I had my very own 1Malaysia mooncake celebration. Why 1Malaysia? You'll know why in a minute.
Mooncake Festival is never complete without lanterns and mooncakes. I am too old to play lanterns but one is never too old for mooncakes. Haha!!
So let me start with mooncakes! Look at this beautiful mooncake box from Mandarin Oriental KL!

No, it did not come with the dragon, I swear. The dragon just happened to be there. Haha!
When I opened the box, it revealed 8 mini boxes inside!

So I excitedly took one box out!

I opened the box and took this out.

It was a mini durian snow skin mooncake! I quickly unwrapped it.

The mooncake was about 4cm in diameter - that's how mini it was!
I knew I could just chuck the whole mooncake into my mouth but I decided to cut it into half instead.

I took one small bite and I loved it! The durian paste simply melted in my mouth. Yum!!
Nowadays there are 4 types of mooncakes - the baked skin, snow skin, jelly and ice cream mooncakes. I dislike the baked skin variety. The jelly mooncakes are quite nice but one look at the colouring scares me! The ice cream mooncakes made famous by Haagen Dazs may appeal to some people but not me. I guess I still love the snow skin variety best!
So even though there were baked skin and jelly mooncakes that night, I did not bother to eat and take photos of them!
I did try the snow skin mooncakes from Tai Thong. Their durian coulis was really quite good with strong durian aroma!

Somehow, the photo of the durian mooncake below does not look too appetizing, but I swear it tasted really good!

However, the yam mooncake from Tai Thong was just so so.

Maybe because it had egg yolks inside! I hate mooncakes with egg yolks!!

Now don't get me wrong. I love eating egg yolks. But the combination of egg yolks and mooncakes are just....yucks!!!
By the way, these Tai Thong mooncakes were all normal size and not mini ones like the Mandarin Oriental mooncakes.
OK, enough about mooncakes! Mooncake festival is not just about mooncakes you know. There is also this slightly less popular food but it is my favourite food during Mooncake Festival. It is none other than the taro!

Some people call it yam. I prefer to call it taro-yam. Haha!
So how do you eat these taro-yams? Preparing it is easy! Just boil them in a pot filled with water and with some salt added, for about 30-45 minutes.
Then, you just need to peel off the outer hairy skin and they are ready for consumption!
Look at my peeled taro!

Oops! Focused on the wrong object - the unpeeled taro-yams!
OK, here is the correct photo.

I normally like to dip the taro into some soya sauce that was added with a dash of pepper. Yum!!
Earlier, I told you that I celebrated a 1Malaysia mooncake festival. Want to know why I said that?
Well, besides mooncakes and taro, I also ate some Raya cookies given by my Muslim friends!

I am not very fond of cookies but I ate quite a lot that night!

All these calorie-laden cookies were not doing me any good but it's OK, I promised myself I would work out the next day, and I did!

And guess what? To round it off, I even ate naan breads which I bought from a mamak shop that night! Haha!

