Firstly, I would like to apologize to all of you who have been waiting for my blog updates. I was extremely exhausted after returning from my holidays I needed a long rest! It's like I needed a holiday after the holidays!
I am also sorry that I am unable to drop by most of your blogs as I am still recovering from travel fatigue, if there's a term for that! Haha!
Well, in any case, something extraordinary happened to me in Bali and no, it has absolutely nothing to do with ghosts or the paranormal.
I just have to say that at this very moment, I am on cloud nine. I am very, very happy. Want to know why?
I have found my true love in Bali, of all places! Yes, this sounds unreal but it's true! I have finally found the person I wanted to be with for the rest of my life!
When I heard that Amber Chia had a secret wedding in Bali, I was stunned. I mean, was this a coincidence or what? She got married and I found my life partner - and it all happened in this charming, lovely island of Bali.
I know, I know - this is my private life and I am not too comfortable blogging about it! I am a private person and I do not like to talk about such things. But I am just too excited not to mention about it!
This must be the most memorable holiday in my entire life! Honestly, I think Bali has changed my life!
Previously, I have never believed stories about couples who got married after just a week of knowing each other. Well, guess what? We are getting married in June! And that's just after 4 days of knowing each other! Are we insane? Maybe.
And where shall we be getting married? Where else, but in Bali of course!
I could hardly concentrate on my work since I returned. My mind was still in Bali. It was tough. I needed to go back to Bali.
All of a sudden, I did not have this desire to blog anymore. I tweeted less and I did not even have the desire to log onto my Facebook.
I just did not have this interest in blogging anymore. My passion for blogging had died and it was replaced with thoughts of my new love and thoughts on Bali.
I am so sorry to let everyone down. Thank you so much to all you readers who have been faithfully following my blog all this while. I am really grateful.
As it is, I am actually forcing myself to write this. But I think I owe it to all my readers to explain exactly what happened to me and what is going to happen next.
Maybe I will continue to blog until June. At least I need to finish up all my posts on my China trip and Lake Kenyir trip and even this Bali trip. I don't think it's good to leave them hanging. But really, I find it so difficult to write a post nowadays. It's taking too much time, too much effort.
But mostly, I am not in the right frame of mind to do any blogging. I just feel that things are different now. Life is different. Priorities have changed.
I will definitely miss all of you! Even though I will stop blogging, that does not mean we should stop contacting each other. Do email me as often as you wish!
I guess that's it for now.

Oh, by the way, if you have read this far, let me say.....
Getting married in June? That's crap!
Quit blogging? That's even crappier! Haha! : )
Note: Congrats to SK, Jam and Tekkaus for being the top 3 commenters in my previous two posts! You will each get to choose a souvenir I bought from Bali! More on the next post coming right up!
i knew it!
it's me btw
wah, i is 1st!
Forgot it's April Fool, LOL...
Is the object in the picture something you bought in Bali?
I knew it was an April fool prank the moment I read you were getting married :D
After last years stunt which I fell for I'm more wary of you buddy ... LOL!
Ya rite!!!... Amber Chia got married, Foongpc got a life partner... I already knew you are playing a fool coz today is APRIL FOOL DAYS... kakakaka...
Foongpc found a partner and getting marry in June in Bali. I think Malaysia will snow. hahaha... your life partner is My Very First Blog, rite? ~ :p
Happy April Fools Day~~~
Shoot I fell for it. Was feeling so upset while reading and wonder what could have gone wrong in Bali haha. Welcome home and looking forward for April Full of adventures from you. Cheers
Haha...I wouldn't believe that your passion for blogging has died all of a sudden becoz of some love interest.
I thought April Fool's jokes are passe oredi....hehe.
Oh! You got me, Foong! XD
For a moment thought you kena 'kong tao' [charmed] by Balinese woman how can all of a sudden you transformed haha. Life is impermanent no doubt we gotta accept change but you changed too sudden?? Got me bro lol..
your prank failed this year.
hahahahahaha! not fuhney at all! hahaha! LOL faster blog about bali! my godsis is waiting! haha
ooohhhhh... at first, when i heard u were getting married, my heart sank down, unshed tears were forming, can feel them at the corner of my eyes... and then... phew.. so it was april fool!!!
my spirits are lifted up again! glad u r not married and back to blogging again... aaahhhhhh....
btw, Happy April Fool to U too!
I was fooling about comment above, no more tears... as in johnson shampoo.. i was more than happy to hear that u were going to get married, too bad u aren't !! hahaha...
Aiya, I thought you are the bridegroom! LOL!
Oh my, I was fooled by you too. I was thinking you must be insane to have decided to married in such a hurry and thought may be you and you imaginery love already have a baby. See, what have you done to my imagination.
annant, congrats you are first commenter! But sorry no linky love today cos I have problems editing my posts! This Blogger problem still persists and I'm fed up already!
khengsiong, yes I bought this kama sutra statue from a shop in Ubud, Bali : )
nick phillips, damn! So I failed to trick you this time? : (
TZ, haha! What you mean Malaysia will snow if I get married in June? It's not impossible what! : )
bananaz, glad you fell for my April Fool's joke! Haha!
mei teng, hey why wouldn't you believe? Love can overcome everything else including my passion for blogging! Haha!
lina, did I? Then you are an April Fool! Hahaha!!
medie007, haha! Too bad! : )
caroline ng, not funny? Too bad! Yes, yes, will do my best to blog as fast as possible! : )
reanaclaire, no more tears as in Johnson shampoo? Haha! You got me there too - was wondering how come you so unhappy I am getting married, LOL!
pete, me the husband of Amber Chia? In your dreams! hahaha!!
molly, aiyo! How to have a baby after only meeting up for 4 days in Bali? New technology? LOL!!!
