Well, that's exactly what she did. Witch booked me for lunch on a Sunday in August. Gosh! I can't even remember which Sunday that was! Let me refer to my schedule - oh yes, it was on the 23rd August.
Huh? So long ago? I guess this post is severely overdue!
Thank you Witch for the invitation! I felt so important that you had to book me for lunch one month in advance. Haha!
Anyway, I met up with her and her boyfriend (or should it be fiancé?) Saucer at Chili's in Mid Valley at 12pm. Now please don't laugh at that name Saucer. I did! Hahaha!
So here's the photo of the beautiful couple.

Oh, she wanted to take photos too! But no photos of me, thank you! I think we have one thing in common, and that is, we both own a Panasonic Lumix LX3 camera! Cool!
OK, I know we have a lot more things in common like we both love sweet desserts! Yum! Yum! And of course, we both like to blog!
Anyway, here's what Witch and Saucer ate. Oops! I forgot what's the name of the dish. Is it chicken fajitas in tortilla wrap or something like that?
For those of you who frequently go to Chili's, I am sure you know the name of this dish!

Double oops! I forgot to take photo of the tortilla wraps which looks something like roti prata to me. You are supposed to put the chicken strips onto the tortilla, add in the ingredients shown from the photo below, then roll up the tortilla and eat it!

By the way, the tortilla wraps are unlimited, meaning you can ask for more if you run out. But don't count on the chicken being unlimited of course! Haha!
This is what I ate.

Oh no! I forgot what it's called! I really must do something about my memory! Let me see, I think it's called Southwestern Grilled Lamb. I hope I am right! Anyway, it's definitely a lamb. Haha!
And we all ordered the popular bottomless Tostada Chips.

