I don't, since I have not traveled widely enough to all countries in the world. But one thing is for sure, it's not us Malaysians!
A lot of foreign tourists said we Malaysians are warm and friendly, but if you have ever been to Thailand, you will know we are no where near their level.
I am not writing this post to criticize Malaysia or to praise Thailand, but just to share what I think. Strictly my own opinion and you are welcome to disagree with me!
And so here are 5 amazing things I like about Thailand based on my personal observation.
1. Did you know that traffic jam is legendary in Bangkok? I went there a couple of years back and the roads were just clogged with vehicles! And their 'tuk tuk' drivers were simply notorious for their reckless driving!

Photo courtesy of ESL Teachers Board
And yet, I could not help but feel it's also one the safest cities for drivers and pedestrians alike! Have you heard of serious road accidents in Bangkok? Well, at least not as many as in KL right?
And what really amazed me was they were not horn-happy unlike Malaysians! Even with all the traffic on the road, I did not hear a single driver horning his or her car! Isn't it amazing?

A 'tuk tuk' image courtesy of sino.net
2. Did you notice that most Thai people are slim? I hardly see any fat or obese people in Thailand! Now why is that? I guess it's their fresh and healthy food, devoid of too much oil and fats! Also, I think they walk a lot!
Now I have nothing against fat people, but I just marvel at how the Thai people manage to stay slim! I guess they are active people unlike most Malaysians who eat 24 hours a day and do not exercise!

Tom yam goong image courtesy of Thailand Travel Online
3. Do you think the Thai language is one of the most gentle and polite languages in the world? I really think so! Maybe that's why when the Thai people talk, they seem to appear so much more polite than Malaysians!
But I don't think it's in the language alone. I am pretty sure the people there are polite and caring. And most importantly, they give the best service! Is it any wonder that Thai's tourism industry is booming like nobody's business?

Photo courtesy of Mantrav International
4. Did you know the living condition in Thailand is worse than in Malaysia? And they are suffering from economic problems and political upheavals. Yet, the Thai people are simply nonchalant about all these. They seem to persevere and have the Mai Phen Rai attitude.
Mai Phen Rai is a well known Thai phrase for 'never mind', or 'no problem' or 'it doesn't matter'. And that's what I like about them! They take their problems in their stride. Life just goes on!
Now if only Malaysians have this Mai Phen Rai attitude and stop complaining when they are faced with minor obstacles and problems!

