You may want to check out the 5 bridges I have blogged about so far ....
Part 1 : Seri Wawasan Bridge
Part 2 : Seri Gemilang Bridge
Part 3 : Pedestrian Bridge
Part 4 : Seri Saujana Bridge
Part 5 : Putrajaya Monorail Suspension Bridge
In this Part 6, I am going to share about the Seri Bakti Bridge.

This bridge connects the Government offices in Precinct 1 to the residential neighbourhood which includes the Deputy Prime Minister's Residence in Precinct 16.

Standing on the bridge, I could see the beautiful scenery of Putrajaya Lake with the pink-domed Putra Mosque in the distance.

The Seri Bakti Bridge comprises a dual two-lane carriageways, 2m-wide median, and 2.5m-wide walkway and cycle track.

Minimalist in design, it has elements of Islamic architecture with a minaret-style pavilion at each pier. Even the lamp posts and railings fit in nicely with the overall design.

Although this bridge is not as grand and spectacular as other major bridges in Putrajaya, I kind of like it! The pavilions with green roofs serve as observational decks overlooking the beautiful Putrajaya Lake. Flowers are planted inside the pavilion to add some greeneries to the concrete structure.

Not satisfied with just walking on the bridge, I walked down the steps to the area below the bridge and took this photo.

I thought it looks pretty charming from down here. What do you think?
And this concludes my Bridges Of Putrajaya series. Which one of the bridges do you like best? Perhaps I will visit the remaining bridges in the future, so you might just be looking at a Part 7 or Part 8! Who knows? :)