It’s 20102010
20th October 2010. A Double Match.
It happens only once in a lifetime! You’ll never get such a number again. So I guess I would like to wish everyone a wonderful day!
If you feel a sense of deja vu reading this, that's because I posted a similar post with the exact same wordings (except for the numbers) last year. Read it here.
Last year, the special day was on 20th September. That gave us 20092009.
So next year it will be 20th November which gives us 20112011.
While everyone was obsessed with the number 101010 on the 10th October 2010, I am more attracted to this date 20102010. I wonder what is so special with 101010 - it was a bleak day for Malaysians as it was the day of the horrible accident involving a bus and several other vehicles on the North-South Expressway near Melaka, killing 13 people in the process!Besides, 101010 will occur again on the 10th October 2110, which is 100 years later. Whereas 20102010 will never ever occur again anytime in the future!
Since we are talking about dates and numbers here, let me dwell on this topic today.

First, about the year 2012. It's such a famous year, made famous by the movie 2012 that it is the year that the world will finally come to an end. Do you believe 2012 is doomsday year? Personally, I don't.
You see, dinosaurs have ruled the earth close to 165 million years, but humans only existed since 7 million years ago. Is it time for humans to be wiped out? I don't think so. Unless we got the number of years wrong, of course : )
Maybe humans are actually aliens and we have existed billions of years ago and were living on a different planet? Who knows?

Second, the year 2020. Will we Malaysians achieve Vision 2020?
I really have my doubts! But then again, never say never!
So there are plans for a 100-storey tower to be built and completed by 2020? I am not going to go into a debate whether this tower is feasible or not. All I can say is if you want to build a tower, please build a 100-storey rotating tower like the one in Dubai!!
It'll be cool to see a landmark building changing shape every hour!!

Thirdly, some important dates at least for me!! Do take note if you want to!
Nov 2nd 2010 - The launching of Mariah Carey's new Christmas album! Can't wait!!
Dec 1st 2010 - My birthday. You're welcome to give me a birthday present! Haha!
Feb 1st 2011 - Federal Territory Day. Nightmare day in PJ as KL-lites jam up PJ!
Feb 3rd 2011 - Chinese New Year. Best time to make easy money collecting angpows!!! Ka-ching!!
Feb 4th 2011 - The day where your feng shui changes so be sure to prepare for it!
Mar 11th 2011 - My Very First Blog's 3rd anniversary!! Let's celebrate!!!
Mar 12th 2011 - The official launch of iPhone5! Yippee!! *I'm kidding : D
April 30th 2011 - Last day to submit your personal income tax if you are an employee. Don't procrastinate!
May 1st 2011 - Labour Day. They should turn this into Labour Week! You know, holiday for one week? LOL!
Aug 13th 2011 - Hungry Ghost festival. Stay home at night!
Aug 30th 2011 - Selamat Hari Raya!! Best time to drive KL roads!
Sept 12th 2011 - Mooncake Festival. Make sure you don't miss the durian mooncakes!
Oct 8th 2011 - International Panda Day! *I'm kidding again! Haha!
Nov 11th 2011 - The day with the most number 1s! 11.11.11.

