I know, some of you would say I'm talking nonsense. A few years back I would have agreed with you. But I learnt that if you look at the bigger picture and you become aware of the big picture and you stand outside of you observing yourself and your life, you will soon realize that every event, everything that happened to you had happened in the most perfect way imaginable.

As such, I have stopped blaming others for my misfortunes. Firstly, blaming others means you are not taking responsibility for what happened. Not taking responsibility means you are giving control to that person you blame. In other words, you are the poor, helpless victim.
Secondly, do be aware that you are the cause of your own misfortune. It's difficult to comprehend this at first. I mean, how can you say that I cause my own sickness? It would be madness to tell a victim of a robbery that he or she was robbed because he or she wanted it! Ridiculous right?
Well, not really. In actual fact, everything that happens to us must first come to us by the way of attraction. We are like magnets that attract things and events into our lives.
Take for example, you and your neighbour work nights and both of you walk back home every night. You get robbed twice but your neighbour is unharmed. Why? Are you more unlucky than your neighbour?
The answer lies in your beliefs. Probably you believe that people are basically bad and dishonest. Or you are always fearful of being robbed because you heard a lot of such robbery cases. Your negative beliefs attract the negative energies creating a physical manifestation that resulted in you being robbed!
Your neighbour on the other hand, probably believes that people are basically good. Her positive beliefs in turn attract positive energies and therefore she gets home safe and well.
Now you may not believe that people are bad, but probably you did something dishonest at work and this guilty feeling will also attract the negative energies because you subconsciously believe that you should be punished for your dishonesty.
Some of you may lash out at me and say this is complete rubbish! You may ask, do you mean that those people who perished in the recent earthquake in Haiti deserve it because they attracted the misfortune to themselves?
To answer this, I will not say yes or no. That's because I'm not fully enlightened to provide an answer to such a question!
But personally, I would say there is no coincidence in life. Things happen for a reason, and if you happen to be a victim of an earthquake or a tornado or a tsunami, you are probably there at the right time and the right moment for some reason.

Everything is happening perfectly. There are no chaos or random events although they may not seem to be so.
That is why do not fight life. Do not fight events and circumstances in your life. Instead accept them and go with the flow. Start thinking positively and create positive energies. Even though it may seem that your life is fated, I believe that we are in this world to create and re-create.
You can change your fate. You can change your beliefs. And as such, you can change your life for the better.
For more information on this topic, read books by the following authors - Deepak Chopra, Wayne W Dyer, Neale Donald Walsch, Christopher Stone, Shakti Gawain, Esther Hicks, Masaru Emoto, Eckhart Tolle.
Note: I am taking a break from my usual Bali travel posts. They will be back in my next upcoming post, so stay tuned : )
you are right
yeah agree... friends told me that japan has numerous earthquakes and i experiences them several times a year yet i am still alive now... i am heading to a country that predicted may be the next victim of earthquake... but i dont really care...if He wants me to die... i can die anywhere... *oh i know He loves me* hihihi
Yes I believe everything happens for a reason... it may not seem apparent when it happened, but it will be clear in time. Sometimes they are blessings in disguise..
yike missed the FC haha
i agree with you... there's no such thing as coincidence... there nothing in this world that is exactly alike
we are building our own fate... it is a choice!
yup... everything happens for a reason... so if you failed on something... don't lose hope and think as if you are the the most misfortune man in the world...
take it as a challenge ... and not as a failure that will discourage you in the rest of your life...
thanks for sharing this foong... so true... have a great day and happy blogging
will lookk forward to your next post!
yea agree with you. :) i dont believe so called coincidence thingy. hmm. maybe for what i'd experienced before.
glad you are not blaming others anymore! :p haha.
ehem.. last time got ppl told me all the entries about Bali will finish by the end of the month.. n now...?? *doink* hahaha its ok la actually. :)
i believe everything happened with a reason but one thing we must constantly believe is that we can change it if we want to.
oh ya.. I agree with this.. and the more you start to 'blame' things will get worse..
Agree, we are masters of our own destiny....
I believe everything happens for a reason. We're all intertwined in our destinies and are connected by fate which is a result of karma. Some will argue that karma is just pure coincidence. I don't try to convince people to believe in karma. It's something that everyone will have to face on their own and when the time come, they will learn.
i only believes that everything that had happened have a reason, we do not need to question why... most important, the God I believe will help me through it all.. :)
sure, i agree with you.
Positive thinking make all good come true.
but sometimes it is depend on luck as well.
why happy people always die early than bad guy?
Yes. I also agree with you that there is no such thing as coincidence.Every thing has a perfect reason to occur.