Now was that a 1Malaysia celebration or what? LOL!
Did you celebrate Mooncake Festival too and what did you eat?
wow so many kuih bulan!!!! damn...drooling now...
snow skin mooncake!!! i want!!! reserve one for me next year ok? i will be back home for mooncake festival :)
i love lotus paste also... wait... and pandan one... wait i havent tried ice cream mooncake!!! oh no...one is not enough... get me as many as you could pls!!! =p
i dont like mooncake with egg yolks too... oily!!!
so now you know what fufu's tongue like?? lol
happy mooncake festival :)
chop from Amsterdam, yay FC2... kamon panda, me chopping fr far away hehehehe!
didn manage get my mooncake la and now dah habis huhuhuhu:0
Wah! So jeles reading abt you eating mooncakes! LOL
Hungry lar.... Isk isk isk
omg!! *drool* why la show the durian mooncake here?! =( so yumssss!!!
I love snowskin n jelly mooncake!! :D
gosh! d durian coulis just look so yummy!! ish tempting me with all the durian mooncakeS!!!
if baked skin with yolk inside, i like! hehe. :D
hahhaah taro-yam! simply call it only la u. LOL!
i saw almond london there!! hahaha! i love those raya cookies but too much till i bored with it. :/
LOL! naan bread! mmg 1 malaysia la u!
TGIF Foong! :D
Wahhhh somehow I felt that Malay Raya cookies are much more appealing..LOL
dun like yolk? I used to hate it but now I eat them already...LOL
Lol.. Panda loves moon cakes a lot.. but also lot different varieties food.. =D
how much is the moon cakes from Mandarin Oriental KL??
my my, my stomach is already yelling for food..love all the mooncakes!
wow, you bought one whole box of mooncakes from mandarin oriental??
but don't think you finished everything that night lah, sure got leftover for days after..
yearrr, i hate durians!! i will never eat durian mooncakes, and not even going to buy that.. yucks!!
that taro looks very nice!! i love that, hehe!! and i think we seldom eat these on days other than mid-autumn huh??
haha, so very 1-Malaysia!! mooncakes + raya cookies + naan.. only you have that idea to bring this out.. hahaha!!
but did you eat them separately?? then this is not truly 1-Malaysia lor..
you should take the mooncake paste, spread them over on the raya cookies, and then wrap it using the naan.. that truly one mouthful bite of 1-Malaysia!! kekekeke~~ :D
didn't really celebrate at home, but we did have a small party in the office together, this is a tradition of our company, fun right?? :p
my waistline keeps expanding for just looking at all these snacks.
The mooncake (mini) boxes have very interesting design...
...but also a bit like soap!
Nowadays there are plenty of mooncake flavors, but I still prefer the traditional one, LOL...
wow...what a feast! so nice! u made me drool over the snow skin mooncakes! :(
I wanna to buy tat durian mooncake, but was out of stock T_T
The yam mooncake somehow reminded me of THE yam mooncake at Sushi Tei last time. LOL! I actually like the baked version more because snow skin doesn't taste very good if you leave them out for too long...
i hate mooncakes with egg yolks too
I still prefer the non-halal mooncakes because they are not so dry/rough and flat in taste. Love those with egg-yolks, double yolks just nice. Durian mooncakes give me the shivers. I only eat durian in its original form, not durian in other forms. *Shiver* To each his/her own, I suppose.
Love those mini-yams. Good thing they are available all year round.
The Tai Thong mooncake looks ornate - very Oriental. Pretty. The cookies look yummy too. What a food celebration you had..
Ate...er..oh, i went for western food with my girl cos the chinese stalls were closed during that evening around my area..either closed or too crowded to go in..
the small yam.. i ate it with fine sugar last time.. :)
Wow..so much food! :)
I love the durian mooncake from Shangri-La Hotel. Retails at RM16 a piece! Expensive but utterly delicious.
No durian, no snow skin! just an old fashioned Bananaz lup the traditional..haha.
Oh naan & cookies are nice..and you semua 'taro' into your tummy.. truly 1Moonlaysian festival.
I deliberately flew back home just for the Mid-Autumn Festival and really have a great time there. There is no other places in Malaysia that have the same atmosphere as in my hometown.
wah....many mooncakes.
got vendor present us the MO mooncakes...guess what...everyone aiming for the packaging box instead...hehehe..
i want some! haha.. =)
These pictures of foods make my stomach grumble. I want those mooncakes Foong.
Drooling on the yam... such a long time i never had the yam... :P
omg the durian mooncake looks so YUM!!!!!
It has been ages since I last dropped by here huh! :D
Yeah! Me and my family kind celebrated it too. :D
War...so geng? 1Malaysia mooncake? You are also caught in this 1Malaysia fever huh! :D
You are too old for lanterns? How old are you? Even I still play lanterns. LOL :D
Wow...the mooncake box from Mandarin Oriental KL looks so high class. There is even a jade ring! Must be expensive o. :D
Then inside there were another 8 "gold-plated" box....war...don't play play o. :p
Wow...snow skin durian paste? Must be super duper delicious...what? You even measured the diameter? Haha :D
Yeah! I agreed...snow skin still taste the best. :)
Same here bro. I don't like mooncakes with egg yolks too. Those yolky stuff simply destroy all the goodness of the mooncake. :D
taro yam? Ouh...hmmm..I wonder if I have eaten this before. :D
No wonder you name your celebration 1Malaysia because there is kuih raya. :D
Honestly, your blog is the best on mooncake topic!
i bought 4 mini baked skinned mooncake for rm4.00 and stir-fried some noodles for a further rm6.00. rm 10.00 for the three of us the whole day
yum yum looks pretty good
Ahh no wonder 1Malaysia.
So you've finished all the mooncakes?
Wah, you finally tried Tai Thong's Snow Skin Durian Coulis and yes, it's delicious!
I couldn't believe I'm saying this cause I'm not a fan of durians~ xP
That shows how good it is~ Haha! xP
Haha...my first time spamming panda's blog with comments! xP
Wee....it feels fun but is tiresome! xP Panda, panda, PANDAMAN! xP
Happy mooncake festival,loved all the mooncakes.
I'm quite familiar with this festival. I came to know a lot about this festival from one of my friend. Hope to participate in this festival if I get a chance.
looks like quite a feast foong, so many treats!
I am interested in answering some of your questions, but remember, everyone is different, and it depends on the kind of enviroment that particular chnese person was raised and if he/she was born in australia.
it depends on the kind of enviroment that particular chnese person was raised and if he/she was born in australia.
on the kind of enviroment that particular chnese person was raised and if he/she was born in australia.
i love to eat sweets