The Showcase Garden from Jabatan Pertanian Malaysia.

Flower pots piled up high!

A water fountain

A sea of orchids!

More photos ....

Next, Showcase Garden from FRIM

It was like walking in the jungle instead of a garden. Along the way, I saw some lovely orchids!

Do you know what plant is this?

Saw pitcher plants too!

A close-up shot of the pitcher plants.

Opposite FRIM is the Showcase Garden from Majlis Perbandaran Pulau Pinang.

Can you see the dragon?

A closer shot of the colorful dragon. So it's a dragon boat with oars?

More photos ....

Another shot of the dragon boat : )

So which Showcase Garden you like best? Go back to Part 1 to compare all of them!
After visiting all the Showcase Gardens, I walked back to the main entrance where all the lanterns and the 'Longest Landscaped Vertical Wall' were (refer to Part 1) and turned right towards the Indoor Floral Pavilion.
But first, there were more things to see ...

Plants shaped into a bird with a beak.

Orchids galore!

A sea of flowers!

Then I came across Taman Innovasi (or Innovative Garden) which showcases innovative and creative designs by Perbadanan Putrajaya.

However, I must have missed some of the innovations because I did not take many pictures of them. Probably got side-tracked by the flowers! LOL!

OK, this is quite creative I guess?

What's the elephant doing there?

And a butterfly too. It actually flapped its wings!

Now I must say this one is creative - A waterfall using used PET bottles!

A 2-layer steel structure were used to hold the bottles. Nice.

The day was hot and I was sweating after walking outdoors for almost 2 hours. So I was really looking forward to enter the Indoor air-conditioned Floral Pavilion, which I shall blog about next.
Stay tuned! : )