Last year, I wrote a post on Lillian Too's Feng Shui Extravaganza 2010 and it became my Top 10 Most Popular Posts of all time!
So this year, I am going to write again on her yearly Feng Shui Extravaganza which was held at Plenary Hall, KL Convention Centre on January 9th, 2011. While last year's attendance was not that good (only three quarter of the hall filled), this year was slightly better.

However, I wasn't too happy with this year's talk. Although the Extravaganza was supposed to be held from 10am till 5pm, it actually ended earlier than 5pm. Lillian herself seemed easily tired and her presentation on the stage was cut short to a mere 4 hours! The rest of the time were spent on an overly long lunch time and frequent long breaks. Perhaps age was catching up on her - she is after all 65 years old this year.
By the way, here's a short trivia. Lillian Too said 11 is her lucky number. Her house number is 11. Even though she is a Rooster and Roosters do not have it so good this year, she may still have a great year. The reason? She is 65 years old.
6 + 5 = 11. See? That's her lucky number! Besides, her birthday is on 11.1.11 (Jan 11th, 2011). Interesting yes?
Lillian Too started off the Extravaganza calling up her old friend and feng shui mentor, Yap Cheng Hai on stage.

After that, she launched into the good news and bad news forecast for 2011. Her marketing tactic is pretty simple. She would scare you with the bad news forecast and then proceed to offer you solutions and cures by placing the right objects at the correct location.
It might be a tad commercialized but highly effective at that, judging by the huge crowds of people queuing up outside the hall to buy her feng shui products! Of course, the products were all sold at discounted prices on that day and it would be silly not to buy them if you have already decided to buy.
Anyway, here's a short summary of what to expect in 2011.

According to the Ruling Stars of the 24 Mountain Directions in 2011, the East will be afflicted with the Five Yellow and since the rabbit is located in the East this year, and this is the Year of the Rabbit, it means 2011 will not be good year.
You may click the above picture for clearer and bigger image.
The Rooster which is located opposite the Rabbit is sitting on the Natural Disaster Star and also facing the Tai Sui (Grand Duke Jupiter) therefore people born in the year of the Rooster will have lots of challenges this year.
Notice that the number 7 star, which is also associated with violence is located in the middle. This means there will be violence, and probably wars. Expect more earthquakes, volcano eruptions, floods and other natural disasters that had plagued the world in 2010. By the way, Lillian Too correctly predicted about the earthquakes last year so I think we better take heed of her warning this year!
According to Lillian, people born in the year of the Snake will have good luck in 2011. And since our Malaysian Prime Minister is a Snake, perhaps it is a good year to call for election!
Now let's take a look at the Flying Star Chart of 2011.

Image courtesy of
For the uninitiated, Flying Stars are nine numbers placed on a Lo Shu square. Each of the numbers represents different things and they rotate and change location with time. This is really the time aspects of feng shui, which means that feng shui is never static, and changes with the passage of time.
Remember that the effects of these stars will only start on the 4th of February 2011. That is because feng shui is based on the Chinese Solar Calendar, and not the Lunar Calendar.
According to the Lunar Calendar, the first day of the new year which is celebrated as the Chinese New Year is on February 3rd 2011. But in the Solar Calandar, February 4th marks the starting of spring called Li Chun.
OK back to the chart. Notice the number 2 is at the South? This number 2 is known as the illness star and this year, it will affect mainly the heart and the eyes. Senior citizens and pregnant ladies who have their bedrooms located on the South sector of their houses must move to another bedroom to prevent sickness.
Quarrelsome star number 3 moves to the North this year. Spouses staying in a bedroom in the North sector of their house will end up quarreling all the time.
The dreaded 5 Yellow is at the East sector. This poses a grave danger especially to the eldest son of the family. It is best not to stay in a bedroom in this sector, and it is very important that you do not renovate this area of the house.
The violent and burglary star number 7 resides in the centre which means there will be higher chances of getting robbed.
So far, I have mentioned all the bad stars and numbers. Lillian Too of course, offered cures to these problem areas. If you are interested to know what objects to place at these affected areas, do check out her remedies HERE.
Now let's focus on the good numbers!
Number 8, also known as the Wealth star flies into the NorthWest this year. Make sure you spend more time in the NorthWest sector of your home to activate the good energy here and to increase your wealth! You can also activate the good stars with water features placed at the NorthWest sector of your home.
The Multiplying Star number 9 is located at the West and this brings good fortune to everyone staying in the West sector. Activating this star will bring long term prosperity! However, the West is also plagued by the Three Killings, so Lillian Too advised those staying in the West sector to place the 3 celestial guardians. Want to know what are the 3 celestial guardians? Check it out HERE.
