2. Last night, I had the WORST asam laksa noodles for dinner in my entire life! Guess where did I eat? OK, let me tell you. It's at OldTown White Coffee. I won't mention which outlet but it was really, really horrible! I could only find one thin slice of shredded fish in it! What kind of asam laksa is that?
3. Do you want to know my latest hobby? OK, it's not really my latest cos I have been at it for years! Haha! I am talking about afternoon naps! I love taking short power naps and I call it Panda Power Nap or PPN for short. Why panda? Go figure! Do you take PPN? : )
4. OK, some people will say taking naps are only for lazy people. If that is so, then Bill Clinton, Leonardo da Vinci and Thomas Edison are lazy people! I am so privileged to be in this list of famous people. Hmm, wonder if Obama is in this list as well?
5.You want to know the benefits of taking power naps? And the difference between nano-nap, micro-nap, mini-nap and power-nap? Read HERE
6. Of course, not everyone can afford to take power naps, especially if you work in the office. Really, all offices should have a room just for people to take 20 minutes power naps! Look, it can increase productivity as you will feel more alert after a nap and can focus better. Of course, employers are strictly against this since they know most of their employees are either busy blogging, tweeting, msn-ing, or facebooking instead of working! Haha!
7. Want to know 5 ways to change your IP address? Watch this video.
8. Recently, I had so much fun irritating people with my Vuvuzela! If you don't know what a Vuvuzela is, obviously you have not been following the FIFA World Cup that is going on now. Here's a picture of a man blowing the Vuvuzela.

Oh no! I did not buy a real Vuvuzela! Just downloaded the app on my iPhone and started blowing it to annoy people especially those who hated the noise made by this trumpet-lookalike instrument. Haha!
9. I was laughing and laughing when I saw these photos of Lady Gaga on those super duper high platform shoes and she stumbled and fell on her face at of all places, the airport! So bloody funny!

Well, that's over-the-top Lady Gaga for you!
Hope you had enjoyed reading my Random Notes today! Have a great weekend! : )
wah mon so fast!!
LOL word verification threw me off la, I got it wrong grrrr!
haha yes i like ur random notes too!! :D
Annoying la dat vuvuzela hahahah buzzzzing throughout the game!! disturbing!
i don't really like the food in oldtown white coffee..
Mariuca! LOL!!
LOL still laughing at LG, yeah so damn funny.. padan muka who asked her to pakai those crazy boots? Hahaha!
Congrats Monica FC!
My fave assam laksa still Mark's in One Utama! And I had that few night back, yum! :D
taking naps are only for lazy people?? i dont think so..
omg Lady Gaga fell down! LOL her boots are crazy!!!
never like asam laksa in old town 1. lol
haha latest hobby? since i know u, heard most of the time u NAP one la kay!! hahaha
mwahaha dat will not annoy me thou! i can take revenge at anytime! =p
never fancy lady gaga except her songs!
Oldtown food sucks ...
Next time you should use your vuvuzela in Fitness First The Curve and try to annoy me eh~
Sometimes I take short naps during lunch hour. Short naps are good but after waking up...it's hard to get back to work..haha.
That lady is just asking for trouble wearing those atrocious shoes. The extent that some people go to...just to be different..sigh.
I can never really take short naps. If I nap in the afternoon, it'll turn out to be a 2-3 hours nap session! :D
i love randome post because it is very easy for me to SPam LOL
not familiar with that Dish... wait lemme click the link to see
the picture in wikipedia looks sooo good...
know i know why you are so upset not seeing any slice of fish
why panda??? hmmmmm maybe your taking a nap while you're sitting? or maybe your snoring so loud??
Which one? haha
ahaha now you're depending your self using those influential guys LOL
ahaha.. now another depending reason using its benefits Ahahaha...
now you're finding allies Ahahaha...
well...actually i used to take a nap before work (and during work LOl), while on the bus, and aywhere else to boost some strength
yikes... Changing Ip is not really advisable especially if you will be using Proxy server.. it will be quite conflicting with the system
yikes not really addicted to world cup that's why i am not familiar with VUVUZELA
LOL i heard this news... This is a lesson to her ... "Don not Wear Super High Heals" harharharhar
have a great day foong and hapy blogging
i believe in power nap. i used to take a 10 min nap n it really helps.
I think the best way to change your IP is through a proxy. Everything you do on the internet is sent through the company's server so you want to be sure that you can find a trustworthy company behind the proxy. You want to be sure that you can rely on the company not to steal or read your personal information.
