One month before Chinese New Year, I stumbled upon these nice angpow lanterns at Subang Parade.

They were all made entirely from angpows!

I think it was on the top floor of Subang Parade. I always get confused at which floor I am at here because it is, well, a bit confusing!

I wanted to have angpow lanterns like these!

And so I got myself one.

I guess it was too huge! But well, I still like it, though this was not the exact design I wanted.

It was a nice change from the usual Chinese lanterns.
A few days before Chinese New Year, I bought myself loads of prawn crackers. These were prawn crackers from Pasir Penambang, Kuala Selangor. Look! I almost filled up my car with them!

The prawn crackers were absolutely delicious! I think it's the best I've tasted! And it was reasonably priced at only RM6 for a huge bag like this!

One day before Chinese New Year, I ordered this delicious chocolate mocha cake from a friend. It was so yummy, I could not stop eating it!

And I found out that it tasted even better when eaten together with a tub of vanilla ice cream. Yummy!!
Today, being the last day of Chinese New Year, I had to make sure I don't miss out on my favourite Chinese New Year food. If you have not eaten this yet, today is the last day you can eat it!
What food am I talking about? It's yee sang of course!

If you don't eat this by today, you will have to wait till next year! So go and lou sang today for the last time this year! By the way, lou sang means tossing the yee sang for good luck and prosperity.
Have a great Chap Goh Meh, folks! : )
PS: For single ladies looking for a husband, don't forget to get ready some mandarin oranges, and for single guys looking for a wife, remember get ready your net to catch those oranges! And for guys looking for other guys, you can do both the throwing and the collecting! Haha!
happy cap goh mei foongpc =)
happy chap goh mei!
Like you, I wish the hols will begin all over again! :)
Btw, those singles better not pollute rivers or ponds with mandarin oranges. Is the practice still on these days??
the prawn crackers are so yummy... pass me one. Can ar? :p
Yeah! It's chap goh meh already bro. Time flies so damn fast o. :p
I wonder if they ask their stuff to make it or they simply bough it? :p They look so special.
So you actually bought one of the lantern? How much you bought it bro? :p
Indeed. You literally filled up your car with them. Why from Pasir Penambang? Are they special? The best? RM6 per packet? Sounds like a little expensive to me.
Seriously I haven't have any yee sang this year. I wonder why? I think I wanna eat this later. :p
Happy Chap Goh Meh to you too bro.
Have a Happy Chap Goh Meh going to Klang for tossing the oranges? haha.
Whoa love the prawn crackers, would only stock them up before F1 races to be eaten while watching the race.
Happy Chap Goh Meh!
You bought the angpow lantern? how much?
So many prawn cracker!
Subang Parade is rather confusing I have to agree. Lovely lanterns though and you bought one. Great!
Finally in less than 5 hours it concludes the CNY celebrations. Hope you have a great Chap Goh Meh and close the celebration with a big BANG with your prawn crackers.
Have seen some questions about the price of the Angpow lantern. If price is good I may change strategy & profession to make a living out of 'free' angpow packets for Bunny Year. haha.
It's not easy getting tasty prawn crackers, so will have to watch out for this brand the next time. Thanks. I normally just buy a packet from 7-11 when the urge kicks in. They're so-so only lah but enough to "kor yan". I much prefer fish crackers though.
Foong, you forgot to tell the ladies to also write down their contact number, email address, FB, Twitter info, etc., on the oranges. haha...
Happy Chap Goh Meh, Foong. Until the next new year comes around, have a wonderful, wonderful year ahead.
The same for everyone here..
love the ang pow lantern!
wow!! whole car fully loaded with the prawn crackers?? fattening act #1~~
whole piece of rich chocolate mocha cake, and somemore fully loaded with a tub of vanilla ice cream!! fattening act #2~~
and i guess you have had more than 1 session of lou sang, and definitely more than 5 plates of them right?? fattening act #3~~
so, the entire CNY is all about eating, eating and eating right?? hahahaha~~ :D
so did you go to throw oranges or catch oranges tonight?? how's the luck?? :D
well, i'll just say forget about throwing!! just directly give the oranges to the one you spotted - go straight to the point before it's too late~~ hehehe :D
oh, last but not least.. happy chap goh meh to you!! :)
so CNY is now officially over.. so get back to work!! hehe~~ :p
Happy Chap Goh Mei to you too!
btw, gentings trip post postponed again? :)
aiya... this cny i not go to any shopping mall :( too rush
wah u bough a lot of pawn koropok hahahha very funny!
the cake look nice
i like the yee sang very much...
wow prawn crackers... i want!!! >< but well mocha cake? i wanna try =p happy chap goh mei
kenwooi, same to you and congrats for being FC here! Hope you don't mind I use your Paris photo! : )
sherry, happy chap goh meh to you too! : )
mei teng, gimme 5! Haha! The throwing of oranges are being held every year at the lake beside Amcorp Mall. It won't pollute cos the guys will pick up those oranges! : )
TZ, can, so when and where you want to meet up with me? At Starbucks? Haha : )
tekkaus, time flies fast especially when we are enjoying ourselves!
