2. If you missed my previous post 'Random Notes 8', do go back there and read about the current contest I am having right now on my blog. Leave the most number of comments and win souvenirs from Bali! Terms and conditions are in my previous post so read them if you are interested.
3. Talking about contests, today I am going to announce the 3 lucky winners of my Versus Tag contest. Before I left for Bali, I had written all participants' names into a piece of paper each, mixed them up in a container and asked my brother to pick 3 names at random.
So these are the three names he picked!

Are you one of them? If yes, congratulations! Please email me your address so that I can mail you the prizes! But of course, you have to wait till I return from my holidays in Bali first before I can send them to you, so be patient yes? : )
Oh, if you want to know what the prizes are, sorry can't tell you now, haha! Will let you know once I return! ; )
4. I love to look at the sky and I enjoy watching the clouds. Call me weird, but I am just fascinated by them. I even enjoy watching those thick, black clouds right before a thunderstorm! Here are some photos I captured last week.

These were the clouds above me right before a huge thunderstorm!

I was at a friend's house and I could see the looming dark clouds above his house.

I was captivated by the beautiful sky! And of course, I couldn't wait for the rain to fall! Haha!

5. I seldom eat at DOME cafe, but when I do, I always choose to eat their caesar pesto salad. I just love it!

Have you eaten at DOME before? Do you like the food there?

