And by that, I mean that I love the night time and I am most active at night! It also means that I love to stay up late till the wee hours of the morning.
I know, I know, it's unhealthy to stay up late like that. My mom used to tell me to sleep no later than 12 midnight. I think she has already given up on me, haha! But I just love the night time!

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So today, let me share with you my top 10 reasons why I like to stay up late! Here goes...
1. After working like a dog in the daytime, I deserve to have a whole night to relax and chill out and enjoy myself! How can I waste the night time by sleeping early and waking up to another dog day world?
2. Night time is so quiet and calming! After all the stress in the daytime, I need the night to relax!
3. I can think better at night when everyone is asleep and nothing is distracting me. Best time to write new posts on my blog!
4. I can watch porn on my laptop without anyone finding out! Haha!
5. I can look forward to my next activity which is .... sleep!!
6. I can eat and indulge in my favourite pineapple tarts without anyone telling me that I should not be eating that much!
7. I can chat online with my other "night owl" friends.
8. I can watch as many YouTube videos as I like which I can't do on the job during the day.
9. I can have the whole TV to myself and no one to fight with me over the remote!
10. Sleeping is the most overrated thing since Blogger.
Note 1 : Please do not use the above excuses to stay up late. Sleep early, peeps! : )
Note 2 : I completed this post at approx. 3.26am : )
wooot!!! ur night owl buddy is here! ;)
I love being a night owl :D
LOL @ #4!
I oso donno why Im a night owl... seems to be more fun at night, maybe cause my B is around at night! ;)
i cant stay up late >< my body cant take it anymore... fufu is getting old T.T it's just 10pm here in germany and i have just finished watching porn.... roflmao j/k
Agree with you on #2 & #3. I think better at night and everything is quiet and calm at night, making it ideal to relax and do my thing.
Wonder what time you wake up today
aiseh, where got fun watch porn alone! LOL
BTW, I slept at 4.45am and had to wake up at 8.00am because Raimie wanted to eat pancake. :D
Sometimes is fun to be night owl. Usually my biological clock will remind me to sleep at midnight. Hard to remain awake after midnight.
Well, if you are concerned with global warming and want to save the earth, then sleep early. Why do you think US and European countries have daylight saving time?
If you switch off light at 12am instead of 3am, you save 3 hours of energy for lighting.
oh... i like night time as well. but as your mummy said... before 12am is better. i agree.
if you sleep late one problem you will face is sembelit. hehehe
but too late sleep one things is feel damn exhausted then next day.
but good things is all listed by you.
Bad boy bad boy!!!Making Mama unhappy haha. Once in a while is OK but not good for health if done often. Seen and heard that our body needs rest for 'repairing' all the damages and best time to sleep is 23:00-04:00hrs. How true? I am beginning to adjust my timing used to be 01:00hr now cut one hour adjusting to midnite and hope to sleep by 23:00hr and wake up before 06:00hrs. Agree the mind works better in the early morning totally without interruption. Training to sleep lesser hours. tQ
I don't like staying up late. I believe in having enough sleep so that one is energised for the day ahead. Staying up late creates havoc on my sleep pattern.
magic night!
Aloha from Hawaii my Friend
Comfort Spiral
Frankly, i can be too. But if i get too exhausted, i wont be. haha. newaiz nice one. keep it up n be a panda on the next every morning. lol
arhh.. no one can find me after 10.30pm, coz i slp edi...
sometimes, fall asleep at 9pm one.. AHAHHAHA...
I would ask the same question as Borneo Falcon, what time you wake up today? Wake up early just in time for lunch? haha. What about normal weekdays how many hours of sleep?
this is going to sound super weird but i cannot imagine good boy like u watching porn hehe nor fufu
We're similar, it just that I have hungry problem....
I would love to stay up late too but I need my beauty sleep too as I can't afford to be sleepy the next day!
i always stay up late staring at the computer =)
Yeah! We all know that you are a crazy night owl! :p
Actually I don't like to stay up late at night! Unless I have something to do. :(
Yeah! I believe your mama has really given up on you. :p
same here! i'm a night owl too! because i just can't control myself.. i need to find victims for me to survive warhahahaha.. just kidding.
1. If you work like a dog in day time... then i work like an ant... hahah
2. Yup perfect way to relieve stress
3. i agree... no disturbance.
4. i absolutely in favor with that haha
5.haha count sheep first.
6.midnight snaks... is guilt...because no one caught you other than yourself
7. count me in!
8.haha.. love it
9.i agree... yup yup yup
So you assume you are working like a dog in the day time bro? Then at night? Transform and become a vampire? watch porn at night? Hahaha :D SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO that's why you wanna sleep so late because you wanna watch porno while doing something else at the same time. :p
Goodness bro. I think you are not human already because you have totally screwed up your biological clock. :p
i cant stay up too late anymore it will take me a few days to recuperate hahahahah
On second thoughts think you need to change the title to "Top 10 Reasons Why I like to Stay Up Early" instead of "Late". haha.:p
sounds like ur doing another one of those "do as i say, not as i do" :P
i stay up late at night too, but not as late as you... prolly like 1am or 2am max. xD i agree, my reasons are exactly the same as yours (esp the porn part, wahhahaa!!)
omg. watch porn? corrigan's collection? LOL.
mariuca, good to see you chopping here again! And hi 5 to the night owl thing! Haha!
monica, I know you love being a night owl! Both you and Mariuca are my night owl buddies! LOL!