The Subang Parade lantern is made by a lady and her staffs. They are really special - I have searched all over KL for these angpow lanterns without success until now.
The lanterns are sold for charity purposes.
The prawn crackers from Pasir Penambang is the best prawn crackers I've ever tasted! Crunchy and thick and tasty too!
RM6 is not expensive! Inside one huge bag is 5 smaller packets - quite reasonable price if you ask me!
Why you didn't eat any yee sang this year? Aiyo! You must lou sang or else you won't be blessed with good luck and prosperity! Did you go lou sang last night?
cheahs@n, no need to go all the way to Klang! Can toss at Taman Jaya opposite Amcorp Mall! Haha.
Yeah, buy those prawn crackers before F1 race haha!
yeah i dont mind.. looks nice also.. =P
ghosty nana, the angpow lanterns are sold for charity purposes. The prawn crackers are nice, so bought a lot! Haha!
happysurfer, so you also find Subang Parade confusing? I thought I am the only one who feel like that! They have stairs or escalators that go up two floors! So I'm really confused, haha!
bananaz, close the celebration with prawn crackers? Haha! Yeah, I lit them all up! LOL!
You should make those angpow lanterns and sell next year! They are unique and definitely different from all those lanterns sold at Petaling Street!
happysurfer, yeah not easy to find good prawn crackers in PJ/KL. This shop in Pasir Penambang sells fish crackers too!
Haha! I assume the ladies will know that they must write down their contact numbers or else there's no point in throwing the oranges right?
Happy Chap Goh Meh to you too and have a wonderful year as well! : )
wenn, thanks! They are nice, aren't they? : )
SK, yeah all very fattening, just nice for you lah! Haha! That's why I must go exercise this week to lose all the fat I accumulated! Haha!
You are absolutely right! The whole CNY is about eating, eating and eating! What's more enjoyable than eating? Maybe sleeping and sex? LOL!
I don't throw oranges or catch them! I've been there, done that @ Taman Jaya near Amcorp Mall many years ago. Haha!
Go straight to the point and give oranges directly to the person? Aiya, some people shy mah! Haha!
Happy Chap Goh Meh to you too! : )
reanaclaire, genting trip final post will be coming up next, unless I have something more urgent to blog about, haha! I have to blog about this Chap Goh Meh first cos no fun blogging about it the day after! LOL!
CH Voon, you like yee sang too? Gimme 5! : )
fufu, I courier the prawn crackers to you (sorry mocha cake finished already!) and you courier to me your Swiss chocs : )
RM6 with 5 smaller packets of prawn crackers is reasonable. Used to get my regular stock at GroupBase Restaurant in Sri Damansara and each packet cost RM2.20 with 4 or 5 pieces, the size of slightly bigger than my palm. Must take note of the shop in Pasir Penambang and get more stock before F1 flag off. Thanks.
ooohh.. those lanterns are beautiful!!! no wonder u were gushing over them last month.. i wud too.. n prawn crackers.. yummy :D
can gime some of your prawn crackers? i like it so much :)
Think Peteformation blogged about the prawn crackers from Kuala Selangor last year not sure its the same shop.
kenwooi, glad you don't mind. Yeah, I like that photo that's why I am using as linky love : )
cheahs@n, I think there are 15 pieces of prawn crackers in the one huge bag, all bigger than size of your palm. At RM6 it's worth it!
merryn, the angpow lanterns are nice right? Maybe you can learn to make them and sell them for CNY next year at your craft site?
faisal, sure can if you can come down to KL and meet up with me : )
cheahs@n, yeah I think it's the same shop : )
Happy Chap Goh Meh!
Happy Chap Goh Meh!
hey happy first march! :P
i had yee sang last nite too, hehe goodbye cny 2010! did u pickup any oranges? :P
LOL! on SK's comments. Yeah lah, CNY is mostly about food.
Actually no need to write contact info because it's just a symbolic gesture and 'someone upstairs' will arrange to pair the couple up, I think.
Happy March, Foong!
prawn crackers and ice cream? sure boh hahaaha will try one day heeh
Haha..oh yeah, forgot that there those people who still believe in getting a catch via mandarin oranges and there are women game enuff to actually put their contacts on those oranges!
hahaha can you gimme 6:P hahaha
I used to make those lanterns myself but now so busy and no time to do it.
when you coming down to penang? :P
We do not have this practice over here! Good in the way that it does not cause pollution to the lakes and rivers.
foong send me those prawn crackers! lol
pete, happy chap goh meh to you too! : )
xin, no didn't pick up any oranges this year! Haha!
happysurfer, actually writing contact info will increase your chances of getting a husband, haha!
manglish, I have finished the prawn crackers! Must plan a day to go Kuala Selangor to buy a whole load of them again! LOL!
mei teng, yes there are many people who still have faith in it! : )
CH Voon, finished already! Haha!
eiling lim, oh, you know how to make those angpow lanterns? Can you make one for me next year? : )
faisal, I don't go down to Penang, I go UP to Penang. haha! Not anytime soon, I'm afraid! Maybe you come DOWN to KL? : )
jam, it does not cause pollution to the lakes and rivers cos all the ornages would be collected. How come East Malaysian Chinese don't throw oranges and don't lou sang?
ayie, I'm afraid by the time the prawn crackers reach you in US, it would be all broken and soft! Haha!
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