My friend and I took a quick shower before heading to the airport to pick up our friend who would be arriving later that night.
As soon as we picked him up, we went for dinner at Ryoshi, a Japanese restaurant located at Jalan Seminyak.

I liked the ambience in the restaurant.

We were seated on a wooden platform like this.

The photos did not turn out good but anyway, I ate this. It was good! My friend who just arrived from the airport also ate the same dish.

My other friend ate this. He told me the chawanmushi (right side of the photo) was yummy!

After dinner, we had a leisure walk along Jalan Seminyak before calling it a night.

The next morning, we woke up early to go to the Kumbasari Market with the ladies at Denpasar. After a night of rest, both my female friends had completely recovered from their headaches the evening before.

The Kumbasari Market located near the river, is a three-level (if I remember correctly) building which houses lots of shops selling household wares, clothing, groceries and souvenirs. The shops selling similar items were grouped together which made it easy for us to compare prices.

It was here that I bought the Maldives plates and also some Bali soaps souvenirs.
I almost wanted to buy this Balinese musical instrument that looks like the western xylophone.

I tried playing on it and the sound instantly reminded me of the beautiful relaxing music I often hear during massage and spa sessions.
As we walked back to the car where our driver was waiting for us, I could not help noticing these Balinese ladies walking along the street carrying huge baskets on their heads.

It was quite a common sight to see ladies with baskets or other stuffs on their heads in Denpasar.

One thing I noticed in Bali is the lack of petrol stations. I was wondering where do car drivers get their petrol from.
Then I saw this by the road side.

You can actually buy petrol in bottles and containers by the road side! If they did not write the word "Petrol Asli" there, I would have thought those were some form of alcoholic drinks! Haha!
Our plan for the day was to visit Ubud, the much talked about place in Bali. We planned to have our lunch at the infamous Ibu Oka to eat Bali's most popular food - babi guling or roasted suckling pig.
On the way, we stopped by Batubulan to look at the many sand stone statues and stone carvings.

Batubulan is renowned for its stone carvings. You could see all kinds of stone sculptures lining along the road on both side. And all these were sold at cheap wholesale prices and I would dare say 5 to 10 times cheaper than those sold in Malaysia.
Do you like these cute frogs?

I wonder why the Balinese like frogs so much!
Hear no evil, see no evil and speak no evil!

That would definitely be a topic of conversation if placed in your garden!
Traditional to modern sculptures of all sizes were available.

Nice Buddha statue !

It seemed the craftsmen can make practically anything you request and even arrange to ship them to your address back home.

