From Kenyir Resort, we took the buggy ride to a nearby jetty. Unlike my experience in Guilin, China, we were given life jackets to wear. Thank goodness! : )
This is the area where we wore our life jackets.....

.....while we waited for our boat to be ready.

We paid RM15 for an hour of boat paddling. We asked the man who was preparing our boat whether we would be charged if we exceeded the time limit, and he was kind enough to allow us to paddle longer than an hour without extra charge!
OK, here's another photo of my legs! Haha! There will be more in upcoming posts, so better get used to it! LOL!

My friend did the navigation and steering as I found that I was not very good at it! I tried to go forward but found us going reverse instead. I tried turning right but we turned left instead. Haha!
Well, better he navigate while I busied myself taking photos!

There was no one on the lake except us! Actually, I was kind of glad we had the whole lake to ourselves!
I saw an island and wanted to go round it!

But as we paddled further away from the jetty, we could see the famous Dead Trees of Lake Kenyir!

I wanted to go there! I have seen pictures of these Dead Trees before and had dreamed of visiting them, so finally my dream came true! In fact, I wanted to touch those trees with my hands!
So go island first or go Dead Trees first? We decided to go to the Dead Trees first!

I just realised that if we were to stop paddling, our boat would still move due to the movement of the water. Unfortunately, we were drifting away from the Dead Trees! So we had to paddle hard to get back on the right direction! That's a lot of hard work! Haha!
And then, I sighted something ahead.

It was a log! On no, we were approaching this giant log! My friend quickly tried to navigate away from this log.

But we were fast approaching it! The current seemed to be pushing us towards the log. Will we hit it? Oh no!!!

We paddled furiously and missed the giant log by one or two metres! I wondered if our boat would go the 'Titanic' way if we were to hit it! Phew!
And then, right before our eyes were the amazing legendary Dead Trees of Lake Kenyir!

The sight of the dead trees protruding above the water had a haunting effect on me. Even more so as there was no one around save for the two of us!
I wondered if we could go up close to those trees. Some of these dead trees were just below the water surface and they could make a dent to the bottom of our boat.
In the end, we just threw caution to the wind and navigated our boat closer.

I could almost touch this tree!

I touched this tree! Finally! I got to touch the Dead Trees of Lake Kenyir! Yay!

The Dead Trees were indeed a sight to behold! It seemed that these dead trees serve as a breeding ground for fresh water fish here as the algae growing on the trees act as food for the fishes.
It is no wonder that Lake Kenyir is well known for its abundance of fresh water fish!

I took a few more photos. I thought this tree below looked different from all the rest as it had stems and branches sprouting out.

After seeing enough, we decided to leave the Dead Trees area and circle the island we saw earlier.

