It is reputed to be the oldest and largest temple in Guangxi Province. Originally built in the year 713, it was destroyed during the war in 1961. The local government then had it rebuilt in 1995 in the typical architectural style of Tang Dynasty.
I did not follow the tour guide around as she explained in detail about the history of the place. Besides, she was speaking in Mandarin which I hardly understand. So I just walked around the temple taking pictures.
Look at these interesting structures! Do you know what they are for?

I also saw some pretty interesting sculptures on the roof.

Now are these horses or dragons?

From where I stood, I could see some statues at the top of the stairs.

I climbed the stairs and found more statues there.

The views around the temple were nice. I found the temple to be clean and peaceful. I saw tall figures of Buddha inside the main hall of the temple but I was not sure if it's a good idea to take photos. So I decided not to take any photos of the interior but just focused on the scenery outside the temple building.

It was said that the famous great monk in China called Jianzhen who helped propagate Buddhism in Japan, had been to this temple before.

I like the green hill in the background of this photo below.

I was glad to be able to visit this temple but we were given only a short time here as we had four other places to go after this.
The tour guide did not seem too pleased with some tourists for returning to the tour bus late. All the more reason for us not to pay the tour company! What kind of attitude was that? But if you want to know if we ended up paying them or not, you would just have to be a bit more patient as I cannot reveal just yet!
Next, we headed to Big Banyan Tree which I shall blog about in my next post coming right up.
it's actually got 9 interesting sculptures on the roof, if you go to beijing, you can see the complete 9 sculptures on the roof of the buildings in the forbidden city :)
wow... i bet the tour company wouldnt let you guys not to pay them
wow early stalk from fufu! good morning guys!
This reminds me of my history of architecture days! ahahaha something i don't want to come back to!
at least you had your fun time snapping shots since you hardly understand your tout guide.
happy weekend!!!
friday night here now! yipee!!
OMGoodness! This is such an amazing place but what a pity you were not allowed more time. It is times like these that you wish you had not followed a tour, eh?
Those holders in pictures 2 and 3 are joss-stick- or candle-holders, I believe. Are they not being used, Foong?
Animal statues in temples normally look unusual. That's because they are celestial animals, like the Chi lin. But you already know that being a fengshui practitioner yourself, eh?
Those statues of boddhisatvas are very interesting. How tall are they?
No harm in taking photos of Buddha and sharing them. Actually, one would be doing a good deed because you'll be exposing more people to the sight of Buddha. Believe me, not everyone has actually seen how Buddha look like. True, Foong.
You wrote: It was said that the famous great monk in China called Jianzhen who helped propagate Buddhism in Japan, had been to this temple before.
Amazing! A piece of history here..
The last picture is truly a sight to behold. Is the place quiet?
Thank you for taking us on this tour, Foong. Wonderful pictures. Can't wait for more.
At 9.51am, I was still soundly asleep. Did an all nighter last night. :D
The last time I followed a tour in China, the tour guide spoke only in Mandarin too (despite the assurance from the travel agent in Malaysia that tours will be in English) :(
I had to rely on fellow tour members for info.
Anyway, great photos. :)
In that peaceful surrounding, did you contemplate on life, foong? :) Pity you can't be there longer.
Obviously the tour guide won't be happy to see tourists getting back to the bus late. They may have to keep track of time to ensure they are on schedule. Otherwise, missed out on places you guys supposed to cover and then you guys might get angry with them and not want to pay them? Hehhe...;)
Beautiful and lovely shot !! Great shots !!Unseen Rajasthan
nice statues on the roofs...reminded me those in Angels and Demons :P
yeah, horse or dragon ah?????
this temple reminds me of da puu jih shih in sandakan...arghhh...i miss sabah :(
WoW !...super photos... a lot of memories... Foong...
fufu, congrats for being First Commenter here for the first time! Hope you don't mind I use that photo of you posing in front of the Merlion! : )
9 sculptures? You mean they have these similar sculptures in Beijing? Interesting!
Of course the tour company wouldn't let us off without paying but did we escape? That's the question yes? Haha!
ayie, sorry to say but it's good night from here right now.
You don't want to be reminded of your architecture days? Why?
Enjoy your weekend! : )
happysurfer, yes you are right - they are for the joss sticks and candles. But they were not being used at that moment, I guess.
Oh yes, I know the chi lin of course. Me and my feng shui! haha! Yes, I think you are right, those animals on the roof are celestial animals - don't really exist do they?
The Buddha statues were very tall - not sure how tall, maybe 5-7 metres?