I should have asked the craftsman to make me a panda stone sculpture! Haha!
After spending almost one hour at Batubulan, it was time for us to head to Ibu Oka in Ubud for our babi guling lunch, which I shall blog about next!
CHOP for Merryn???
Ahh i ever heard the name Ryoshi from my indon's friend! nice thr! :D Japanese food damn nice! kay lucky am full now. :p
Ahhh then u didnt buy the instrument? look nice aye that one. :)
i wonder if the baskets on the ladies's head heavy or not. :/ u didnt offer ur help ah?? u not so kind hearted one meh?? :p
OMG! PETROL ASLI?! okay now then i know about this. lol! but then i dont think dey can buy lots with this. hmmm...
okay d frog not cute kay! lol. "hear no evil, see no evil and speak no evil" damn cute! hahahaha! fat fat one like u! wahahahahaha!!! :p
the buddha statue nice but how come so little one??? hmmm it will look nicer if bigger i guess. :)
wakakaka! yea u SHUD request for PANDA stone sculpture n put it in ur home! hahaha
i heard that the petrol they selling by the roadside is actually stolen one.
Hear no evil, see no evil and speak no evil and blog no evil..tQ
Guess I have to start saving now.. so much to see and have to start thinking what to buy.. before i go, i better read thru this once again.. where and what to eat, buy, go...
Petrol Asli any idea how much per bottle? Frogs were dancing waltz haha. tQ
alamak! i just read back previous post and mentioned that i cant chop on behalf worr. so am d FC here??? heee... :))
oh btw, am not STALKING ur blog! LOL. just that FOLLOWING ur blog and saw update. :p
why your post on riyoshi so sikit one? :D
petrol in a bottle? Wow! These people sure are enterprising!
next time you go, order the panda statue! XD
chawanmushi!! i wanna make myself one tonight =p hohoho but well my friends wanna go to sushitei when we thinking of what to eat but then i rejected because i didnt want to have jpnese food in bali... well we had nice indon food :)
It's amazing those ladies can balance big baskets on top of their heads. How come you guys had Japanese food in Bali? Did you try the much talked about Babi Guling dish?
So you guys had you dinner at a Japanese restaurant. :)
The ambiance is really good. Very cosy. Just look at the photo of the foreigners with his baby. :)
Chawanmushi? Wow...looks like big worm. :p
Jalan Seminyak looks so exquisite o. Very classy. :D
What? Buy petrol in a bottle? Isn't this illegal? :p
Those frogs give me the creep...they like to hug and embrace each other huh! :p
I like the one which says, "see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil!" Awesome. :)
Yeah! Why didn't you ask them to sculpt a panda figure of you. :)
a very interesting post. the pics speak for themselves
wah you even tried japanese food at Bali?!! that's very nice.
Opps , petrol asli.....I thought it was beer!
See No Evil, Speak No Evil, Hear No Evil.. I want to get that and give it to someone! :P
You want a statue of panda making love ah? Sure very cute one.. chubby chubby round round.. golek golek.. lol... :P
And so looking forward for your babi guling lunch.. not panda guling ah?
caroline ng, haha! Cannot chop for somebody else! Congrats you are FC! : )
I don't think the lousy photos will make you hungry haha!
If I buy that musical instrument, tell me how to carry back? LOL!
I am very kind hearted but not kind hearted enough to help those ladies carry the baskets! Haha!
Frog not cute? Cute what! LOL!
Btw, I am not fat OK! : )
saucer,really? Then how can they sell it and parade those bottles of petrol in broad daylight by the busy road side?
bananaz, haha me blog no evil : )
reanaclaire, haha so you serious about going Bali? Let me warn you it's hot there! Haha
bananaz, no idea! The frogs were dancing? Are you sure? Haha!
caroline ng, you are sure you not stalking my blog? LOL!
lina, why Ryoshi so sikit? Sebab foto tak bagus dan tak de apa apa untuk diblogkan. Tapi food nya memang sedap! : )
Yes, next time I go, I may just get myself a panda stone statue! Haha!
fufu, oh I saw SushiTei in Bali but didn't go. I think Ryoshi more famous there! Enjoy your home made chawanmushi! : )
mei teng, cos this Japanese restaurant is famous in Bali. Most Western tourists go there! So of course I would not want to miss dining in a famous restaurant! Haha!
Yes, my babi guling post will be up next! : )
tekkaus, yes I liked the ambience too! Nice place to dine and chit chat!
The chawanmushi is not gross OK, and there's no worm!
Not sure whether the petrol in the bottles are legal or illegal but they were selling it by the road side in broad daylight and it's a pretty busy street!
Those frogs give you the creeps? Why? haha, they are not from some horror movies : )
bengbeng, thanks! : )
eiling lim, Yes, this is a pretty famous restaurant and you must try it if you go Bali! : )
pete, haha so did I! The bottles even had the words "vodka" on them! LOL!
merryn, haha I think I know who you want to give that to : )
No, I don't want statue of panda making love! Just one cute panda is enough for me! LOL!
Definitely no panda guling cos I will boycott if they have that on the menu!! LOL!
the tempura set looks nice :) i'd choose the same one i guess.
the restaurant seems like full of westerner eh? :)
Wow, the chawan so big ah?!
Stones carvings are very expensive in my city. I saw a frog carving selling for $30USD at my local store the other day. If I ever visited a foreign country, I'd definitely buy these statues, worth the investment and they make very nice home decor.
I thought the petroleum in the bottles were olive oil (or some sort of cooking oil) being sold in the streets. LOL...
You know what: when I was in Bali, I purposely avoided places with lots of Westerners, for fear of terrorist attack!
Like the Buddha statue...
I just noticed that the petrol was sold in Absolut Vodka bottles!
wahh congrats Caroline for the Fc...
wow.. actually i haven't tried Japanese cusine yet... but i alwayus wish to become Japanese haha... i just love their culture and way of living there in Japan.... The anime, the school and the cool uniforms, the modern gadgets.. oh my what else can you wish for if you're in japan
oh the ambiance is so great.. it feels like your embracing the nature while you're eating