As we headed towards the island, I noticed a pool of water below my feet. I was shocked. Was our boat leaking? Oh no!!!
To be continued...
Woo hoo! 1st!!!
The lake is quite clear and clean from the pics. Is it very dirty?
wow, very adventurous indeed!
so nice to go fishing
did ur boat hit the dead trees? somehow i got a bad feeling looking at the dead trees...
hahaah ur legs very hairy oso like me hahahahahahaha
wah...very exciting post.. i wanna read on... same time scary leh, i dont think i wanna travel with u lar.. water, i scared.. i will be a very poor boring un-adventurous partner... i surely will not want to paddle towards the dead trees and all... quick..quick..put up the leaking water post! hahaha..
i think all the commercial boat rides in malaysia will provide safety jackets, albeit how worn out they are, it's still a regulation set by the government..
not bad at all, you have a nice "changing room" and "waiting lounge", and i can see the boat are in good conditions too!!
this was a lot better than the bamboo rafts, and already one-third sink into the water when you are on it.. :p
hmmm, you must be very proud and confident about your legs huh?? almost every post you are showing off your pair of legs, hahaha!!
interesting about the Dead Trees, never heard of them actually..
this must be a very thrilling and exciting boat ride, my heart are pounding as i read.. the log, the surfacing dead trees, wow, so adventurous!!
luckily you have your friend there to navigate and control the boat.. or else, hehehehe~~~ :p
Paddling a boat is no easy task eh? Hehe...I found that out too when I was in Phuket.
Those dead trees aren't so dead after all as they provide a breeding ground to feed the fish. It helps to improve marine life after all! :)
Aiks... will u tenggelam or not??? faster faster post somemore.. the sight of the dead trees are nice.. but scary leh! i wont want to touch them..
wat happen to you? how come missing from twitter?
So Lake Kenyir was a dry land not so long ago?
boat problemm??
anyway, it's really a nice place! =)
Wow, Kenyir was awesome.
really wanted to go there
lol.. i saw u in twitter again.. so u r not missing.. :D
War...after your body was utterly massage, you decided to go for exercise heh? Boat paddling? Is it Kayaking?
Yeah! Thank goodness there is life jacket right. I thing it is really important to have one especially if you are not a good swimmer. :)
One hour RM15? Hmmm...ok kua. Haha :D No extra charge? Not bad what.
War....your legs so sexy aye.
Hahaha :D How come you are so lousy bro? :p But it is a good thing right because you can happily snapped away.
Goodness. No one except both of you on the lake. Kinda dangerous if something happened. But...touchwood, everything is good. ;)
Wow....the dead trees? I have only seen them in pictures. You are so lucky you know. :)
There is undercurrent in the lake? So it is not a good swimming area right? strong the current? I thing the boar should be ok kua.It is just a log...not an iceberg ler. :p guys must have lots of fun aye. But I'm sure you guys are tired already due to the paddling. :p
Gosh...i felt errie when I saw the pictures of dead trees and imagine only the 2 of u at the whole lake! Adventurous but scary thou. Waiting for your next post.
I've not been on a paddle-boat but have tried the aqua-bike at Lake Titiwangsa. I wonder if they have the same concept.
Foong, you did not show a picture of the entire boat. No need for hairy legs, this time around. Oops! haha....
The dead trees, interesting that they were designed in. Did you manage to see the fishes that you wrote about?
I'm in awe that your weekend trip can stretch over so many posts. You must have been able to cram tons of activities and sights into that weekend, rain included. Good for you, made your hours and minutes really stretch. Of course, thanks for sharing your adventures.
At least you still have your life jacket on
After that dragon boat tragedy, everyone should learn the importance of putting on a life jacket.
Esp for someone who cannot swim!
I will get scared of drifting to God know where if paddle in that lake.
Whoah! Imagine being all alone in the middle of the lake. The sight's awesome!
Can swim or not in that lake?
LOL. written like a thriller. I like the pace. :)
You are really adventurous! I also love the things you do, you know! Yeah, even at this advanced age of mine. Ha ha ha! What happened next? It's like a suspense thriller huh?!
Btw, the Fish kilawin is a native delicacy here which is usually taken as appetizer. Or as "pulutan" -the dish that goes well with a bottle of beer or any intoxicating drink.
Thanks for dropping by, Foongpc!
what happened after that?
kelvin,congrats for being 1st! The lake is clean : )
wenn, haha! : )
T.H, we didn't go fishing! : )
xin, not sure if our boat hit the dead trees especially those that was submerged in the water.
manglish, so you have hairy legs too? Haha!
reanaclaire, you so unadventurous? Haha! Leaking boat post coming up soon : )
SK, now I'm wondering if the life jackets can keep me afloat, haha! I also don't know why I so daring in China sitting those rafts! Haha! But at that time, I did not feel it was dangerous at all!
Me confident of my legs? haha, not really : )
Never heard of the dead trees? They are famous landmark in Kenyir.
Haha, if I navigate, sure hit the log! Even more thrilling! : )
mei teng, yeah, no easy task at all! I think need to practise haha!
Those dead trees are not so dead? haha, that's funny the way you said that : )
merryn, want to know I tenggelam or not, wait for my next post yes? : )
I'm still with Twitter, just that I normally don't go online during weekends : )