Lastly, how old would you be after your birthday in 2011? Well, here are the age of some Hollywood stars on their birthdays in 2011 if you are curious to know!
Tom Cruise - 49
Tom Hanks - 55
Jessica Simpson - 31
Harrison Ford - 69
Nicole Kidman - 44
David Duchovny - 50
Charlize Theron - 36
Whitney Houston - 48
Ben Affleck - 39
Madonna - 53
Keanu Reeves - 47
Adam Sandler - 45
Will Smith - 43
Sigourney Weaver - 62
Eminem - 39
Julia Roberts - 44
Meg Ryan - 50
Jodie Foster - 49
Tina Turner - 72
Christina Aguilera - 31
Brad Pitt - 48
Ricky Martin - 40
Denzel Washington - 57
Jude Law - 39
Leonardo DiCaprio - 37
David Archuleta - 21
Simon Cowell - 52
Jennifer Lopez - 42
Whoopi Goldberg - 56
Lindsay Lohan - 25
Eva Longoria - 36
Teri Hatcher - 47
Britney Spears - 30
Tyra Banks - 38
Justin Bieber - 17
Lady Gaga - 25
Adam Lambert - 29
Kelly Clarkson - 29
Milla Jovovich - 36
Angelina Jolie - 36
Sam Worthington - 35
Jessica Alba - 30
Paris Hilton - 30
Megan Fox - 25
Taylor Lautner - 19
So sorry if I remind you about your age! Haha! Well, hope you have enough about dates and numbers today! Cos I have had enough! Have a good day everyone! : )
YAY chop!!!!!!!!!!
Happy 20102010 then! :)
I will take note of ur dates, wah Raya next year a day after my birthday woo hoo! :D
Tina Turner 72 edi????? OMG!
mariuca, happy 20102010! So you can have double celebration next year - one for Raya and the other for your birthday!
Yes, Tina Turner turns 72 next year. It's OMG right? Haha!
oh it's another special day eh! happy 20102010! :D
lol @ International Panda Day hahaha..
Very interesting foong. That is true i will never see that day again in my life time. Happy 20102010 to you my friend.
damn...2010 is gonna end fast...
Happy two jilo wan jilo two jilo wan jilo ~;)
gosh..i will be in tom hanks category.. aiyahhhhh... is special..
Happy 20102010 to all of you too!!
Today is Wednesday.
Can go buy 6D! LOL
Happy 20102010.
A special date. ;)
I'll put a note in my scheduler for International Panda Day. ;)
morning panda! :D happy 20102010!
err i dnt believe dat too. y bother n worry bout dat anyway? might just go on with our life! hehehehe
oh well, im kinda excited looking forward to 2020! mwahahaha
hahahaha never missed Mariah Carey aight! :D cant wait for that xmas album too!
mwahahaha UR birthday is also MY birthday! share pressie!! :p mwahahaha *jk*
hahahaha! labor week? tak boleh jadi cz i dnt think am still an employee dat time! :p
woot woot! Taylor Lautner is younger than me?! @.@
Happy 20102010
Vision 2020 had now become like 2012...overrated false predictions of the future..LOL
biut like u said...never say never
happy 20102010..
Ahem... God created the world in 4004 BC.
But I don't believe that date, LOL...
yeah, it's 20102010 today!! i remember that~~
that's why i already plan to write a post for today.. but then of course not writing about 20102010 itself lah..
very true, it only happen one time and that's it.. unlike 101010 which is every 100 years..
so let me see, for this 10 years we actually have similar dates like this..
and another two more specials dates in next two years
This sure drives home a message that time and tide waits for no man. What is lost in time can never be regained.
The world may not come to an end in 2012 but we all know that the earth is dying by way of more natural disasters and destruction of the environment which humans are contributing to it.
Do we really need that 100-storey tower? It won't be the tallest in the world afterall.
Ooh, David Duchovny turning 50? Somehow I always see him as the young man in that tv series - whose title escapes me right now which goes to show that it's quite sometime ago. LOL!
Chalize Theron seems ageless. She's beautiful.
Keanu Reeves, I like.
Sigourney Weaver, 62? Wow! Just look at her in Ghostbusters which Astro rescreened it last month, I think.
Christina Aguilera, so sad, she's getting a divorce..
Jude Law, love his accent.
Lindsay Lohan, such a waste of talent.
Justin Bieber, certainly not a fan of his hairdo..
Adam Lambert, still think he should have won that contest. Love him!
Milla Jovovich, love her in Fifth Element. Get the DVD if you haven't seen it.
Taylor Lautner, one of the richest teenage stars.
A great post, Foong. Some research.
Happy 20102010! Trust a fengshui practitioner to be more inclined to the significance of numbers.
Born on the first of the month? hmmm...
Based on the increasing reports of big-scale natural disasters around the world in recent years, the 2012 could be true. :D
I've read an investigation on natural disasters for the past century up to now, the frequency of large-scale destructive natural disasters practically increase by several folds in these 2 decades. Food for thought.
Happy 20102010! Wow you certainly keep track on a LOT of dates happening in the future! I only keep track of what's going to happen within the week! LOL!
Yeah! it is once in a lifetime right? So we have to cherish this special day. :D
Yeah! 10-10-10 was indeed a terrible day for all of us. :( 15 people were killed bro.
I wanna write about 20121012 :D
No. 2012 is not our doomsday...too soon...but then again...we have to wait and see?
Your birthday you should treat us ler. :p
Ouh...let's dance again next year during Chinese New Year. LOL :D is indeed a special day bro. You have a nice day ya. ;D
People's obsession with numbers is just astounding isn't? Come next year...there will be another round of excitement over unique dates.
Hey hey Happy 20102010!
2012 hmmm... maybe something big will happen?
Haha, I didn't even notice this. Darn, my life seems so monotonous these days, that everyday seem the same. Haha.
i just noticed the numbers when i saw your post. hahaha. anyway, advance happy birthday! will twitpic your bday pressie. hahaha. happy 20102010
i spent the past days suffering in pain...due to bad food poisoning, so 20102010 quite memorable for me also :P
Helloooo FoongPC... interesting post!
The numbers 20102010 is also my favourite! 20112011 looks funny.
I am amazed by the trouble you took to share the useful dates and movie stars' birthdays! Thanks!
I think Malaysia has wasted much money building nonsense white elephants!
So many people commented that Putrajaya is like a ghost town at night... Eeee.
I believe the world will end when we are no longer here to write blogs!
The political scene here is like a circus now with so much mud slinging and hate emails circulating! Waah, I am tired liao lo...
Mariah carey is severely photoshopped lol XD
nice date numbers hehehhe
i watched that 2012 movie
its so nice
i love it
that unique building was nice
I was completely moved by the unique design of the swirl building. It depicts an utter piece of architectural advancement there. A very interesting post especially the date map.
LOL at International panda day. how cute!
only now I realized the date...been too busy to even know everyday's date! hehehe
Wow the building looks nice, really very very unique, never seen before...
No I can't believe that 2012 is doomsday year. If something will happen i will!!!