I am still in Hong Kong. Something happened to me an hour ago. I was not allowed to leave Hong Kong!
I am stunned and scared. Why is this happening to me? My friend decided to stay back with me here. That's nice.
I can't blog for long. I got to do do this quick. I hope I will find a way to leave Hong Kong. I don't know what will happen. This is crazy!!
OK, I just uploaded this photo.
Can you see it?
Please say you can see it! It contains vital information that I need you to pass on to a friend of mine. He never goes online so you must print it out and pass to him!
OK, just in case, here's another photo.
See it? Please pass these photos to my friend in Malaysia. I really appreciate it! Wait, here's his contact number.
Oh no!!! I lost his contact number!
No no no no!!!!
What am I going to do? OK, my last resort. I got to go before anyone discover this!! Help me!! Here's the message you must read NOW!!
Pretty lame? Haha!! OK, I will be back in Malaysia soon : )