I was particularly attracted to one of the topics in the book, which is What Other People Think.
So do you live your life always worrying about what other people think of you?
But what other people think is ONLY what other people think. Is it more important than what YOU think of yourself?
Other people are probably just as confused as you are, just as insecure, just as frightened, just as likely to make mistakes, to be envious, jealous or self deceiving, and therefore just as likely to distort what they hear and see.
In fact, I would say what other people think of you is really none of your business!

Image courtesy of mindbodygreen
But if you must know what other people think, it has more to do with how they feel about themselves than how they feel about you.
Other people are probably wondering what you think of them. Now isn't that interesting!
So would you let other people control your life? Take back control by focusing on what you think of yourself. Because ultimately, that's all that really matters.
Sometimes, we can't be bothered by what people think. One cannot please everybody :)
miss again to Mei Teng.
earlier I stalk stalk this blog,saw no update. :D
One cannot please everybody but sometimes taking heed of what other people think/say about you may make you want to be a better person?
Of course being too concerned about what others say is not healthy too...
You see if we are aware of ownself, then nothing really matters, i am still trying to explore that so called realm in discovering my ownself,but to have a faith in the Man Above will surely help, dont you think so?
Hey pal,you have a great CNY
it is easier to say ignore what others think..but think positively, second opinions can be good too!
yeah, this is a very old saying but always is so true.. don't care what people see you as, but more importantly how you see yourself..
like what Mei Teng said, it's just impossible to please everyone, so as long as we are happy with what we are doing, then it's just fine..
but come to think about this, not to say we don't care what people say.. we really have to think rationally and logically - whether other people's comments are constructive and get us to improve..
so, in the end, that's really gotta depend on oneself how he/she wants to be.. it's the attitude of oneself.. whether he/she thinks everyone is critising, complimenting or giving suggestive advice..
hmmm, i'm shocked on this short post from you today, hehe!! anyway, short and sweet and keeps us thinking.. :)
That's why....'Live in your way, not other peoples way of life!'
Wise, Foong-
Aloha, Friend!
Comfort Spiral
"Men do not attract what they want, but what they are." ~ James Allen from 'As A Man Thinketh'. Just be yourself and to be aware constantly to have right view, right speech, right action, right effort and right mindfulness etc guess you do not have any time left to think of what others would feel or think about you. Most probably they would think as what you are.
I try not to let what other people think affect me, but no doubt those close to me will have some effect...
Agree with ya...
Although, it's hard to shake that kind of thinking. Natural for people to compare and worry about how other people think about you...
Sometimes we said tat to deceive ourself. Usually we can't see what is wrong with us. We need someone close to us to remind us we hv much to improve.
We need to be open to all criticism and analyzed it for our own good. and not to be defeated by ppl's criticism!!
Feel never happy if always live under people's eye.
i think.. hahahaha lol~ hmmm i think i'm blessed with the ability to not care what others think about me =) and at some point, it's rly rly helpful =)
Heard this from my troop leader while in Outward Bound School. There is this elderly merchant and his 9 year old granson was both riding on his donkey and while passing through a village, some people said to the old man it was not right too much weight for the donkey to carry. Old man dismounted and allow the grandson to take the ride alone..
2. When they passed another village people said should not pamper the grandson as the merchant is so old and need to be respected. Old man get his grandson off the back on the donkey and took the ride with his grandson walking side by side..
3. Then while passing by another village people said donkey is too old cannot stressed too much else he would die before reaching the destination. Finally the old man carries the donkey walk with his grandson..
4. This will never end, as long as we think it is right and not hurting others like Nike says " Just Do It".
What other people think about us is indeed none of our business. If we are not hurting others by our words and deeds, there really is nothing to worry about. Life is really too beautiful and too short to be wasted on others negative thoughts.
this is, i tell you, the most interesting post, i might follow up on it, not that your other posts are not interesting but this one hit a chord in me bcs i am, in the past, all about what other people think of me, and i am learning that, like you said, they are just as confused as i am and if i spent another day listening to them and their opinions of me, i will go crazy ahhahahha....THANKS....happy cny
Sometimes...I do care bout other people thing. Why? Because we will always see ourselves differently from others. :)
But of course I believe that I am the king of my own destiny. :)
You should concentrate on making yourself happy first, and the rest will come naturally.