The key word here is "bottomless". For the uninitiated, it means limitless. In other words, you can refill again and again. Now isn't that fun? The perfect food to munch away while we spend hours chit chatting!
But unfortunately we did not spend hours chit chatting. That's because I had another appointment at 2.30pm. I can't believe I was that busy!
Anyway, our two-hour lunch was great. We chit chatted quite a lot about blogging, my China trip, and how Witch could be in two places at once. Like one time I read her blog she was in PJ, the next post she was in Penang. Then the post after that, she was in KL. I was really amazed (or should I say confused?) by her God-like ability!
Ok, the truth is (according to her), some of the posts were about events that happened some time back. Like this post lah. Long overdue. You get what I mean right? If you don't, just ask Witch. I'm too lazy to explain. LOL!
For those of you who have never met Witch before, let me reveal a secret about her. Witch, you will forgive me, right for revealing this? I hope you will!
The secret is this. She is very tall! Yes, very very tall! In fact, she is slightly taller than me. Please note the emphasis is on the word "slightly". LOL!
OK, another way of looking at it is I am short. But that cannot be. A lot of girls are shorter than me, so no, Witch is the one with the problem here. I am totally fine. Well, lucky for her, Saucer is taller. Haha!
Witch, have you ever thought of becoming a model? You know, just in case your current job doesn't work out? What? You have to ask Saucer first? Sure! It's just a suggestion!
It's great meeting up with both Witch and Saucer. Hopefully we will have the chance to meet up again next time!
That's certainly overdue but good food never lose its taste, same goes to a blog post too. Have yet to try out Chili's, jakun betul.
Chop! Awshucks! hehe... Good morning, Foong. It's going to be a cool day, isn't it? Have a great w/e.
The best thing I like at Chilli's is their burger!
not only the chips are bottomless, the soft drinks can be refilled as well. but i'm certain the cost of refills has already been factored into the price.
About refills, reminds me of the Chinese saying of "lye siong poh ha". Clever strategy.
WV = glaststs (Chili's tacit way of saying glasses (of soft drinks) time after time ..)
Hi, Doc!
So when are you dating me? If you are not contagious, I would love to hear about your spamming virus concoction! LOL
u're living in a very busy life.
Wow nice! You sure its Southwestern Grilled Lamb? Looks like lamb, smells like lamb but it could possibly not lamb..
wui i own LX3 also lah. let's go Chili's again sometime. ahhaha ...
yup, their the fajitas, tex-mex dish i reckon.
"Bottomless"..... most of the time I have to raise my hands to ask for refill, rather than the staff been proactive to refill it when it is almost finished
Always cannot finish food when eat at Chilli's. :D
Wah, foong done with your China post already kah?
Wow at the limitless refills!
chilis! have been there few times and still love it! hehe...nice!
Usually get the Bottomless Tostada Chips as well. They used to have a really great onion blossom but they removed it from the menu a while back.
The strips of chicken looked really yummy. I love that green creamy stuff in the second photo...my favourite. It's guacamole isn't? Goes well with tortilla.
Feasting again eh? ;)
one problem with Chilis is that the portion is so huge, i was always bloated at the end of it and you know lar as malaysian, when it comes to bottomless har...we eat like our stomachs are also bottomless like that..hahaha i remember their dessert being very nice...the dark chocolate cake topped wif ice cream...wat's the name oredi? :)
u see her arms oso can see that she's tall ler. hahaha. Saucer. I didnt laff.foong u so bad. laffing at ppl's name. lol..
believe it or not, i never been to Chilies :P my best friend promise to treat me there! haha
the meals look so delicious. good thing i had just taken my dinner 'coz this post really made me hungry :)
She is a pretty and sweet looking girl, why call herself witch?
I enjoyed eating at Chili's when I was in Penang. I was at a blogger meet with several Malaysian bloggers then. :)
Just give me a bottomless chips and margarita 1800 will do for me @ Chilis... :)
wow..that's nice..
Fajitas!! Yummy!
U oso mysterious don wan to reveal face meh? He he!
Enjoy ur weekend, going to another nice resto?
the couple is ideally suited physically. should produce a whole breed of beautiful children one day.
i walked pass chili's a lot of time..
but never once dine in there..
i think it's an expensive place to eat at.. haha.. =D
I thought of having chilies soon.. I guess around Dec...
Look like a very nice dining out place!
haha definitely a lamb! you can see in the picture =P is that icecream on the plate LOL?!
daniel, go and try out Chili's! : )
happysurfer, have a great weekend! : )
eiling, their burger is nice? Is it nicer than Tony Roma's?
doc, I'm sure : )
happysurfer, yes clever strategy! Most of the time, I cannot drink more than 2 glasses!
twilight zone, dating you? haha! I have a very lethal spamming virus, you not afraid ah? : )
dolly, yes very very busy! Unless I am on holiday! : )
cheahs@n, haha! It's 110% definitely a lamb! : )
J2Kfm, sure, why not? You also own an LX3? Gimme a five! : )
borneo falcon, well I guess sometimes the staffs are not that attentive. But there were times in Chili's when they actually asked me if I wanted to refill the chips! : )
lina, cannot finish? Good! Next time we go Chili's. What you cannot finish, pass to me. LOL!
China posts still have lots more! But just wanted to take a short break cos there are many other things to blog about! : )
DC, yeah, wow! : )
gabriel, me too! : )
savante, onion blossom? What the heck is that? I've never tasted that before!
mei teng,I am not very sure, but I do believe the green thing is guacamole. Yes, feasting again, as usual : )
manglish, haha! Our stomachs are indeed bottomless, no?
Oh yes! Do you mean the molten chocolate cake? That is heavenly but the price is hell! : )
merryn, you sure you didn't laugh? I don't believe! Haha! Anyway, it's just his nickname. I think we can all laugh at nicknames, can't we? : )
faisal, you've told me before since like last year? You seriously must give Chili's a visit one of these days! Come over to KL and we can go Chili's together! : )
lawstude, guess what? I am starting to get hungry even as I type this comment. LOL!
eastcoastlife, witches can be beautiful also what! Look at Nicole Kidman who played the witch in the remake of Bewitched! LOL!
TZ, I would like to add the molten choc cake to your chips and margarita. Then it would be a perfect dinner/supper for me! LOL!
wenn, yes very nice indeed! :)
mariuca, I prefer not to show my face so that I can remain mysterious... Haha!
Yummy fajitas, you also like? : )
bengbeng, ooh! Wait till Witch and Saucer read what you commented! Haha!
kenwooi, yes quite expensive but it's a nice place to dine! : )
keeyit, why only in December? Go today! : )
jam, yes very nice indeed! No Chili's in Sibu I guess?
grace, no, not ice cream. Haha! How can put ice cream together with the lamb? That's whipped potato! And it's delicious! : )
First thing first, Happy Mid Autumn festival Foong! :p
Severely overdue alright! :p She booked up one month in advance. War...you are such a celebrity right now.
So you met up with the witch and the wizard lar! :p Ouh...so now I know you use Lumix LX3 too! But still Olympus rocks!
I have never been to the Chili's!The dish you had, the lamb really looks nice.
I want the bottomless Tostada chips too! :p
It's great that you met up with both Wicth and flying saucer! :p
Anyway I tell you what bro! I'm gonna visit Chili's with my wife too one day! Muahaha :D
must psyche myself up again to go to Chilis hahahha.....ya the prices are like hell.....
Ohhh I must go to Chili's liao. You tempt me!!!
Waa waa book you in advance.. busy busy foong!
Food looks good! but the companion is much better I am sure of it!
Waaa overdue post ar? Nevermind food not expired though :P.
hahaha (yea yea laughing at my own jokes hehee)
Finally the post is out!! :) Haha you revealed my secret!!! NOOOO!!!! LOL Too bad I don't have a photo with you! :( (For my keepsake, not for publishing, of course) In case I have amnesia next time, I still a photo of you to remember by. :P Anyway, let's meet up again some time, for food!!! Let me know if you know of any special promotions ok :)
tekkaus, same to you! Happy Mooncake Festival! Did you enjoy your mooncakes?
Eh, where got celebrity? Far from it! : )
I also have an Olympus camera! Still in good condition, maybe I should sell it on ebay! Btw, Lumix LX3 rocks! LOL!
Yes, you should treat yourself and your wife at Chili's. You will like it, I'm sure! : )
manglish, yeah go Chili's and gobble up that molten choc cake! haha!
che-cheh, sorry for tempting you! Hehe
ladyviral, yes must book me in advance. Haha! Food and companions are equally good! Yeah, didn't even realise this lunch was so long ago! Luckily I remember to blog about it! LOL!
iamthewitch, yes finally! Haha! Want my photo? OKlah, next time we meet again, we pose for a photo together, yes?
Will definitely let you know if there is any kind of promotion! : )
wahhh must book you in advance huh Foong?! same here lah hahahahha!!!
I wan to try their Grilled Lamb!!
the couple looks compatible and lovely. but why can't you show a pic of u, Foong?
i haven't taken my breakfast and i'm so hungry now looking at those food.
monica, you too? So you are as busy as Najib, is it? I'm busier than Najib. Haha!
Yeah, go try Chili's grilled lamb! But go to Mid Valley or Bangsar branch, cos I think 1Utama's branch not so good : )
life ramblings, I prefer to remain hidden and mysterious, haha!
It's normal to feel hungry looking at these foods. If you don't, then something's wrong somewhere. Haha!
oh she's a cutie!
foong so busy has to be booked a month ahead!
i wonder when can i all meet you! hahaha
ayie, yes you must book me too if you want to meet up with me. Haha! : )
i'll take note of that foong =)
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