The prices are pretty expensive, but I like the portions - they are HUGE!!
6. Do you believe in ghosts? Last year I went to walk the suspension bridge at FRIM and captured this photo on my camera phone.
Do you see that lady with long hair wearing dark glasses and dressed in a robe on the right? Can you see it? Or is it just my imagination? Perhaps it was the light playing tricks on my eyes!
You know what, I think after I return from Bali, I am going to make another trip to FRIM. Let's see if I can capture that same image again. It's sure going to be exciting! Enjoy your weekend, everyone! : )
Om Swastyastu
Hello! Foongpc
Om, Santih Santih Santih, Om
me? I see my name!!!
eh, how come so lucky one.. lolol...
i never got anything from lucky draw before one...
lol... company address
go buy my company stock la.. lol.. and THANK YOU!!!!!!!
Congratz to Donna vs CheaHS@n vs Cynthia for Versus Tag winners. Didnt you check the Bazi time and day of the draw haha. Nice clouds yeah saw the lady with the sun glasses hairs standing on end right now as I am finger clicking good at the same time. tQ
We know that you still on your Bali vacation coz you haven't started posting the Bali trip part 1 :p
Anyway, enjoy your trip eh~
Enjoyable, Foong!
Aloha from Hawaii my Friend!
Comfort Spiral
nice pic of the cloud. wish can see those dark clouds in kk here. :( no pouring at all. :( anyway, bet u're surely enjoying urself at bali as anything about bali is great!
Whoa! Saw something very familiar, yes I was one of the three lucky winners. Congratulations to Donna & Cynthia. So happy to receive the Sony camera as lucky prize. Foongpc no need to send very happy to collect the camera from you personally. hahahahahaha lol...
aloha from Kuala Lumpur!! of course i know you're in Bali, i'm your blog's follower what, and a loyal follower.. hehe!!
yalor, i wonder what you are doing there right now?? maybe happily lazying around the hotel, taking shots of your arms and legs to show us in your next posts?? :D
sure miss you very much lor, but at least you have scheduled posts for me to spam at least.. but you're not spamming mine.. haiz!! :p
hey, wonder if you have tried the bebek, babi guling and the apokat juice in Bali.. OMG, i love that apokat juice, so nice - but of course quite fattening also lah~~ hehe :p
i want a holiday so badly!! but have been so busy lately, and i don't think i can go on any holiday in the coming few months.. sigh~~
Serious big storm coming and what a picture sure you did not add in salt & pepper in your photo? Oh dear..
Do you see that lady with long hair wearing dark glasses and dressed in a robe on the right? Can you see it? Or is it just my imagination? Perhaps it was the light playing tricks on my eyes! <--- kay i think ur imagination is toooooo good! cz i dnt c any "thing" that u described! n its sound scary ok, lucky i read this at daytime!
Yalar! Yalar! We all know now you are in Bali lar. Nope we don't miss you. hahaha :D
I don't think this time I can win in your contest already. :p
Congratulations to the 3 of them. :D
The skies look so damn dark. :D It rained?
I have never ever eaten at Dome before. The most was I stood in front of it last year while waiting for my taxi. :D
You captured the photo? But it looked so unreal to me. :p
hehehe, two random notes back to back while you are away huh?? hmmm, i guess this is a good idea.. maybe when i go on a trip, i'll scheduled random notes post too..
see?? i am leaving tons of comments here.. and please don't call it spamming ok?? i really spent my effort to comment as much as i could for this contest ok??
so i wonder if i stand a chance to win anything this time round?? i've missed out the previous few rounds, so as i said in the previous post, i allow no failure this time!! hahahaha
oooopsss, will this attracts the attention of my competitors?? hmmm, i should be more low profile and do this quietly so that opponents won't know my plan right??
btw, you should have put a link back to your previous post, that would encourage more people to read it - provided that they are as greedy as me, just intending to get something from you, hehehehe!!
Enjoy your trip!
Enjoy your Bali trip.
ok ok, and now everyone knows you always have contest organised.. but i think i'm more interested in comments spamming that all those "tagging and tagged" games.. :D
so, i think you should have recorded a video showing how you draw the three winners.. so that we know you are absolutely fair in this.. hehehe, not a bad idea huh??
btw, why don't you have another prize for the one whom you think have written the best response to the 42 things?? am sure this will be more meaningful right??
hmmm, they are also getting prizes from you bought from Bali?? so, are you going to get the same prizes for both contests?? please, please get nicer ones for the comments contest..
hmmm, let me guess what you may buy?? a dozen of the famous bintang bali beer?? or maybe some bintang bali tees?? or more generously some bali souvenirs from hard rock?? kekekekeke~~ :D
i love taking pics of clouds as well.. together with structures of course =)
congrats to the winners. awesome cloud shots. how's bali?
Congrats to the lucky winners! :)
I ate a few times at Domes, but those few times because I have some vouchers. Expensive lar to eat there, esp for someone who isn't all that interested in western food. :D
eh, this time around, I cannot see the lady lah. @_@
There's a nice spaghetti aglio olio with turkey hame at Dome...which I like very much.
hey panda! its sunday now, and guess wat? finally i can see such dark clouds at here, its raining! lol anyway, u faster come back and blog about ur bali trip la, i almost finish up reading all ur blog post dy.
wah.. all these bloggers i know one..
Cheah, remember me when u got the camera.. can lend or not??
donna, congratS!!!
cynthia dear, happy for u!!!
foongpc, no consolation prizes ah?? console us ma.. hahahha...
hi foong just visiting you here again.. have a great day my friend
haha congrats to the winners... at least i tried my best... is there any consolation price lols
hi foong done posting the interview...
yeah, i think we share some common interest here.. i like watching the different shapes of clouds too, provided i am in the mood of course.. :p
i think the different forms of clouds gives me lots of imaginations.. i like to find out what they look like, it could be a human, it could be animals, it could be any object.. fun isn't it??
and you know what i find most comfortable?? to lie on an empty land, on the green grass, and looking upwards to the blue sky with coulds.. it's something very relaxing and enjoyable to me..
but of course, contrary to your liking, i don't like rain at all.. i'm more to the sunshine kind of people.. sunshine means vibrant and hope, rain means blue to me.. that's why i choose the former.. :)
but come to realise about it, i couldn't find many photos that i've taken of the blue sky and clouds.. hmmm, i guess starting from next trip, i should have taken the sky from all over the place as a collection?? maybe.. :)
dude, enjoy Bali! :D and bring back some of the sunshine!
and take some pics of yourself for once goddamit! :P
Wei is the last photo real? The lady picture seemed to be pasted on the tree trunk only.. :P Btw, have fun in Bali!!! :)
DOME?? hmmm, i really seldom go to dome actually.. let me recall, maybe not more than 5 times that i've ever been to dome..