Image courtesy of Bangkok Noir
5. I notice Thailand is a very open country and they do not discriminate against people with different sexual orientation (read gay). Where else in an Asian country can you find go go girls and gay bars being openly promoted to lure in tourists?
I doubt Malaysia will ever be this open. Especially when the authorities here think being gay is tantamount to committing a sin that is worse than murder. I really think we should accept people as they are, be they straight or otherwise!
Almost heart attack la hahaha! Yay ME FC!!!!!
After a looooooong time of not chopping!
Wait ah.... lemme do my FC dance first cause long time didn get to chop!
aiyah, thougth can have 2nd spot in comments. But Mariuca write so fast... :D
Ohhhhh of oz M'sia will never be this open Foong... hear da word gay only, sure get in trouble eh? ;)
the Thai language sounds graceful if a woman speaks it, but for me the men sounds not macho at all. LOL
Hhahahahahha helllloooo Lina, I was stalking!!!
I think they're thin cause do a lot of walking... we all always drive everywhere eh?
LOL @ not having anything against fat ppl, funny la u!
Ok now that I've chopped my heart out here, I can get back to my translation woo hoo! Enjoy ur Monday! :)
wah..first seven minutes also got 12 comments already.. yo.. who can beat that!!
malaysia that open like thailand? no way,, man... no way!!!
I have never been to Thailand but looking forward to the cheap shopping and food which I have heard so much about it.
have never been to thailand either...but i know that it's a shopping heaven!!! me <3
The last I was in Thailand,it was only across the border. I didn't even get to say, I went to Bangkok. oh well :P.
Thai are open indeed.. afterall that it their tourist attraction. In Malaysia, there are restrictions so it is harder to be open. Eve if that happens, something bad might happen to the erson trying.
But that is us the tourist side looking at it. eventually, their own people ay think otherwise.
Malaysia how to be open if Beyonce had trouble performing here, right?
you got a stalker here! Like celebrity one! Hehehe
That tom yam looks delicious!
I agree though. But there ARE Thai who are rude. Just like M'sians.
We're considered okay .... just that it takes time for us to warm up to each other.
the last time i went to thailand, phuket to be exact, was in 1997.. so sooo long ago...
dont know when im gonna visit that country again..
mai phen rai! can read from your blog! =D
Maybe I should go to Thailand one day. My last visit there was when I was a child and someone pick pocket the money from my father. That bad impression still last.
Great observations there, foongpc!
Haha, ya I realise that Thai gals are very gentle, no wonder the angmohs like them so much.
But some of the gals look so skinny, that I wonder if its the Tom yam goong, or malnutrition.
And Bangkok is so tourist-friendly, that I feel like a king when I go there.
i strongly agree with you.
They are friendly, polite, repect and Nice!
well..i've worked with some thai folks and they are very friendly, soft spoken, polite folks!
mariuca, congrats! Finally back as FC! Haha, enjoyed your FC dance? : )
Wow, spammed my blog to your heart's content, eh? Well, good for you! Now, when can I ever be FC on your blog?
lina, oh, missed! Never mind, next round : )
Haha, the men sound not macho? I didn't really notice that!
You are right - Beyonce also cannot perform here, how to be open like Thailand? Impossible!
Yeah, I feel like a celebrity now being stalked, haha!
reanaclaire, haha, cos I'm being stalked : )
No way Malaysia can be that open right? yeah, I agree - no way : )
pikey, yes, you must visit Thailand - you'll love the food and of course the shopping there! : )
annant, yes, yes it is! I'm sure you will like Thailand! : )
ladyviral, well you can go and do a proper visit next time : )
happysurfer, yeah it does indeed look delicious! And I remember the tom yam goong I ate in Bangkok was so good! I love Thai food! : )
J2Kfm, yes Malaysians takes time to warm up to, but Thais are instant warm up! Of course there are always the rude ones - you can find that in any country.
kenwooi, oh that was very very long ago! You should visit it again! : )
borneo falcon, oh that's a pity! First bad impression always last! Hope you can visit Thailand again and change your first impression of it : )
shingo T, yes the girls are very gentle that's why lots of angmohs like. Not only angmohs, but Malaysian men too!
No idea why some are so skinny, maybe don't eat enough?
Yes, Bangkok is very tourist-friendly. You really feel like a King when you are there, right? : )
CH Voon, yes they are indeed! : )
chrisau, so they are indeed soft spoken people. Glad my observation is correct! : )
What a rush hour :)
The traffic of some of Taipei's area is just like that first photo, jammed with vehicles, cars, buses and scooters. That shrimp meal looks so delicious and I believe they make very fine food.
i agree with you foong..i love thailand....especially their ppl and language....they are so gentle!!!! HAAHAHAHAAHHAHA...i think i might be thai in my previous life hahahaha
The Thai language sounds abit sing song to me. I will be enjoying Thai food this coming weekend :)
Yeah! Certainly not Malaysia. :p So you have been to Thailand before lar?
Yeah! I have heard about their legendary jam to especially in Bangkok. The accident rates in Malaysia is amongst the highest in the world. Surely no one can beat us. :(
Not a single hon? Perhaps they are more patient..or their government has banned the usage of hon. :p
I know! I know why they are thin! Because they perform a lot of black magic on themselves. That's why I guess. :p
I don't think their language sounded gentle to me. But I agree that they are more polite. :p
Mai Phen Rai? Ouh...yeah, I learn a new phrase today. This is a good attitude. Despite their harsh living surrounding they still manage to live in their own means....not like us malaysian..complain here and there.
Nah...Malaysia will never have their own gay or lesbo bar. But I think we should not encourage them too. :p
Anyway thanks for sharing bro. Have a great day.
So you change strategy, so unpredictable now. Whoa love the aTOMic YAM very much. Traffic jam is a trademark already and one of the tourist attraction of Thailand, haha.
About the traffic in bangkok my bestfriend told me about it during her trip, she said it's even worse than Manila. I haven't relly toured in Thailand, hopefully in the future.
happy Monday!
I like Bangkok and would like to go back there again in the near future as well as the northern province such as Chiang Mai. Not to forget is the Koh Samui. You join me?