You had me going! LOL!!!
Aloha from Hawaii my Friend
Comfort Spiral
I was thinking to congratz you... but fooled by you.... Thanx for reminding me today is April Fool.... Did you buy penis statue?
You got me, mate! I am about to call you to congratulate you! How dare you...
As far as I know, you are not the only-meet-4-day-then-get-married type of person. But you still got me!
And I hope you dun play fool with your list of winner.
I finally won something! What is it? What is it?
HAHAHAHA I saw it coming.
Truthfully, even though I don't know you that well, I felt a little sad about you stop blogging.
Damn, u got me good... u evil...
But I'm happy now, I still get to keep another active blog link. funny. You need a holiday after a long holiday. What you did in Bali?
Travel fatigue? Yes, I believe there is such a term to describe someone who is extremely tired after a much so that he needs another holiday! DUH! this time no strange calls or anything lar? :p sounds so fake ler. :p
But never mind I will play on...
Is it? Wow....who is this lucky girl? :p
And I thought you and Amber Chia were married! Haha :D now you are going to get married with the girl in Bali? :p
I agree bro. As for me....I hardly have enough time to blog anymore. I might want to stop soon too. :(
Wow....I still managed to be the Top 3 commenter? :p Yay!
Aiya I knew it once you talked about getting married ok! Maybe I know you too well already foong :P
when i read that you want to stop blogging again... i guess you fool us now - April fool heheh
cause medie007 and tekkaus also said that they stop blogging as well. :( all same tricks!
but, if you get married this coming june i am happy for u
I was reading the first paragraph of this post and then my daughter asked me why her iTouch calendar icon is "1" so I told her it's the first today (1:40AM right now), April 1...not even thinking about April Fool's stuff. Hahah, ok you got me. I was like "wow, this guy is head over heels for his newfound lover". Nice job, well at least I'm prepared for April Fool's Day. You're one day ahead of me since I'm the other side of the Pacific Ocean.
Itunes won't sync with ipod, please help!?
geez u got me.i was stunned with you are getting married.wek!
btw.i just replied your comment at my blog with another ghost story.i dont call it ghost.and still dont know what it was.haha still.
I may not be often here, but knowing your passion for blogging, when you say you gonna stop, I guess it's a April Fool's joke.. I was initially believed it when you mentioned you marrying in June.. but towards the end, on not blogging, I don't think so.. muahaa..
Welcome Back!
Hehe I knew it's gonna be an April's Fool joke.
you tricked us! hehehe i am actually thinking of this kind of trick for my blog for the April Fools day hehe but after being tricked here, i think i change my mind hehehe
by the way Foong, in regards with my mailing address... hmmmmm maybe i'll send it tonight via facebook
i knew it is gonna be an april fool's thingy =P
Beh tahan on the big joke! I thought of wanna congratulate you until I reach the last paragraph.
You really got me fooled! But having a whirlwind romance and getting married after knowing a partner for a short while has happened to someone I know, so it wasn't surprising to me if it had happened to you.
Haha! You almost got me!
Last year u said u are a pompuan... this year, I kinda got it dy! :P
Halfway reading, I had to go back to check the date to confirm that it was a joke. Good one though except that quitting blogging after marriage is not real for a passionate blogger like you, Foong. Bloggers don't quit for love. Or do they? LOL!
That's a nice sculpture. How tall is it? What else did you buy? Looking forward to your pictures.
hmmm, luckily i was not 100% fooled.. but maybe 50% only lah.. cos i only believe 50% of what you've written..
see, bcos i still see you twittering, and still see you blogging.. so when you say you're gonna stop everything, i kind of suspect your intention.. your passion in all this just make me suspect!!
anyway, i believe you must have had a great time in Bali though.. albeit you complained it's getting so hot there till you were sweating everywhere.. :p
well, now till june is still two more months, you'd never know maybe you *accidentally* got married?? well, guess if you got married, you must invite all bloggers to go congrate you.. geez!! :D
hey, what happened to my 70 comments!! i thot i can set the runner-up far away, but when i come and see today, it's just 2 extra comments from the 2nd position!! i must pick up again~~ :p
hmmm, why you announce the winners so low profilely this time?? i thot normally you'd have one dedicated post to announce the winners.. you bias!!!!
but never mind lah.. because i already knew i am the winner already!! who else can be as "phenomenon" as me, 70 comments in 2 post.. that's so incredible ok?? I AM SO PROUD OF MYSELF~~ :D
so do i have a chance to choose my prize first?? and how do i claim my prize?? you never send me any notification in FB?? :p
If you think of things that people like to do on their Bali holidays, golf isn't likely to be the first thing that comes to mind! But, while it isn't as famous as countries such as Dubai or Portugal as a luxury destination for 'short sleeved golf', golfers keen to practice their swing whilst in Bali will have plenty of opportunities to do so.
foongpc!!!!! You did have me! I was sitting here with my mouth wide open in surprise but happy for you. You are so mischevious and I love it! Bali that is my dream destination!
hahahahha! i knew it! :D
i remember your april fool's blogpost last year...i think that's the same time i was getting introduced here more
good foong but you didn't get me this time =P