won't regret it! : )
ayie, yeah, it's always nice to receive presents from the author herself! : )
SJ, oh you should get her book especially "Honk! If You're Malaysian". It's a blast! : )
elaine tam, thanks! It's never too late to be a "ulat buku" but nobody asks you to be a bookworm! All read and no play is no fun either! haha!
wenn, sure no problem! : )
superman, yes her book indeed shares the true malaysian value, maybe a good book to promote 1Malaysia! LOL!
borneo falcon, yes she has a blog but she's not so active in blogging anymore. Used to be very active. If you have not read her books before, don't get the latest one. I recommend you get "Honk! If You're Malaysian." That's a good introduction to her other books : )
tekkaus, no lah. Only won one book. The other two books I bought from bookstores! See? I'm a supporter of local writers! Let me just say that local writers are really good! I enjoy reading local books! : )
Yes, go and get "Honk! If You're Malaysian". I'm sure you will enjoy reading it! : )
bluedreamer27, thanks!! : )
J2Kfm, yup, she's the one! Thanks!! : )
manglish, yeah go and get the books! : )
happysurfer, thanks! I will read it ASAP! : )
congrats Foong!
Lydia is an aspiring and established writer. i've always enjoyed her articles on 'the star'.
so this is her latest book?
honestly, i've not read any of her books. teruklah me.
happy reading and enjoy your weekend Foong.
Wow!! Congrats on ur win Foong, what a fantastic prize!
Autographed some more from the author, wow wow! You're so lucky!
So you better read up and save lots of money eh? :)
I haven't read any of the books here Foong, good is it???
Dropping EC today! Screamyx so damn slow this whole week I wonder why!
Enjoy the rest of ur weekend! :)
in this difficult times (recession blues not over just yet) , that book will surely come in handy and useful. ;)
Arh D: that's some intriguing book you have there!!
oh foong, u lucky fella! I've flipped thru her books in bookstores..hahahaa.. n from wat i see, i like. just that i've never purchased any of her works yet. i like the 'honk' book..
Looks like I have to brush up on some reading on books by Malaysian writers.
The covers of her books are so cute. I hardly read books by Malaysian authors, they are mostly Americans and British authors.
I bet those are real cool. Perhaps you should blog about the best part of the book(s) when you finish them :).
just read throught the comments..
everyone says her book is nice..
hmmm.. feel like buying already
life ramblings, if you enjoy reading her articles in The Star, then you will love her books! Happy weekend to you! : )
mariuca, thanks! Yes, her books are really enjoyable to read! Funny and entertaining.
Screamyx? Haha! Is that a typo or you purposely call it like that? Maybe we should call it Screamyx instead of Streamyx. Sure makes you want to scream when the connection is slow! LOL!
mei teng, reading is one thing but putting them into practice is another : )
cher, yes! : )
sylvester, yup! : )
merryn, you should go get her books. And save it for those days when your internet is down. Sure can entertain you! : )
eiling, yeah, maybe you should! : )
ai shiang, I read a lot of non Malaysian books too but I find some Malaysian books really good! Yes, I will blog about the books I read in future : )
donna, you should buy and read it! I guarantee it's nice especially the book "Honk! If You're Malaysian" : )
You said the book contains info on garbage enzyme? Garbage enzyme is strictly for external use only. I can't imagine someone uses it for brushing teeth!
really nice of her to send you the book! looks interesting!
i will watch out for this book in our local book stores
hi foong thanks for dropping by at my "song to remember"
thanks foong! you really like that paper puzzle =)
ps...you still write lob=nger posts than me! hehee
ah I should get it when I was over in Msia last week :S damn... coz i was looking for some entertaining books to read and I saw these few books....from her...
alright that is going into my reading list :D
i have yet catch these books. maybe i should start looking out for them. :)
jam, that's what I heard from my mom's friend! Maybe I heard wrongly?
tes, yes it's nice of her and yes, it's an interesting book! Thanks for dropping by! : )
bengbeng, yeah, go and get it! : )
bluedreamer, no problem! I love dropping by your blogs : )
ayie, yeah, nice paper transformer! Haha!
I still think this post of mine is shorter than yours! ; )
lisalicious, yeah go get it! You will enjoy it, trust me! : )
levian, oh yeah, you should. The books are fun to read, especially "Honk! If You're Malaysian". I would say that's the best book to entertain yourself! : )
ok foong, i give in...this will never stop =)
i tend to write long when i feel like venting out so expect more long posts from me =P
I haven't read these books yet.. but sounds really interesting!
Hi Foong, Thanks so much for helping me promote my books. I appreciate your help. Seems like lots of your blog readers haven't come across my books, and now thanks to you, they may go out and buy them :) Happy reading,guys. As for Eh Poh Nim, she hasn't been very active in The Star as I'd been really busy. But I hope to knock out a couple of pieces soon.
lydia teh, you are welcome. Will look forward to read Eh Poh Nim in The Star soon! : )