What? You got a vuvuzela from China?
oh gosh...just look at those shoes, !!! crazy... how not to fall?
change IP address? sigh.. better dont think about it.. i mean me!
about old town kopithiam, most times i take toasted bread there, other than that, i dont think the noodles are nice.. :)
why bill Clinton, Leonardo da Vinci and Thomas Edison are lazy people? Do they sleep alot?
Btw, Old town White Coffee is just good in coffee not in meals.
OMG the lady gaga falling pic so funny... why did go and wear such extreme high platform shoes I'll never know.
You random notes is super cool Can cramped so many things into one post. LOL ;D
Hmm...is it the same in all the outlets? Or only that outlet that you patroned? :p
You can take short naps in your office? They provide you bed?
If only I have the luxury to have naps like you bro. :( I am poverty stricken in terms of time.
Didn't know there are so many different kinds of nap out there. :[
So you are not working in the office? So you have so many naps?
Wow...so now your iPhone have vuvuzuelas lar. :p
Lady gaga...well...she is doing all this to attract our attention and she did. LOL :D
Aha...power naps. If I could just do that in the office than maybe I am not that sick today.
Oh, I remember, I never had a habit of taking naps. ^_^
I know that trumpet like instrument. Well I guess if that was played for so many then it is indeed annoying.
I love reading random notes :D
#1: yeah, random notes is good and cool, especially when you have nothing to blog about..
#2: oh really?? luckily i'm not a follower or fans of OTWC.. i prefer Papparich, think the food and choices are better..
#3: oh is it?? i always thot your hobby is to tweet every 5 minutes to update your status with your iPhone.. :p
#4: nah, i think taking nap is good.. you get more refreshed after that.. i love taking naps too, haha
#5: definitely a power-nap is the best..
#6: yeah, most of the time we don't even have time for sleep, not to mention power nap..
#7: well, no matter how you want to hide, i still guess you're traceable by the websites..
#8: hahaha, just your iPhone, not the real vuvuzela???
#9: OMG!! this is so uncool of Lady Gaga!! LOL..
ouch, that's a nasty fall!
happy friday foong!
your random notes remind me of my tweets!! lol!!!
Eeee Friday13 huh ooops Lady Gaga bites the dust? Gosh! Looked at her shoes oh me oh my!!!
Old town new town no town tak kisah got macha cukup..just had murtabak for lunch *burp*..
Your PPN is after drinking tongkat ali..Pelan Pelan Naik..? hehe agree nap is good. Cool ways of changing IP address. Great so glad learned one new word ~ Vuvuzela which I mentioned in my latest post..tQ
Old Town Assam Laksa use sardin fish. where? where ???? which outlet???????? not 1U rite? lol..
Not all OTWC outlets are like that right? They better change the cook.
Heard so much about OldTown but I never been there before. Haha, so next time I should packet outside food to eat at the cafe? =p
Frankly speaking, I love those Random Notes more than any other posts in your blog. They are packed with much different news that one become aware of most of the things that happen around you. Bye.
Unfortunately, the best food is not found in our cafe chains. I think sometimes, the food in shopping mall foodcourts serve better-tasting food, eg, I once tasted a great bowl of curry laksa at two Jaya Jusco foodcourts. Come to think of it, roadside stalls can sometimes come up with the best food such as those in Tengkat Tongshin or even in Chinatown, those backlane stalls. I remember the assam laksa there is to die for. Have you tried it?
Am I glad I'm nowhere near you when you decide to blare your vuvuzela. That racket is deafening and I think prolonged exposure to that noise can make one deaf. So, be careful yourself, eh?
Hey, not nice to laugh at people's misery, wor.. In a way, I feel for celebs because in the eyes of "lesser mortals", they are supposed to be perfect. Even when they need help, people don't dare go near, just like in Lady G's case. So sad, and to top it off, people scoff and laugh at them. tsk tsk!
Random Notes may be nice and easy to read and easier still for the writer but it doesn't do much for SEO in terms of keywords in the title, IMO. Bottomline, they don't do much for organic traffic. My two cents, of course, Foong.
I love to have nap. My hubby always took his power nap during lunch time. He ate very fast, so got plenty of time to nap. hehe
Like, you could customize the way the note would look and then they would show up on your profile. Does anyone know what that site is called?
I play guitar, and I've only recently started so preferably music without all the sharp/flat symbols, the extra lines everywhere etc, but I can work around them if that's all there is.
Good info on changing your IP address. Personally, I use Hide My Ass which works well for me.