Divine Star number 6 flies into the SouthEast this year. If you have door or windows at this sector, do open them often for divine luck! Installing bright lights and making lots of noises in the SouthEast will bring windfall and good gambling luck!
Also, since Malaysia is located in the SouthEast region, Lillian Too said that Malaysia will experience good fortune for the next few years! This is good news indeed!
Lucky White Star number 1 brings good fortune to the NorthEast sector. For people born in the year of Ox and Tiger, activating this sector will bring about lots of opportunities in career and business! In addition, homes with main door facing NorthEast are excellent in the year 2011.
Finally we have the Romance Star number 4 which flies into the SouthWest. You may want to activate the romance energy in the SouthWest sector of your house if you are looking for a partner! By the way, Lillian Too mentioned that the year 2011 is a good year to get married especially if you are born in the year of the Monkey and Sheep. And especially for the Monkeys, do nothing but study and get married this year!
There are many ways to activate the good stars. Simply spending lots of time at the good sectors will naturally activate the stars. Or you might be interested in Lillian Too's activating tools HERE.
Now we all know that feng shui masters are not fortune tellers. They can predict the outcome of the year simply by analyzing the Flying Star Chart and also the Bazi Chart. You can too if you know how!
So let's take a look at Lillian Too's analysis of the 2011 Bazi Chart, shall we?
This is the Bazi Chart for 2011.

Image courtesy of BaziBuzz
For the uninitiated, a Bazi Chart is made up of 4 pillars (from left to right : Hour, Day, Month, Year) which contain 8 characters. The top row is known as Heavenly Stems, and the second row is Earthly Branches. Below these two rows are what we called Hidden Stems.
In Chinese metaphysics, the world is made up of five elements namely, Earth, Metal, Water, Wood and Fire. You must understand the relationships between all the five elements before you can truly read the Bazi Chart. For Cycle Of Elements 101, please read HERE.
Looking at the 2011 Bazi Chart above, you can see that all the 4 pillars are clashing! In the first (hour) pillar, water destroys fire. In the other three pillars, metal destroys wood! These are all direct clashes and have to be a record of some kind! This indicates quarrels and hostilities will dominate the year. Not good at all!
Besides, there are presence of 2 tigers in the chart, indicating a year of violence and fierce conflicts! I really hope the situation in North and South Korea will not escalate into an actual war this year but the Chart does not look good on this one. Whatever it is, to be safe, I am not visiting Korea this year!
The dominance of Metal and Wood elements in the chart indicates strong competition, disharmony and more international conflicts. The Bazi chart was clashing too last year (read my last year's post) but it was even more so this year! As such, it can be safely concluded that whatever problems plaguing the world last year will continue this year with even more intensity.
The presence of three Metals in the chart indicates competitive pressures, but the strength of the Metals cannot be sustained because of the lack of Earth. This means competitive pressures cannot be sustained and it is best to think out of the box instead of the fighting the competition!
Notice the yin metal clashing with the yin wood in the year pillar? This suggests an increase in accidents especially those involving the neck and spine. Also the presence of metal elements suggest an increase in accidents involving metals. Does this mean an increase in car, train and plane crash? Surely not a good year to travel unnecessarily!
Yin metal signifies small weapons such as guns. Combine this with the violence star no 7 in the centre of the Flying Star chart, this may suggest assassination and terrorism. High profile personalities may be in danger this year and they better have some amulets or protection at hand.
Hidden Fire in the Tiger pillars suggest high incidence of fire related disasters, most likely forest fires and also serious volcano eruptions.
The lack of water element (just like last year) again indicates that water is vital this year. Therefore water element industries will be good this year. Those in banking, shipping, transportation, hotels, alcohol and fishing can take calculated risks in 2011.
Fire element industries look bright this year. There will be plenty of opportunities and wealth for those in restaurant, entertainment, oil and lighting businesses.
By the way, the stock market will be good this year. Equity market is active and rising. Buying opportunities abound. According to Lillian Too, the summer months of June and July are the best months for the stock market. It will slow down around the month of August and you must get out of the market before October!
The presence of 3 direct wood elements and 3 hidden wood elements suggest that there are plenty of wealth luck in 2011. Serious wealth will be created but the bad news is distribution will be uneven. This means the rich will get richer and the poor gets poorer.
Lillian Too advised that we must make sure we don't get caught on a downward spiral or it would be difficult to get back up. Take charge and make sure we stay positive throughout the year to overcome all the challenges ahead.
Earth element industries look good this year. It is especially an excellent year for real estate, so it is actually good to invest in real estates.
Both metal and wood industries are not encouraging and may need to diversify in order to survive.
Metal destroying Wood in the Bazi Chart also indicates problems on the health front especially related to the liver, neck and respiratory system.