i think there's not much choices on their menu.. but what i normally (or maybe always) order is the cajun chicken sandwich with mixed grain bread..
never tried the caesar pesto salad though.. but i just love that sandwich, and especially the potato wedges on the sides.. very flavourful and satisfying!!
errr, portion wise i think still acceptable to me.. hmmm, you think they are HUGE?? OMG, maybe i am a big eater then?? so malu-ating, hahahaha!! :D
price wise, yes i think it's quite expensive.. but come to a second thought, i think it's around such price in cafe and restaurants in KL nowadays.. things are getting more and more expensive, don't you think so??
Have fun!I love your adventures! I feel like I am with you and always appreciate your photos!!!
How come no souvenir for me?
When are you coming back? Email me, I have some developing news on our Cambodia trip this coming August.
So bad I did not join your Versus Tag contest. I hope I can win this contest with a souvenir from Bali.
I too love to watch sky and do sky snapshot. Just hop over to my photo blog - http://lifeislikethat.net, I have tons of sky snapshots over there!
Sky is beautiful at any given time, may it be sunny, cloudy or rainy day. Or be it dawn, sunrise, dusk or sunset! I like them all!
Guess what, we have DOME in my humble little town! I went there twice and I have to agree the foods are quite pricey.
I do believe in ghosts, but I do not believe we can see them as we wish. I myself haven't seen one and I don't want to see one too!
What you see can be a spirit occupying that area for ages. It is us humans who intrude their compound. They don't come out on purpose to scare us.
If only you have made a big sin, you do not have to scare of ghosts. Benevolent people like us should not worry, hehe...
Are you coming back tonight? Quite a long stay since last Thursday! When will you announce the winner of your Bali Giveaway Contest?
hi foong just dropping by here
just want to inform you that i am done posting the interview
hmmm, if you have not point out that "silhoutte" in the photo, i think i will never realised it.. looks very real foong..
but i guess most probably it's because of the light and angle.. it shouldn't be so spooky in such a bright day right??
so, when did you noticed that there's this silhoutte in your photo?? did you sense something extraordinary after you've taken the photo??
ok, when you go to FRIM again, please try to see if you can capture the same thing.. if you can, then i think most probably it's the lighting and angle issue.. if you can't, then will be an interesting story @_@"
haha, mentioning about this.. perhaps you want to examine in every details on every single photo you've taken in Bali when you're back home?? hahaha.. just kidding :)
Foong, you holiday quite often, don't you?
i like the photos of the cloud especially the very blue sky. nice
wah... SK so geng..
Just dropping by. Saw you on bluedreamer's top 5 and your blog is the featured blog of the month. I just thought of checking you out. Congrats!
@Donna: this time i 志在必得!! since you got a prize, i also want a prize!! hahaha~~ (ok, i know this comment doesn't count)
Congrats to Donna, Cynthia & Cheahs@n :) Happy for you guys.
do you do any photos editing on the ghost photos? hehehe
Juz in case you have not come across of this greetings during your stay in Bali "Hello" [Om Swastyastu] its a Balinese welcome.
Was juz wondering after reading HappySurfer's Amber Chia's wedding in Bali it connects to you. You got invited to her wedding izzit¿
when a friend 1st invited me for a meal at Dome, the pie with mushroom soup was recommended to me. i was so hooked on it that everytime i'm there, which is not often, i invariably order the same dish.
how's that for loyalty?
wei u back from bali dy, y not yet blog about bali leh?! got lots beautiful gal at thr right???! especially those in bikini at the beach. :P
this time i wish can c at least short video of bali aye.. hehe or maybe a snap shot of urself . XD
hey post up more more about food in bali kay! my godsis is going to bali this may, n she's doing research, i told her that one of my blogger fren just come back from thr, so maybe u can post up lots places n foods in bali for her. :)
ohya! since u mentioned at twitter that u ate babi guling, that was one of the most popular food in bali, according to my indon's fren, hope u post it up too!
btw, i asked my mum n sis to help me take a look on the picture n dey said none, my mum said ur imagination is toooooooo gud which is somehow GOOD for u. lol and my sis said u sotz! wahaha
hey if u did diving in bali, tell us!! heee
Dome ar.... i never try before...
feel not confident with it.
frim...bring me there now....!!!
Bali?? Wow! I've never been there before but well, it's gonna be my turn in July! ;) Haven't visit you for a long time now and I see you've changed your theme.. :) Well, have fun over there foongpc!
p/s: I saw that "ghost" in that pic.. =\
i love salad a lot! :)
never try it at dome yet.
very soon... hehe
Psst... hope you had fun. A colleague who's been there said the designer clothes are cheaper than here. He regretted for not buying more.
Wow! The first cloud picture is awesome. It's like cotton candy and all yummy.. The sky's the limit, really - or rather the sky's unlimited. haha..
DOME food is nice, a lot more authentic than the food churned out by the current chain of cafes. The service is a lot more personal too. But of course, the price makes the difference.
Btw, nice picture of the bar. I like their decor. I too took some shots on my last visit.
So, the shrouded lady with the sunglasses is still at the FRIM? Yes, please pay the place another visit and check her out. Soon. Would love to know the truth, wouldn't you, Foong? Quick, quick..
Finally, but certainly not the least, CONGRATULATIONS to the three winners!
Still not back from vacation yet ah? Wah, so nice can get away for long vacation. ;)
eh, you got photos of Amber Chia's wedding or not? :D
Foong, you've got to come fend for yourself here.. What Bananaz said makes sense.
since u r the millionaire in bali dat time, wat u got for urself?? hahaha!
am sure u're really missing bali when u at malysia now. :P
[Happysurfer] the guy in your pix at Amber's wedding, third from the right in all white dressing, aiming his Lumix LX3 looks like "The Panda" aka 'Uknowho'. Can recognise his hairstyle and the look from the back of his head. If he had shorts on even more easier can tell from his sexy legs.. ¿ ¿ ¿ tQ
I hope you had a great holiday celebration in Bali.Good Luck.Thanks for your nice posting.
I ate in DOME before.. i love it but yeah.. mahal!
wah...105 comments.. im 106.. foong, bila balik? another few more days, it reach 200comments.. wow..i can never have that many!
I can't believe my eyes!! Finally one online contest that I won!! It must be a lucky month, but not an April Fool joke right? :p
Enjoy yourself ya, and let us know when you back!!
Bananaz, wait, let me go back to my blog to take a look.
LOLOLOL..... you maybe right. Eh, Foong? hahah...
Good experience! Thanks to share it with us....
The strongest and fearless person is the one who knows his/her mistakes and still seek
for guidance and forgiveness. Have a pleasant day and keep on smiling. Visit my site for
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Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try. Keep sharing ideas. Have a good day :)