And ya, you are right on Thai people being the most gentle and friendliest. I had stayed 1 full year with Thai people during my university years. And I agree I am much more aggressive than my housemates, haha!
I like Thai food to the most. I used to have Thai cuisine everyday as my Thai housemates cooked for me! You will amaze at how many types of curry they have, namely Tom Yam, green curry, yellow curry, red curry, just to name a few.
This year never been to BKK, nice food, yeah TomYam Goong is a must. Ladies would love the leather goods and Msia to be like Thailand? 101% "NO WAY" coz firstly spelling not the same even though gomen tried to add the '1' infront and nothing to comment further as you guys have said it all, loud and clear.
i honestly think that thais are much better than malaysians. at least they are polite! and much less discrimination there. is it because people who are less wealthy are happy people?
Thai food is indeed delicious, that is if you know what to order here and that the cooks are authentic Thais. The best Thai food I have ever tasted is at Rama V. The restaurant is at the U Thant area in a converted bungalow.
Ehh how come you're promoting Thailand! Have you been appointed as Thai ambassador! *LOL*
Took a closer look at the vehicles caught in the jam and noticed on the left lane out of about 60 cars only 2 'tuk tuk' but quite a few 'Taxi meter' and 7 'tuk tuk' on the right lane. Maybe not so much 'tuk tuk' in BKK as compared to Haadyai or at the time of photography most of the tuk tuk drivers went for teh tarik?(tea break)
I've been to Bangkok before many years ago. Looks like the traffic jam is an on going issue. Perhaps the people should cycle. Might beat the traffic instead :o)
I too have heard something not much about Thailand that it's just a wonder, and people are as amazing!
Garden Lizard
I actually sat in a taxi that honked like nobody's business in Bangkok. Hehe
I dislike Thailand, Bangkok in particular. Love Koh Samui though. :-)
oh i blog abt this before too Foong! :D
i love Thailand esp Bangkok! coz i can go shopping for the whole day lol...
Have only been to Haadyai and no intention to go Thailand in the near future.
Sometimes I think a soft honk when necessary is ok for me. But not too loud, I have heart attack, haha
Thailand is a nice place for food and shopping. Just love the wholesale market!
Thailand is a nice place for cheap food and shop but definitely not the quality of life.
blog and SEO tips, haha rush hour : )
jeannie, Taipei is like that too? Gosh! Yeah, the shrimp meal looks absolutely delicious! : )
manglish, really? You think you are Thai in previous life? Hmmm, interesting.
mei teng, oh you are going Phuket right? Enjoy your delicious Thai food! : )
tekkaus, yes been to Thailand and loved it!
Really? We have the one of the highest accident rates in the world? That's bad news! No wonder I felt so safe walking the streets in Bangkok! Haha
No, I don't think you can ban the usage of horn as it is important to use them when necessary. I just noticed the Thai drivers use their horn very sparingly and only if necessary unlike Malaysians who horn for every little bit of thing and mostly unnecessarily!
Black magic? No lah, they are slim because of their food and physical activity and of course, they don't go on a 24-hour food binging like us! LOL!
Malaysia already have gay clubs but of course everything is discreet not open like in Thailand! : )
khengsiong, haha, no I'm going to Tasik Kenyir this weekend. I blogged about Thailand cos I just thought about it and decided to blog about it! : )
Yeah, even though Malaysian beaches are better, we lack the hospitality and good service the Thai people hprovide. That's where we lost out to Thailand in terms of tourism!
Really? Buddhism does not condemn homosexuality? I'm not aware of that : )
cheahs@n, well traffic jam only mainly in places like Bangkok, but other places in Thailand not as jammed : )
ayie, I think your friend is probably correct! Oh, go visit Thailand one day and blog about it! : )
jam, yes I will definitely want to go again! Especially to Chiang Mai and Koh Samui : )
You stayed one full year in Thailand? Wow! So you must have learnt how to speak Thai and you should be more gentle now, are you? Don't look like it to me, haha! Juz kidding : )
So nice to have Thai food all year round! Some more home cooked! Cool! : )
bananaz, haha I agree there is no way Malaysia can be as open as Thailand : )
xin, possibly, who knows?
happysurfer, oh I have never been to Rama V. Must try it one day! Yes, authentic Thai dishes are really good, not the watered down versions in Malaysian Thai restaurants!
happysurfer, btw, I noticed a huge difference in quality between food served in Malaysian's Black Canyon Coffee compared to Thai's. Black Canyon is a Thai restaurant and I enjoyed their food in Bangkok, but found it lousy in the Malaysian outlets.
iamthewitch, yeah yeah I've been appointed the Thai ambassador! Haha! I wish! : )
cheahs@n, haha! Not sure about that! You are so observant! I didn't even notice! : )
ai shiang, perhaps but once you drive, it's hard to change to cycling : )
bhavesh chhatbar, yes indeed they are amazing! You should visit Thailand! : )
che-cheh, really? Well, I guess there'll always be exceptions : )
gallivanter, you dislike Thailand? Wow! First time I hear anyone said that! Bangkok can be a very charming city if you know how to appreciate it! Koh Samui is of course a very popular and famous tourist area : )
monica, really? I don't remember reading it - maybe I forgot already! Haha! Oh yeah for the ladies, Bangkok is a must for shopping! : )
molly, haha yes soft honk is enough. Loud horning is irritating! : )
pete, yeah nice place for shopping at bargain prices! I have never really ventured the whole of the Chatuchak market btw, it was too large! : )
eiling lim, yeah cheap food and clothes : )
bangkok is a great place for shopping and food but the traffic congestion is out of the question. it's worse than KL.
foong, all the things u wrote about thailand is most likely true to many others too...! thats why people keep going back. i love the place & its people. truly, its amazing... it need not be unique! (hehe)
life ramblings, yes the traffic jam is worse than KL, but all is forgiven when you get to shop and have great food! : )
quachee, I know you are a big fan of Thailand, haha! I would love to go there again for a holiday! : )
yep they walk a lot. but walk a lot can cause you sweat and odor :P
btw, does lime helps?
faisal, haha! Put on a good deodorant to prevent the body odor!
I think lime certainly helps to slim down and the Thai people seems to eat a lot of it! : )
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