Besides that, Lillian Too also mentioned that 2011 will be a year of sex-related scandals. So expect lots of celebrity affairs to hog the news this year! Since this is the year of the Peach Blossom, married couples will be under strain due to a third party, but singles and newlyweds will be in for a good time!
In the career department, lots of politics and backstabbing will occur in the workplace but it's not a good year to change jobs.
By the way, if you must know, the lucky colour for 2011 according to Lillian Too is mustard yellow! Yes, for the ladies, maybe you want to go out dressed in yellow, with yellow shoes and yellow handbags to match. Haha!!
Here are some interesting advice given by Lillian during the talk. She said in order to activate the good stars, make lots of noise in that area which contains the stars. One way is to play Lady Gaga's music! LOL!
She also touches on mind programming. She said that saving money for a rainy day is bad programming. She called it "poverty programming". You will never be wealthy saving money!
To attract more money into your life, she recommends that we practise "prosperity programming". How does this prosperity programming work? Well, you need to buy and spend more than what you need! In other words, don't be too stingy trying to save your money. Spend it! The action of spending your money will create a flow that attracts more money to come to you!
She does have her point you know, but I could not help thinking she was saying this so we would buy more of her products! Haha!!
Before the talk ended, Lillian Too introduced us to a new dimension in feng shui that I was not aware of before. It was just a short introduction to this subject which she would elaborate more in next year's Feng Shui Extravaganza. Something to make us return next year perhaps? Hmmm....
Anyway, she told us there is actually 3 dimensions to feng shui.
The first is the space dimension. This comprises the art of living in harmony with natural landforms and make full use of compass directions to enhance the good energy and lessen the effects of bad energy.
The second is the time dimension. This involves Flying Star feng shui where time is taken into account as feng shui changes with time. A place with good feng shui will not forever has good feng shui because energy moves in cycles.
The third which is new to me, is spiritual dimension. This involves the self and energies generated by mankind. It has to do with the mind and meditation. Lillian Too mentioned that while writing for her new book on spiritual feng shui, she was being disturbed by unknown forces from the spiritual world. Now this is interesting!
To benefit from the total feng shui, you need to use the collective power of all 3 dimensions!
So would I be back for next year's Feng Shui Extravaganza to learn more? Very likely! : )
On a side note, this year, Lillian Too gave special amulets to everyone who attended the Extravaganza! It appears that the amulets were handmade and were consecrated by a very high lama. They were made according to each of the animal signs. These rare amulets are not available for sale anywhere in the world and I am glad I received my free powerful amulet! All thanks to Lillian Too!
Coming up next : Feng Shui 2011 According To Joey Yap
Hello~! Very thorough and nice explanations. Good read ^^ good luck with blogging too!
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ooh i love lilian too show! :D okie lemme read this. :D
waaa! eric same birthday with her! :D
hahaha!! 2011 is a year of sex-related scandals?! err okiee... sure more n more celebrities scandals thsi year then!
yeaa this year really not a good year to change jobs! :( i read this in the book tht my dad bought the other day. :)
alright! the poverty n prosperity programming sounds so interesting! lol spend more money is it? :p
whoaa so nice! got amulet from her summore! :D
hola Panda!
sex-related scandal? LOL!
wah very the chim..
All i know is Rooster will have a very challenging year ah? that's me lah.. alamak!
this one took me almost 20 minutes realizing things written here..LOL!
awesome!!! thankie for sharing this one foong! ill let mum read this..she's a feng shui addict..but we're not chinese ah!hehe!
Aiyoh, all this Feng shui talk making me dizzy.
Foong, you should organise a session for us noobs to learn from you! And FOC, of course. ;D
can come and meet you and rub rub your amulet for good luck ah? XD
eh...and here i was expecting to talk about the 12 zodiacs... =____=
if this year would be a sex-scandal year...the newspaper gonna be damn rich...grrr
spend more money to buy her products? err...okiee...LOL ghead spinning already when reaching the 3 dimension part...LOL
Foong, i notice u r very into feng shui.. seen several posts last time too... as for me, i dont want to think of that.. scary if something bad is predicted.. i leave my life to you-know-who! :)
Wokay gotta slow slow come to get em digested..
Have to admit I salute you for being so meticulous. How you do it speed writing or having a photographic memory? Understand you are not suppose to do recording.
Oh Lillian's lucky number is 11, she is having a One-derful birthday this year. tQ for sharing.
Oh this Rabbit year will be seeing lots of *monks and nuns* clad in yellow on the streets..lolz
this information is so thorough.. haha.. but i always read the chinese zodiac for fun :)
Yeah...your top 10 posts have a lot to do with feng shui o. :p This blog should be a feng shui blog now.
