Two nights ago, I accidentally came across one of the posts and decided I must not let my readers wait forever for the remaining posts. So today I would like to resume this health series.
By now most of you must have forgotten what this series of posts are all about, so for your benefit and for the benefit of those who are new to my blog, kindly read the following posts before you proceed.
The 7 Stages Of Disease (Part 1)
The 7 Stages Of Disease (Part 2)
The 7 Stages Of Disease (Part 3)
OK, now that you have read the above 3 posts, let's move on to the next stage, shall we?
By the way, whatever that is written here and in the above 3 posts are not something that I simply cooked up but are based on the book Fit For Life : A New Beginning by bestselling author Harvey Diamond.
We learnt that disease does not appear out of the blue but gradually. In Stage 1 (Enervation), the symptoms are tiredness and loss of appetite. In Stage 2 (Toxemia), the symptom is fever. Now if you continue to ignore these warning signs, you will progress to...
Stage 3 : Irritation
Irritation is a condition in which the body sets its defensive mechanism in motion and speeds up its internal activities in order to unload stored-up toxins. This process can happen at various points in the body.
An example of irritation is the urge to urinate or defecate. This is probably the best way to eliminate toxins from your body.
However, one of the common symptoms of irritation due to toxemia is itchiness. Perhaps you are not aware, but the skin is the not only the body's largest organ but also an organ of elimination. When toxins in your body are removed via the skin, they cause itchiness on the surface areas of your skin.

Image courtesy of
This is in fact, your body's way of getting your attention. It is not serious unless you ignore it and do nothing, in which case, you will progress to Stage 4 - The Inflammation Stage.
Not everyone will experience itchiness however. You may feel queasy or nauseated for no apparent reason. Some people will feel that persistent tickling sensation in the nose. Yet others experience nervousness, depression and anxiety.
Other classic symptoms of irritation includes headaches, difficulty falling asleep, putting on weight easily, bad temper, coated tongue, bad breath, body odour, dark circles under the eyes, and for women, out of the ordinary menstrual problems.

Image courtesy of Harbor Family
You might be thinking - don't everyone experience these symptoms one time or the other? You are correct. Unfortunately, some people live for years in this state of irritation they even learn how to adapt and live with it!
This is because the discomfort they experience is not serious enough for them to go for a medical check up or for treatment.
But here's the problem. When the effects of enervation, toxemia and irritation are ignored long enough, and the toxic residue in the body that started all these builds up to an even higher concentration, the 4th stage of disease ultimately, and inevitably, results.
Stay tuned for Part 5 where I will talk about Stage 4 : Inflammation
am the first again is it???? :p
omg! disease?!
woi! y sound so scary one!!? ish!
harr? live for years in this state of irritation n even learn how to adapt and live with it!? u kidding me? gudness! @.@
eeeeee! this really scary. like a small prob but actually its NOT! :(
this is one series of detailed explanations to look out for. something that happened out of the ordinary is definitely a sign to pay attention to.
I learn something. Thanks!
I have a number of symptoms you described -_-"
Better stay healthy through exercise and good food! LOL! info! thanks for sharing with us! now i am concern about all the small small symptoms already!
I experienced such irritation too after I was injected with H1N1 vaccine last week. I felt head ache and muscle pain. :-(
thx for sharing..the itchiness stage is irritating too.
thanks for sharing it Foong! :)
great info foong, irritation is something most people overlook
Good info there
Just saying hello and have a great sunday, Foong! :)
Oh, a non-travel blog post.
This article's an eye-opener for me, didn't know about these warning signals.
Looking forwrad to Part 5, foongpc!
caroline, congrats you are first! This post is not meant to scare you but to educate my readers : )
levian, thanks! Yes, must pay attention to our body : )
khengsiong, glad you learnt something here. Don't be alarmed if you have the symptoms, just take corrective action and go for detoxification, and you'll be fine : )
pete, exercise is a must! And good food in moderation : )
gabriel, welcome! Don't worry about the symptoms - just take action and detox! : )
ishmael, oh really? Why did you go for the H1N1 vaccine? I think it's not necessary.
wenn, oh yes no fun to have itchiness!
monica, you are welcome! : )
ayie, thanks! : )
quirky-malaysia, thanks! : )
lina, thanks for dropping by and enjoy your Sunday in Japan! : )
shingo T, glad you find this an eye opener. Part 5 coming soon! : )
I went for the vaccine because it was given free. ^_^
I have heard of "Seven stages of man" but this topic is quite new to me. Any way I can say one and that is "Prevention is better than cure". Bye.