I'm an early bird, and seeing your post makes me wanna write a "10 reasons why I like to sleep early". Haha.
But to each his own. There used to be a time when I enjoy sleeping late, now I'm too old to have the stamina. Sniff.
fufu, you are getting old? haha! You watching porn? Why not? : )
rose belle, yeah night time is the best time to relax! : )
borneo falcon, 8.30am : )
lina, watch alone also fun what! LOL! Wow! You more teruk than me - slept later and woke up earlier! : )
ghostly nana, it's fun alrite! I guess it's hard to fight your biological clock! : )
khengsiong, I am not particularly concerned with global warming : )
CH Voon, yes agree follow mum's advice is best! But me being naughty, I will follow once in a while lah, hehe
bananaz, yes I agree sleep before by 11pm is the best. 11pm-1am is for liver health, so actually sleeping during this period is very important. Well, I'll do my best to follow mum's advice and be a good boy, haha!
mei teng, you are just like one of my friends. Must be back home by 12 midnight and be in bed! Just like Cinderella, haha!!
cloudia, it's magical at night! Yes indeed! : )
caroline ng, I am already a panda, no need be one the next morning! Haha!
donna, sleep so early, at 9pm? Hallo! My night just begin at 9pm! : )
cheahs@n, I will repeat my answer. 8.30am. That's about 5 hours of sleep, still OK. Anything less than 5 hours, I will suffer!!!
bengbeng, me good boy? hahahaha! You haven't met me yet! LOL! Fufu good boy? Hahahaha!! You haven't met him yet! Neither have I! LOL! : D
champdog, you are hungry, that's why cannot sleep?
wenn, beauty sleep is very important, I have to agree! : )
kenwooi, staying up late starring at the computer watching porn right? Naughty! Naughty! : )
tekkaus, I am a night owl but not crazy lah! Haha!
You don't like to stay up late at night? Who you kidding? I sometimes caught you blogging or tweeting in the wee hours of the morning like, 4am? LOL!
Yeah, I'm a vampire at night! I need Tekkaus' blood! Haha!!
Hey what u mean watching porn and doing something else at the same time? What is something else? I very innocent one you know : )
Of course I am not a human - didn't I just mentioned I am a vampire? LOL!
bluedreamer27, gimme 5!! : )
So you stay up late to watch porn too? Naughty boy!! Haha! : )
baby, aha! I found a new night owl buddy! : )
manglish, a few days to recuperate? Excuse me, how old are you? : )
cheahs@n, haha!! : )
conan_cat, exactly! Stay up till 2am? Haha! My night just began at 2am! LOL! You watch porn too? Naughty boy!! : )
faisal, I will not comment on what collection! Hahaha!
shingo T, hey you should write that post you know. I would love to read it! But remember to link it to my blog! Hahaha!
Answering to your question about technical glitch as my template is same as Shingo T's Tic Tac Blue except its modified 3 column. After some time the header background and the side bar's wave design went missing. Background base supposed to be white but reversed with the two sidebars. Just keep it that way dunwan to change or consult blogger. tQ
[eiling lim] all I know pineapples bring "ong" & not aware of the combination of pineapples + watching porn? Me missing something? tQ
Point No. 1 is so true... I always think that way as well. = )
Totally agree on all statements. =)
I bet u, being a nightowl isn't as serious as me, being an insomaniac. LOl. Its frustrating alrite.. lol.
these few nights i slept around 2am.. why? the super series is on!!! panda eyes and haggard looking i m now!!! i have second thoughts meeting up bloggers next week.. hahaha...
eeee.. but now people KNOW that you watch porn on ur laptop dy!!! lol.. :P
still eating pineapple tarts eh? It's way after CNY leh.. can i have some?
hahahah watch porn eh, i love staying late too because that is when my kids are asleep and I can blog without interruption. I am a nocturnal peep too.
BTW, I just followed your blog, hope you can visit sometimes.
I went for a course to let the trainer torture till past mid-night and next morning report at 8 am sharp or door is lock. Now what I need is a bed for 2 days. So after this blog hop and breakfast, I am into bed again to recharge. ZZZzzzzzz......
I used to be a night owl, but not now. Will feel tired the next day, cannot perform my work with full concentration.
No wonder you always looks tired, now I know why.
Your Point 4 + a word starts with "M" every night? fuu yoh, respect respect !
Consider quitting Blogger and moving to Wordpress? Wordpress is the better blogging platform than Blogger.
And also consider buying a domain with your own brand name in it.
It means you are really a very hardworking person. I appreciate you.....
oh my....there are the night owl's chopping so fast!!! lol