This year the attendance is only slightly better? How come it cannot be filled fully? I think the feng shui in that place is not good. :p
Perhaps it was because she didn't put on her feng shui amulet? :p
Well...she is certainly old already. :
Wow...her birth date is really interesting. A lot of "one". :p So his year 20-11.....must be a very good "one" for her. :) she has a mentor. I thought she learnt it on her own?
By scaring us, she is making a lot of money....but she didn't know that this might backfire. :D
OMG! More natural disasters? I hope this is not true...please...
Haha :D Perhaps Najib will heed your advice? :p
A very long post indeed. :p Anyway I hope I can get all the amulets that I need. LOL :D
Lilian Too is 'choi tor sen chee yok' - rich but physically weak!
Very long post. Take a while to digest. Will come back later...
wow, it was indeed long! i have a hard time going through it. but for the bazi chart, i didn't see my sign, wonder if that is a good or bad sign?
What a detailed guide! U r really the feng shui guy to go to! Lol!
according to my horoscope... my year will be fair and normal sobs...
but it says that i will be able to find the right girl this year woohooo... and also... i should pay more attention to my health this year yikes!
have a great day foong and happy blogging
stock investing and trading, thanks for following my blog. Will follow yours too : )
caroline ng, are you planning to change job or planning to further your studies?
gagay, you took 20 minutes? That's pretty fast! : )
Your mom's a feng shui addict? Then I'm sure she would love to attend Lillian Too's talk! : )
ladyjava, you are a Rooster? Haha, don't worry. Challenging year for Rooster but there's nothing that Roosters cannot handle : )
baby, you are a Rooster? Oh! Your sickness has nothing to do with being a Rooster. The effects mentioned in this post only start from Feb 4th, 2011 onwards : )
lina, LOL!! I am not a feng shui expert so I doubt I can teach feng shui! Haha!
Rub my amulet for good luck? Haha!! No, doesn't work that way. You don't need to rub it, just keep it by your side at all times for protection : )
eric lee, talk about the 12 zodiacs? Oh, you can get that info from Lillian's website, No need for me to repeat all the things which you can read directly from her site! : )
reanaclaire, yes I am into feng shui but I am not obsessed with it : )
Why scare if something bad is predicted? With feng shui, you can prevent the bad things from happening : )
bananaz, haha!! No I didn't do any recording. I guess I combine speed writing, my memory and notes given by Lillian Too plus some help from the Internet to come out with all the information in this post : )
ken, glad you find the information thorough, but it's really just a tip of the iceberg here : D
Oh! You always read chinese zodiac? I never read them! Haha!!
tekkaus, LOL! No this blog cannot qualify to be a feng shui blog, since it's mostly about my travels : )
Oh, I can assure you the feng shui in the hall is good because for Joey Yap's talk, the hall was filled to the brim!
Yes, Lillian Too learnt feng shui on her own, but to be truly good, I guess you need a mentor, don't you?
You are getting the amulets? : )
khengsiong, haha, do come back later yes? : )
levian, you can't find your animal sign in the Bazi Chart? Don't worry. It does not mean it is bad, neither does it mean it is good : )
iamthewitch, thanks! But no, I am NOT the guy to go to for feng shui advice! Haha!
bluedreamer27, your year will be fair and normal? Isn't that good?
You will find the right girl this year? Good for you! But for this to happen, you gotta stop being a loner! : )
You are really into Feng Shui. Really long blog post.
"Fire element industries look bright this year. There will be plenty of opportunities and wealth for those in restaurant, entertainment, oil and lighting businesses."
I am fire element. :-) Maybe it is time for me to invest in the oil industry.
so you went to the talk show by lilian too every year??
hmmm, such a long post with so much fengshui info.. really need to digest lah as they seems quite confusing also woh..
lucky number is 11?? hmmm, then i can tell you something quite trivial.. add up the last two digit of the year you are born with your age this year, and the sum is always either 11 or 111.. :p
i not need to buy the book from lilian too anymore... just read from ur post - save money for CNY. haha
Don't you agree that since Lillian Too's birthday is 11.1, and per the Chinese calendar, she is actually not a Rooster, but a Monkey.
That's probably why she is going to have a good year.....again.
Great post, and great insights. All the best,
woah! now you are a blogger fengshui master liau . .
have a great CNY celebration
hola Panda..i have an award for you here! happy SUnday!
whoa! good info foong!
next time when i want to buy another house can you please be my advisor?
Foong, an excellent post. Thank you for sharing the details.
i missed joey yap's talk this year as I had to go to Bali. Good that you put this up. Thanks!
great post on feng shui specially that on Joey Yap, hope we all get lucky this year and thanks a lot for sharing the info.
Was browsing through the net for some useful information on Feng Shui and found your blog. Want to say really good one.
This is really helpful, its good to know that feng shui does affect most aspects in our life, how we deal with environment and how the stars can change the way we see things.
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