what is that green "tempura like" in the photo? is that a veggie?
the Jalan Seminyak looks so romantic isn't,... perfect for dating venue...
so her's where you bought the souvenirs ... that's nice..
the basket looks like a baby's cradle,,,,.. whaaa the figurines are so cute... and yep still frogs.. haha they really love frogs..
the Hear no evil, see no evil and speak no evil is so perfect garden decoration...
will look forward to it... have a great day and happy blogging my friend
those statues r so cute!
u really make me eager to go to bali now....i need to tahan for 3 weeks more only...the japanese food looks good ler!
Haha I like the hear no evil statue! So cute lar! And the Japanese food looks yummy! how much was the set?
Sorry not related to this post but but still blogging which Blog IDOL. Whoa must "kow tow" & salute the sifu for the being Champion 2009. Always see that champion badge of yours but wonder what it meant but now I know haha. Meant to submit the first round then to 'consult' the sifu for some tips but looks like missed the jump coz did not fully read the T&C carefully thought we submit every new set of songs every week. Gotta stand by on my submission which is not the very best choice anyway let the force be with Bananaz. tQ.
huh?? having japanese in Bali?? hmmm, something that i won't do lor, kekekeke~~ :p
anyway, the food actually looks very yummy to me.. the bento, the niku don, the chawanmushi.. because i am hungry now!! hahaha~~
oh, didn't know there's such place in Seminyak full of shops opening till late night.. and i was staying in Seminyak last time, what a shame :p
where is this kumbasari market?? why i have not heard about it when i was there?? very famous one ah??
hmmm, let me guess, sure most of your souvenirs were brought from this market??
haha, very interesting selling petrol like that!! and using the Absolute Vodka bottle, so high class~~ :p
i like that hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.. so cute!! but why are they not frogs since you said Balinese like frogs so much.. hahaha!!
yeah, i also think the black buddha statue is very nice!! did you get one for yourself??
hmmm, yeah, you should have done that!! ask the craftsman to carve you a customised panda statue, sure he can make good money from that.. geez :D
Good morning Foong!
Quite a lot of things to do and enjoy in Bali yeah? And plenty of souvenir shopping, which I love! :)
Btw, I had Japanese for dinner yest....yum.... :)
ahhaha i like those cute frogs :D
wah the food makes me hungry!
ohh I've heard that this babi guling dish is a must..
last sat me and baby passed by a jap place too and just got california maki to go =)
i want to eat sukiyaki and some teriyaki too!
Interesting about the gas in bottles - very handy for instant molotov cocktails. Oops! Couldn't help it. The idea just came up.
Looks like foreigners are their only customers. Imagine how deserted the place must have been after that terrorist attack. Thanks for sharing the pictures, Foong. Eye-opening, all of them.
Thanks for all the details and all the lovely pictures.They helped to increase my knowledge of the page to a great extent.The statues were awesome.Look forward to more such interesting posts.
[HappySurfer] Yo! have thought about it too much earlier. Yeah its like Jerkyll & Hyde. When at peace its Petrol Asli but when provoked the vodka immediately transform into a monstrous molotov cocktails. tQ.
So nice...I want to go also!! Thanks for the virtual tour!
I don't like and I dont eat Japanese food except for one sushi... but that looks good.. :)
Nice sculptures!
first time i saw people sell petrol in bottle. hehehe funny.
dont know why they like frogs but i know that malaysian politics a lot frogs.
Hey, that’s great to be there. The sculpted works bear a unique touch and the musical instrument is awesome. The food looks to be delicious. It was a wonderful experience for you to be there. Bye and thanks for the post.
Hi all panting is looking very great all is looking rarely very beautiful.
Hola Foong! You’ve been tagged here, have fun! :)
faisal, yes the tempura set was good! And yes, lots of westerners at this restaurant! : )
kelvin, yes it was huge! : )
rosebelle, stone carvings can be bought in Bali at the fraction of the price you find at your city - definitely worth buying!
The bottles contains olive oil? Haha! I thought they contain alcohol!
khengsiong, it may be a good idea to avoid places with lots of Westerners but I think it is safest to go to Bali right after the bombings!
lina, so you noticed that too! Haha!
bluedreamer27, you wish to be a Japanese? Haha! Then you must visit Japan! And try Japanese food - they are really good!
Yes the green thing are vegetables. And Jalan Seminyak is indeed a nice place to shop, but dating? Not too sure about that! Haha!
wenn, they are cute indeed! : )
vialentino, going to Bali in 3 weeks time? Enjoy your trip!! : )
iamthewitch, the statue is cute right? Can't really remember the price of the Japanese set, I think it's almost RM30.
bananaz, haha! Good luck to your participation in Blog Idol! : )
SK, you should try this Japanese Restaurant in Bali - it's really good!
The Kumbasari Market is in Denpasar. Yes, it's quite a famous place to shop.
I guess not every statues in Bali are frogs - it would be boring if that's the case. Haha!
I did not buy the black Buddha Statue but my friend did.
mariuca, you likie souvenir shopping? Then you'll love Bali!
monica, yes you must try the babi guling if you ever go Bali : )
happysurfer, handy for instant molotov cocktail? Hmm, probably!
This restaurant is very famous among foreigners, I guess business would definitely be affected after the terrorist attack.
blog customization, you are welcome, more posts coming up : )
bananaz, ooh! Now you are putting ideas into people's minds - not good!
superman, you are welcome and you should go Bali for your holidays! : )
cashmere, you don't like Japanese food? Why?
jam, nice indeed! : )
CH Voon, yeah it's first time for me too : )
instantdocs, thanks for visiting my blog. Hope you enjoyed reading : )
hanging lamps, yes they are indeed beautiful : )
mariuca, thanks for the tag! : )
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