This year, I attended Joey Yap's 2014 Feng Shui & Astrology Seminar at KL Convention Center on the 12th of January.

Every year for the past few years, Joey Yap had been conducting the annual seminar in English as well as in Cantonese. Last year I attended the Cantonese version, so this year I decided to switch back to the English version, which was held one day after the Cantonese seminar.
I actually prefer the Cantonese seminar as it's more fun, but copying down notes is a huge challenge as I can't write in Mandarin!

The Plenary Hall where the seminar was held was almost full when I entered. The seminar was scheduled to start at 10am, but I heard that some people were already there as early as 7am to get the best seats! Too bad I ended up sitting very high up, and very far from the stage. I later learned that the turnout this year broke the record as the largest ever.
In fact, the Plenary Hall exceeded its maximum capacity and some participants had to be seated in a separate hall to watch a live feed of the event! Looks like Joey Yap's popularity is going from strength to strength!

For the very first time, Joey Yap introduced a branch of Chinese metaphysics called Qi Men Dun Jia. It's a totally new subject to me but I think it's very fascinating! Will go into more details about Qi Men Dun Jia in Part 2.

Without further ado, let's go straight to what Joey Yap had to say about 2014, the year of the Wood Horse. As is the case every year, anyone attending his annual Feng Shui & Astrology Seminar is required to bring along his or her Personal Bazi Chart.
Not sure what is a Bazi Chart? Read HERE for a short introduction to Bazi.
You can download and print your Personal Bazi Chart HERE. All you need to do is register first if it's your first time, and then enter your birth date and time.
Now let's take a look at the Bazi Chart for the year 2014.

Bazi Chart 2014 taken from seminar's booklet
From the Chart, you can see that there is an excess of Fire element while the Water element is missing. Fire is therefore the most prosperous element in 2014. As such, it is safe to conclude that Fire industries will do well this year. Fire industries include restaurants, airlines, petrol, technology, computers, electric and electronics.
Now take a look at your own Personal Bazi Chart. If you have Fire elements in your chart, then generally you will have a good year.
If you do not have Fire in your chart, look for the second most dominant element for 2014, which is Wood.
No Wood in your Personal Bazi Chart? Then, look for the third element, which is Metal. If you have all three elements (Fire, Wood and Metal) in your Bazi Chart, then this year will be a very good year for you!
This year, Metal represents cashflow, so if you have no Metal in your Personal Bazi Chart, then you may experience cashflow problems in 2014.
Wood represents profit, so if you are in business and you have Wood in your Personal Bazi Chart, then it's a profitable year for you. If Wood is missing but Metal is present in your Chart, cash will still come to you but may not come from your profits.
Fire represents sales, so if you have Fire in your Bazi Chart, then you will do pretty well at selling yourself this year.
What if you are unfortunate enough to have no Fire, Wood or even Metal in your Bazi Chart? All is not lost however. You can rectify it simply by befriending people who have Fire, Wood and Metal elements in their Bazi Charts! It's somewhat akin to borrowing their elements. And yes, that means start getting to know people around you and checking out their Bazi charts! LOL!
Now most people will expect that since Fire is in excess this year, there will be lots of fire-related occurrences like volcano eruptions, infernos and explosions. However, although that may be true, Joey said that since a strong Fire will melt ice, we may end up with excess water and experience water related problems like flooding as well.
Water in general represents intelligence and wisdom. Since the Water element is missing from the 2014 Bazi Chart, wisdom is therefore missing. Expect people to do more stupid things. Also this being the Wood Horse Year, and the Wood Horse represents battle, expect more fightings and war to happen.
The Bazi Chart has four pillars which is made up of the Year, Month, Day and Hour pillars. The Year and Month pillars represent external influences while the Day and Hour pillars represent internal influences. If you have Fire, Wood or Metal in your Year and Month pillars, then majority of your luck comes from external influences ie. social circle, industry and job. However, if they appear in your Day and Hour pillars, then your luck comes from internal influences ie. family, relationship and home.

Image courtesy of Joey Yap Store
During the seminar, Joey Yap also touched a little on Face Reading. I could not remember everything that he said but here are some of them. Regarding the eyes, if someone has clear eyes, he's currently enjoying good fortune. If his eyes is gloomy, then he is having some problems. If the eyes look glossy like marble, then he's the third party in a relationship!
On the eye brows, Joey Yap said that if a person has no eye brow, then he or she will not have a profitable year. By the way, fake eye brow or tattoos do not count. The eye brow also represents partnership. If someone does not have balanced eye brows, it's better not to partner him or her.
As for the ears, they should be same height as the eyes. If the ears appear higher than the eyes, the person is considered smart. But if his ears are lower than the eyes, he's having cash-flow problems.