khengsiong, not sure of that, but it is a man made lake : )
kenwooi, yes it's a nice place and also good for some adventures! : )
ipohchai, it is awesome indeed, go there for a weekend holiday! : )
tekkaus, it's not kayaking, just boat paddling.
My legs sexy? Haha, you must be kidding! : )
Touchwood? Haha, I really did touch wood there! : )
Don't underestimate the log, it can be as lethal as iceberg! : )
mnhl, it's not that scary, just haunting : )
happysurfer, aqua-bike? I have never sat on the aqua-bike before so I don't know if it's the same concept!
Hairy legs are now a regular feature on my blog so get used to it! Haha! Oh yes, I forgot to take photo of the boat cos too busy getting on it : )
No didn't manage to see fishes - too busy worrying about the water leak and the log and all! Haha!
Yeah, I'm amazed myself how come I could come up with so many posts for just a weekend trip! Imagine how many more posts are left for my 10-day China trip, haha!
borneo falcon, yes I was kind of relieved that I had my life jacket on : )
lina,yeah unfortunately in places like China, they don't provide life jackets!
Actually, yes can be quite scary if you just let the boat drift to wherever. But good thing is it's a lake, not a sea, so somehow you will reach land : )
I think swimming not allowed in the lake at that time as the water current was quite strong, not sure about other season.
j2kfm, glad you like my thriller ; )
beng gee, you also adventurous? Wow! Good you should go for holiday travels like this! Haha!
Thanks for the info on fish kilawin - sounds delicious to me! : )
bengbeng, that will be in my next post coming right up! : )
got a few pics very nice leh~
truly Nikon feels - sharp!
Very unlikely a paddled boat would break apart if hit a tree trunk, but if a motor boat, habis....because the impact would be very much greater!
Good morning Foong, wakey wakey! ;)
I'm getting goosebumps reading abt the dead trees...
Pictures too are haunting...oh my...
Some more it's almost 4am here yowzaaaa!
Thanks for sharing the pics huhuh...scary indeed some more just the two of u there eh? ;)
Have a lovely Tuesday, thanks for stopping by my site! :)
Long time no chop here edi! Buzz2 la ur next post lol...
I cannot imagine that it was actually a jungle underwater. That's why you can see some dead trees popping up the water.
wow I love those scenic shots! awesome beautiful! :)
Dun worry, Foong! You were wearing a life jacket back then, right?
Why not you guys try boat rowing? More adventurous and energy consuming of course. BTW, do they have one?
Wow what an exciting adventure! And reasonably priced too! But did you get any sunburnt after that? LOL
Haha, you survived the boat trip, foong!
So many trees sticking out, floating logs, water current and other traps, it makes this look like an obstacle course.
you did boat paddling at noon? seriously? :P
i hate boat paddling. tiring! lol.
foong, looks like fun adventure!
I will be back..just wanna say g'night from here =)
Cheap boat paddling – 1 hour plus!
If crocodile around….
I think the boat not leaking… else you will not type
To be continued… and blogging here
nice pics ler...lake kenyir really huge lake thou i never been there...
aiyoh how many more hairylicious legs us readers have to endure?
alpha ace, thanks! I'm using Panasonic LX3 : )
pete, yeah a motor boat sure habis!
mariuca, why everyone feels scared about the dead trees? Maybe it's the way I wrote about them, haha! Actually they are not scary, my experience later that night more scary, haha!
willie, it's kind of fascinating, these dead trees : )
big boys oven, thanks! And thanks for dropping by here : )
jam, of course I am worried! The life jacket may save my life but not my camera and handphone!
Boat rowing? Not sure they have or not. I think too tiring for us : )
iamthewitch, yes the price was very reasonable. No sunburn cos we both applied sunscreen before hand, haha!
shingo T, obstacle course? No, not really haha! Of course I survived the boat trip, but the question is did our boat sink? Haha
faisal admar, no not at noon, but evening around 5pm. I went for massage at 2pm and took late lunch at 4pm : )
It's tiring all right but it's fun! : )
ayie, yeah it was fun! How are you? Long time didn't drop by it seems : )
CH Voon, what do you mean the boat is not leaking? Just because I'm alive does not mean I didn't survive the leak! Haha
vialentino, yeah really huge! You should go there one day! : )
eiling lim, many more, haha!! : )
I took a little break, some things happened at home.
that's so much fun but I would prefer having the massage after all the activities =P
ayie, no problem. Haha! Yes it's better to have the massage after the boat paddling, but we didn't know we were going for boat paddling before that and it was raining : )
honestly, i found it very creepy... i cant imagine my self paddling in this lake surrounded by dead trees at night
waaaah it creeps me out..
so nice...but kinda scary eh? no one on the lake except u guys! ;)
phew indeed! LOL @ 'Titanic' way haha!
I have never seen so many dead trees :D
Never i saw a large amount of numbers tree dead a one time.
bluedreamer27, haha, it's not as creepy as you think actually. Anyway, we didn't paddle at night - I don't think we are allowed to paddle at night. And the dead trees are actually quite enchanting : )
monica, not that scary actually, I kinda like that we had the whole lake to ourselves : )
shopping at las vegas, yeah the dead trees are pretty interesting and you must visit them if you ever go Kenyir Lake : )
My friend and I are going to Inner Harbor and we are going on a paddle boat. Will i get wet easily?