It was my first time snorkeling. We had to rent the mask and snorkel equipment for RM20 and life jacket for RM10 per person. I definitely need the life jacket as I do not know how to swim!
Being a first timer in snorkeling, I had absolutely no idea how to use the snorkeling equipment which consists of a simple tube with a mouthpiece at one end and attached to a mask. While we gathered at the waiting area together with other tourists, I received a quick lesson from Jam on how to breathe using the snorkeling equipment. My fear was that I would end up swallowing the sea water or worse, unable to breathe!
What I learnt from Jam was just basically 'theory'. I had no chance to practise it in the water. I was not even sure if I had grasped the technique correctly when we were directed to our boat by the snorkeling instructors.
Soon we were out in the open sea. Honestly, I was quite nervous. The boat stopped at one spot and we were asked to jump into the sea. What? Are they crazy?!
Obviously not, as people were starting to jump off the boat. Some just dived into the sea while others slowly descended the steps at the edge of the boat and lowered themselves into the water. I chose the latter of course, but it didn't quite happen.
I had quickly put on the mask and made sure it was securely fixed on my face. Jam and his friend descended down the steps and I followed closely behind. Except that I ended up jumping into the water halfway. What the hell I did that for? But that's what I did!
The next thing I knew I was fully submerged inside the sea water. I struggled to keep myself afloat. Help!! I was frantically clawing in the water trying to reach out at Jam wherever he was! I knew I was wearing a life jacket and I would not drown, but my feet! Heaven forbid, but my feet could not touch anything!! Where's the ground? HELP!!!
I did not know if Jam knew I panicked or anyone saw me panicked. It was the scariest moment of my life! Those of you who know how to swim or have been been regularly snorkeling must be laughing your ass off at my story right now, but seriously, it was no laughing matter to me.
Somehow, I managed to regain my composure and told myself to relax. I was wearing a life jacket for goodness sake! It took me some time, but I finally straightened myself up in the water. I saw Jam and his friend near me and pretended nothing happened. LOL!
The next challenge was the snorkeling mask and tube. Water kept entering my mask and I kept drinking sea water. Dammit! My eyes were feeling the sting of the salty sea water. I had to adjust my mask a few times and practise breathing using the snorkeling tube while trying to sit up straight in the water.
Soon I got the hang of it. Jam told me to look down. I submerged my face into the water .... and gasped. No, it was not the beautiful corals. It was the fact that the sea bed was so far below, so deep down I almost panicked again. For the very first time, I was swimming in the open sea far away from dry land! I should really be proud of my achievement!
I followed Jam and his friend as they swam towards another spot. As I do not really know how to swim, I was obviously moving at a much slower rate than them. I had to work double hard to catch up. It was quite tiring but worth it.
We came to a spot that was more shallow and had more beautiful corals and fishes. I enjoyed looking at them. Somehow, I felt a sense of calm floating on the water with my face submerged and simply looking at the beautiful corals below. There was nothing to do except looking and enjoying the beautiful sights - it was almost therapeutic.
Jam had rented a waterproof camera earlier and he managed to take some photos. You can see some of the photos in his blog HERE.
Soon it was time to get back onto the boat. But before that, something scary happened. It appeared that while we were away snorkeling, there was another boat which came and stopped next to our boat. When we were about to get back to our boat, this other boat started to move.
Jam and I were still in the water trapped between the two boats! Oh my God, can't they see we are still in the water? The boat was moving dangerously close to us. Someone from our boat shouted at us to swim away. I panicked. I could almost feel that I was being sucked by the boat's spinning propeller. I swam with all my might and thank God, managed to climb up my boat. Phew!
Jam was already on the boat when I climbed up. I am not sure who is in the wrong, but both Jam and I were angry. We could have been seriously injured or killed! From that moment on, I knew I had to stay clear of boats whenever I snorkel. You just have to take care of yourself and stay safe because no one else will value your life more than you yourself.
Sitting in the boat heading back to Redang Pelangi Resort, I felt a little nauseous. Jam even thought I was looking a little unhappy. I had to tell him I was not feeling very well. Probably I panicked too many times that afternoon! And coupled with lack of sleep the night before. LOL!
But I was good. It had been an adventure - and sometimes these adventures are just the things needed to make my holidays that much more memorable.

Saw the above during our night strolling along the beach. You can replace "DIVING" with "SNORKELING" if you like. Haha!
Coming up in Part 3 : Searching For Blue Sand At Redang Island