Every year, without fail, shopping malls and hotels in the Klang Valley would put up Christmas decorations a few weeks before Christmas day. This year, I spotted a few really good ones so I guess I will start with the cream of the crop - Pavilion KL.

There is a huge Santa Claus at Pavilion this year. But strangely, this is not the usual fat Santa we are accustomed to. No, this Santa is slim and looks more like Merlin the magician! LOL!

There are still some recycled items from past years but that's to be expected.

Look at the tall Santa in the middle!

View from the back of Santa.

OK, this one looks more like the Santa we are used to. Haha!

There are many elves at Pavilion this year. And the interesting thing is, they move! Yes, they are not just standing there all static and unmoving.

Like this elf in the box - he (or is it she?) keeps lifting up the lid and then closing it again.

The theme for Pavilion this year is Christmas Magnificence. Lovely!

The view of the tall Santa from below.

Would you like to sit on that beautiful majestic chair? LOL!

Cute snowmen playing musical instruments.

I can't remember if they move and dance though.

Beautiful white glistening reindeer.

Nice reindeer - I wanna take it home!

More elves!

Is that a polar bear?

A huge red ribbon at the top of the stairs leading down to the main concourse.

View of the tall Santa and the surrounding decorations from the stairs.

At the front entrance of Pavilion, there are more elves!

Like this one, but someone told me she is a little scary, like Annabelle. Hahaha! OK, I can imagine her moving around inside the mall when it's closed for the night. Creepy.

This is very cute! Elves dancing in a merry go round platform.

I made a short recording of the elves moving in a merry go round and placed it on Instagram.

You can watch the recording HERE.
The outside entrance of Pavilion facing the Bukit Bintang road.

The view of the entrance from the inside.

Do you like the Christmas decorations at Pavilion KL this year?

For me, the decorations evoked a very Christmassy feeling, so I love it very, very much!
Guess what? I happened to stumble upon KL's most beautiful and creative Christmas tree this year! It's at Shangri-la Hotel KL!

One look and you will notice that this is no ordinary Christmas tree.

It is filled with toys and Christmas stuffs and that's not all. It also rotates!

A close shot of the tree.

The tree looks beautiful from a distance too.

I went up one floor above to take another shot of the Christmas tree.

Tin soldiers on top of the tree.

I recorded the platforms on the tree rotating and put it up on Instagram. Watch it HERE. By the way, do join me on Instagram too, if you like.

I really love this creative and beautiful rotating Christmas tree at Shangri-la KL! How I wish I can have it in my house!
If you travel to KL often, you will notice a very huge Christmas tree at the corner junction of Jalan P. Ramlee and Jalan Sultan Ismail near Menara Hap Seng.

This has got to be my favourite Christmas tree of the year.

It's too bad that the sky was quite dark and it was about to rain when I took this photo. Otherwise, the tree would certainly looked nicer.

Oddly, this tree looked much better in the daytime than during the night. So I decided to take a picture of it during the day.

Love the shimmering reflective ornaments on the tree!

The best part of this tall Christmas tree is the view of KL Tower in the background. Beautiful!

I will be sharing more Christmas decorations in the other parts of Klang Valley in Part 2, so stay tuned.
To be continued ...