Image courtesy of
Joey Yap also explained a little about the concept of Smart Money and Dumb Money. For the uninitiated, Dumb Money is money you earn without having a clue as to how you earn it. Smart Money on the other hand is money you make when you know exactly what you did to earn it.
The Bazi Chart is made up of two horizontal rows. The upper row is knows as Heavenly Stems and the bottom row is known as Earthy Branches. (refer to Bazi Chart above). Now look at your own Personal Bazi Chart. If you have Fire, Wood and Metal on your Heavenly Stems (upper row), then you have Dumb Money this year. But if you have those three elements on your Earthly Branches (lower row), then you have Smart Money.
However, if you only have those three elements in your Hidden Stems (the third row right below Earthly Branches), it means you will still make money but you need to put in much more effort.

Joey demonstrating how to use a compass to locate the sectors
Joey Yap also mentioned about three astrological animals that represents wealth. They are Dog, Rooster and Ox. If you have these three animals in your Personal Bazi Chart, then you will enjoy good wealth in 2014.
However, it matters where they are located in your Bazi Chart. If any of the three animals appears in your Year Pillar, then it's your friend who will get rich, not you. If they appear on your Month Pillar, your career or business will do well. The Dog and Ox are especially good for career, but if you want to be an investor (and not just a business owner or entrepreneur), you will need the Rooster.
If you do not have any of these animals in your Chart or if you have only one or two of them, do not worry. You just need to befriend people who have those animals in their charts!
Besides the Bazi Chart, Joey also made use of the Flying Star Chart to determine the good and bad sectors of 2014.
North is afflicted with the Three Killings, with North 2 being afflicted with the Year Breaker as well, so absolutely no renovation in this sector. However, North is a Wealth sector this year and as such, using this sector will enhance your income and make your business grow.
Although North is a Wealth sector, it is secondary compared to the South, which is the major Wealth sector in 2014. If your house's main door is located in the South, you will enjoy good financial returns and recognition in your career. You can activate this sector by placing yang-natured items like fans, clocks and television here.

Image taken from seminar's booklet
The dreaded Five Yellow flies into the North West this year. As such, the North West is the most dangerous sector in your homes or office - you need to avoid it if possible. Noise and renovation will trigger the Five Yellow, so keep this place quiet. If for some reason, you can't avoid the sector, you can neutralize some of the negative effects by placing items made of brass, iron or copper here.
The East is afflicted with Illness Star. Avoid this sector if possible and also no renovation here. However, if you are not able to avoid this sector, it is advisable to place items make of brass, copper or bronze to minimize the effects.
The North East is afflicted with the Robbery Star this year. Renovation will trigger it, so be very careful. However, this sector is good for education and study.
The West sector is a good sector this year. Activating it will give you the ability to make decisions and to get things done. It will also enhance your network capability and influence at work.
The South West is a Noblemen sector. Activating it will attract noble people into your life. This sector is especially good for those who are highly ambitious and wish to build an empire.

Image taken from seminar's booklet
The Centre where the Star number 4 resides this year is good for academic pursuits. Education will be a priority in the year 2014. But the Centre also has the Hexagram of Poison - this means there will be some form of contamination or poisoning similar to a SARS epidemic.
Knowing which sectors in your house is good or bad is all well and good, but what happens if you or someone else accidentally trigger the bad sectors? Luckily, Joey Yap offered a solution in the form of the 4 major Auspicious Stars.
The 4 major Auspicious Stars are the Moon (West 2), Sun (South West 1), Fortune Virtue (East 2) and Dragon Virtue (North East 1).

Image taken from seminar's booklet
Activating these four stars will provide some form of immunity from accidentally triggering the bad sectors. You can activate the stars by doing some simple refurbishment at the sectors where they reside, or you can simply move furnitures around or even nail a wall and hang a picture. Alternatively, you can place a water feature at these locations for about 2 weeks to a month.
Joey Yap did not provide the date and time to activate these stars, so I guess we can probably activate them anytime before 4th of February 2014 when the energy officially changes.
To be continued ….