Ok I awaiting to see next post about your favorite spot Bali.TK
Hmm...there is actually some truth to ur words:)
We only live once! Whatever comes around, goes around.
haha, taking a break from your Bali post?? hmmm, why?? i was enjoying that leh..
i was enjoying your blasting of Bali post, then suddenly this post become so serious.. i gotta adjust myself for such a sudden change.. :p
ok ok, let me be serious also.. i think this post if food for thoughts.. provoke our thinking..
hmmm, i kind of think what you have mentioned in this post make sense, you got your point..
actually i would say there's nobody's wrong and nobody's right.. it's just opinions and thinkings from every individual..
it very much depends on how we perceive things.. for the same thing, each one of us will see it differently.. and that is what makes arguments..
anyway, i actually like the way you try to explain "coincidence".. it really makes me think about it for a while.. and yeah, you got your point that there's no coincidence, but it is all about the course of our actions..
so everything happens for a reason.. and can you say that everything happens for a purpose as well?? something to think abou.. :)
i believe that things happen for a reason, even though we may not know what's it.. =)
Indeed everything that happens, happens for a reason though most times, we won't know the reason until later.
Life is more a cause-and-effect kinda thing. The results we get today are because of what we did yesterday and what we'll get tomorrow will be what we're doing today.
Karma is universal and transcends religions. Karma doesn't decrease. The counter doesn't stop - it keeps adding on, for both good karma and bad karma. Just rewards (good and/or bad) will come around thus what goes around, comes around.
Great post, Foong.
I too have discovered this to be true.. .
Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
The wise man has spoken. Very well said. Mind your mind mindfully to purify your mind. ~;) tQ.
Yes, I agree everything has a reason.. but I still believe luck has a small part in it some times.. :)
sherry, thanks! Btw, you are the first commenter today! : )
fufu, wow you experienced earthquakes several times in Japan and came out of them alive? Yes, He definitely loves you!! : )
iamthewitch, yes sometimes the unfortunate events turn out to be blessings in disguise! : )
bluedreamer27, you are quite enlightened aren't you? haha! Happy blogging to you too! : )
caroline ng, I actually don't blame others - in your case, I'm kidding only haha!
I didn't promise about finishing the Bali posts by end of the month - I said I'll do my best but as it turns out, I still have a few more posts to go! LOL!
eiling lim, yes indeed! : )
cynthia, yes agree! : )
pete, we are indeed masters of our own destiny! : )
rosebelle, oh I do believe in karma! It's very real and is happening to us even as we speak! : )
reanaclaire, yes no need to question why : )
CH Voon, why happy people always die earlier than bad guy? I didn't notice this - is it true?
But here's my theory - the reason people die is because they have completed their purpose here on earth and happy people mostly have fulfilled all they wanted to do so it's time for them to go! : )
alex, next post coming up soon! : )
foodntravel, yes whatever comes around, goes around : )
SK, I just needed to blog about this topic so putting the Bali posts on hold. Also some of my readers may need a breather from all the Bali posts! Haha.
But good to know you are enjoying my Bali posts! Thanks! : )
Yeah everyone has his or own opinion and different viewpoints. So that's why I believe in my own truths.
You are right - everything happens for a reason and for a purpose as well. We only look at things from our point of view but if we stand outside ourselves and observe ourselves and others, we will get to see a higher awareness of what is actually happening - that everything is happening according to plan.
kenwooi, yes indeed : )
happysurfer, yes totally believe in karma. Actions and consequences - all happening right now : )
cloudia, glad you found your truths : )
bananaz, oh you mean me the wise man? Haha! No I am not the wise man, just learning to be wise : )
cashmere, probably, but what you call luck may well be something that is already planned : )
yea.. very true lol... that is why i believe in karma.. ahaha..
P/S: no need send me another prize la.. ahaha, u have sent it, and I am yet to receive it still, that's fate.. XD..
ok.. lunch break is over~~
I agree with what you said. I am always telling myself and others, "Every happening has a reasoning".
On the other hand, always do good as the good things you do to others will come back good to you.
Thanks for the post.Liked the topic that you discussed over here.In my childhood days i used to believe a lot in coincidence but not anymore now.I agree with most of the things that you've mentioned over here.Good one.
Think [Bananaz] made a typo should be "vice" man instead of wise man hahaha. No coincidence! What goes around comes around. Life is just like throwing a boomerang.
so there is no coincidence that you are a panda? u r black n white panda n not a black n white zebra for a reason? hmm... must dig what's the reason there :P thank god u r not a tapir :D
[Merryn] that's a good one kakaka korek korek...~;)
Happy Labour Day ~;)
A Special Tribute 2U
good points there foong
happy weekend!
:D Bananaz.. he's not answering my 'digging' leh.. :P
Hi great post thanks for impressive sharing.
Yes, I do agree with you. I firmly believe that there is nothing called coincidence. If anything happens, it happens because it was ought to happen. I don’t find any proper explanation for this type of illogical things in this 21st century. Thanks for the post. Bye.
donna, I believe in karma too : )
jam, yes do good things and good things will come to you : )
web design solution, thanks for reading this post! Have a good day! : )
cheahs@n, life is just like throwing a boomerang? Nice one : )
prince n princess mum, glad you agree! : )
merryn, LOL!
bananaz, Happy Labour Day to you too : ) And thanks for that very special tribute! Appreciate it! : )
ayie, happy weekend to you too : )
merryn, no comment : )
hanging lamps, you are welcome and thanks! : )
david, thanks for your comment. And thanks for dropping by! : )
I agree with most of the points you mentioned and i used to believe on coincidence. But now i dont believe on coincidence but my deep inside still believe. Thanks for nice post.