Oh, so no harm in taking photos of the Buddha statues and deities? I think I took some photos of them in another temple I visited in Guilin. That's because I saw people busily snapping away! LOL!
The temple is rather quiet if you don't take into consideration of all those tourists there! Most of the tourists went into the temple building so outside it was rather peaceful and quiet - just what I liked!
Glad to be able to share these photos and more to come! : )
lina, what did you do all night?
Most of the tour guides in China speak mandarin only. Rare to find English tour guide there!
Did I contemplate on life in that peaceful surrounding? No, I was busy snapping away and thinking how not to pay the tour company! Haha! *just kidding* : )
mei teng, I can understand the tour guide's concern of keeping to the schedule and be on time. But she did not have to show her unhappy face, right?
In any case, if at all possible, try to avoid tours. Traveling on our own is much more fun! : )
unseen rajasthan, thanks! : )
manglish, angels and demons? Haha!
johnny ong, both? : )
annant, really? Maybe you should fly to Sabah again! : )
haha, thanks, yes indeed a lot of nice memories for me : )
a few rounds of bedminton, that's what! Wahahaa!!!!
awesome pics here. saw you were hurt on Jam's blog. poor foongpc
So the tour guide was not happy that some tourists were late? That's why sometimes it is better to travel on your own. You can have more time at the interesting places, rather than being dropped off at souvenir stores. As a shutterbug, I certainly need more time to take photos.
BTW, can you take a survey at my site? You will complete it in a few minutes.
So this temple was rebuilt in 1995! Now wonder it looks so new and glossy. :) From the first picture the temple looks really ordinary. :p
So you walked around by yourself lar? Naughty boy! :p But what to do? You don't understand Mandarin. Then again...maybe her Mandarin is different! I think the structures were used to burn offerings? LOL :D
The sculptures are interesting and funny too....LOL:D A little comical I would say.I thing I even saw Chicken? Haha :D Then the poor dragon with a short body? Hahahahaa :D
But once you climbed up the stairs...everything is so gorgeous. The statues are really a sight to behold. And I notice they have been placed nicely around the greens huh? Now that makes them more natural.
You are really respectful huh Foong! You didn't snap the photo of the Buddha in the main shrine. :P
Wow! There are so many beautiful scenes captured by you. :)
Hahaha :D You guys annoyed the tour guide? Aiyo...must follow the law mah! :p
im imagining what will happen if the sculptures and statues come alive during the night.. haha.. =D
lina, wah! last minute desperate attempt to slim down and get fit? LOL!
the horse + dragon sculptures, i think they are qi lin right? u being the fengshui master should know better right? :P
bengbeng, thanks. Yeah, injured my toe and leg! But I survived : )
khengsiong, yeah it's always better to travel on our own, but this tour is good as it saves money and is more convenient for us.
Have taken the survey : )
tekkaus, yes you are right about the structures.
You saw a chicken sculpture? Which one? Haha!
No we didn't annoy the tour guide! We came back on time and was not late. See? We were so nice. So you think we should pay the tour company or not? : )
kenwooi, you have too active imagination! If they really came alive at night, I would have fainted! : )
im so very impressed with your blog, i learn a lot from it. Nice posting and content.
Keep up the good work!.
pls. add me to your link. Thanks
they look good foong. your picture snapping is getting better and better each day :D
This place is so beautiful and peaceful and I don't mind been a monk here
where is yr pics Foong?! hehe :-P
wow the pagodas are so nice! I love the scenery too! Statues, carvings... lovely, foong! thank you! Well, least this wasn't a bad visit.
ooops not pagodas! hahaha... the pots :P. aiyar! Why did I typed pagoda... tsk tsk
mArNeLLe, have included you in my blog roll : )
faisal, really? That's good to hear! Maybe because I did nothing but snap photos during my trip? : )
borneo falcon, you don't mind being a monk here? *gasp*!
Serious or not?!
monica, what? You can't see the pics?
ladyviral, I was wondering what pagodas you were talking about! Sure no pagodas in the temple! Haha!
Yes, it was quite nice visiting this temple! : )
houses in china are very unique indeed... thanks for sharing the info about jianzhen
The temple is so majestic! It looks so peaceful.... ideal for meditation.
But see the flights of stairs I faint. :(
You have to pay them no matter what, you are in their 'territory'. :P
bluedreamer27, yes they are unique. You are welcome! : )
eastcoastlife, yes it's very peaceful there and even more so if there's no tourists! The flight of stairs are not that high actually, no problem for you!
Pay them? Well, you will know soon whether we paid them or not! : )
because i hate to remember the review days...i had this 3-4inch book in history that i had to read...uugggh
not the architecture days i hate bu the board exam days =P
Nice photos! I did not went in the temple. So your photos kind of compensate for what I did not get to see!
ayie, Oic! : )
jam, yes I remember you did not go in : )