We all need other ppl's good impression about us to feel happy in some way.
i would like to control my life myself =)
Sometimes people are just too caught up with what others are saying and doing. Humans have this habit that is called copying. It is like how we learn things by copying what is already there. But when we do things differently or out of the norm, the people that are in the norm will tend to say that things should be done in a way where the majority follows. But why care right?! As long as we get what we want or need, it doesn't matter which option we take. So, don't care what the no-brainers have to say if we are sure of what we want/need. Abit out of topic but who cares. LOL!
Yes, I agreed. Don't bother with what others thought of you. You cannot pleased everyone and if they want to say something abt u, let it be. Most importantly, is yourself!
mei teng, you are absolutely right! : )
lina, haha you were stalking my blog? : D
Taking heed of what other people say about you is OK, but just don't overdo it : )
eugene,being in complete awareness? Yes, that's indeed a goal worth striving for! Happy CNY to you too! : )
xin, second opinions are good but they are just opinions. You can choose to accept or reject them : )
SK, yeah agree listening to constructive criticism is actually helpful as long as we don't be too concerned over it.
I'm keeping this post short not because I want to but because I'm too busy to write a long one! Haha!
robo, well said! : )
cloudia, thanks! : )
bananaz, you are correct! : )
iamthewitch, those close to you like Saucer? Hehe
angie tan, yeah, it's kind of easier said than done, but I think we should always remind ourselves that what other people think is just what other people think, nothing more, nothing less : )
ghostly nana, it's true we need to be open to criticism but if we overdo it, it's more harmful than helpful, don't you agree? : )
CH Voon, agree : )
aaronng88, good for you! It's your life, do what you want! : )
everything hv to be in moderate. overdo in anything always harmful. Happy Chinese New YEar!
cheahs@n, haha! I have heard of that story about the old man, his grandson and the donkey. Yes, you are right, when we listen too much to others, it's detrimental to us! : )
happysurfer, you are right! Life is too beautiful and too short to be wasted like that! : )
manglish, really? Well, I am glad this post hit a chord in you! It's my shortest post yet, I think, haha!
Good to know you no longer concern yourself with what other people think of you cos we all know they are just like us and it does not serve any purpose to listen to screwed up opinions and distorted perceptions of others.
Happy CNY to you too! : )
tekkaus, yes YOU are the king of your own destiny. That's very very true! : )
shopping in las vegas, agree : )
kelvin, maybe so but then you are depending on others to make yourself happy, and that's not good. Happiness should come from within and not dependent on any exterior sources : )
kenwooi, yeah go ahead! : )
bravebear, I know exactly what you mean cos I just finished reading your post, haha! From your angle, I agree with you - who the hell cares? Just get on with life! : )
chrisau, yes, most important is how we see ourselves! : )
ghostly nana, walk the middle path? Haha! Happy CNY to you too! : )
yes moderate in everything. :)
Well, if you are courting a gal, you certainly care how she thinks about you...
Mind share with us the meditation technique mentioned in the book? I am a meditator too, albeit a lazy one...
Should i receive any comment fr a sincere person, then i don't mind. Otherwise, i couldn't care less.
Wah, posing like ROCKY...agree with you!
Wishing you and your family a Happy & Prosperous Chinese New Year!
The world revolves around me. Last I checked, the Man above created babes just so that they can brighten up my scenery.
I can't be bothered about what people think about me. They better not, lest I poke them in the eyes with my fingers. =p
i never care! :) to me, you can't please everybody... so i choose to please myself :P
it wld be very difficult to live a life thinking of how people will think about u in every move u make.
just be yrself, make life simple
sooo true!thanks for reminding us of it!keep blogging+have a lovely rest of the week!
Hi foong! long time haven't sneaked here and other blogs too...
totally agree with what mei said!
i mean that you are aware and have experiences with the paranormal, predict things before they happen, and many other things.
nowadays i'd prefer to read fiction as my head is full of so many things until i can get stress easily :D
ghostly nana, I think moderate in everything is good! : )
khengsiong, but the girl will also worry how you think about her, haha.
Meditation techniques? Oh! There are no meditation techniques in the book, just a lot of inspiring articles to help with your meditations! : )
wenn, yeah you can't care too much about insincere people! : )
T.H, yes so we need to take control of our lives! : )
pete,same to you! : )
shingo T, wah! So violent? Poke at people's eyes? LOL!
faisal, good to hear that! : )
johnny ong,agree! : )
jana, thanks! : )
shakira choong, gong xi fa cai to you too! : )
ayie, yes one can't please everybody! : )
shopping in las vegas, err..are you leaving comments on the wrong post? : )
faisal, I like fiction too! : )
Actually, we only know one thing about bus routes: crime rates are higher where there are bus routes! That's why we protest against having them extended into our communities.